High Stakes General Election 2024

There’s no avoiding it, and I won’t bother trying. So here’s my quick preview of the general election, and my reason for voting for Reform. Not because I support Reform but because I reject the rest.

Don’t worry, I still want independence, but the immediate priority is confronting Globalism. Because an ‘independent’ Wales run from the shadows, a virtue-signalling basket-case begging to join the EU, isn’t worth having.


In this election I see the political parties as passengers on the Titanic. With the doomed ship heading towards the iceberg they squabble over the arrangement of the deckchairs.

Yet when you listen to the ‘deckchair’ parties arguing you realise that, from the wider perspective, it will make hardly any difference which of them wins. Because they all ignore what’s really important – the looming ‘iceberg’.

Thankfully, there may be one party that realises where the focus should lie, and that party is Reform. Which is why I shall be voting for Reform on July 4.

I know nothing of my local candidate, I don’t need to. It doesn’t matter to me if he / she has horns, chronic flatulence, and supports Cardiff City.

That’s because party politics is dead. It is now the Globalists, their media, and their uniparty, versus the rest of us – Them against us, the people.


You can see that politics is dead when the uniparty stresses minor differences that are barely perceptible; exploiting understandings and interpretations that no longer apply.

Done to hide the fact that both major parties have signed up to The Agenda. Labour because it’s swallowed the nonsense about a ‘climate crisis’, transgenderism, and believes the New World Order offers something better for humanity; the Tories because they’ve always been relaxed about corporate greed.

You must reject this deception that relies on long gone ideological differences.

The struggle now is for the Western way of life, national sovereignty, the family, individual freedom, traditional values, biology, and simple common sense.

Confronting us we have political placemen, a bought media, a corrupted education system, assorted activists, all working to weaken the West so that a select group of wealthy, powerful, and increasingly desperate people can take control.

They’re getting desperate because they can no longer hide. Too many people know about them. Which means more people wanting to thwart their plans.

For as the recent elections in the EU told us, the ‘iceberg’ is increasingly visible to ordinary people in many countries. This explains traditional parties suffering electoral defeats, and the ‘far-right’ doing so well.

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For while the Globalists have effectively merged ‘mainstream’ parties, giving them supporters on what are still perceived as left and right, real opposition can only come from where we have always found those who believe in the values I earlier listed.

Which explains why we’re vilified by the Globalist media and other shills as ‘far-right’, or whatever.


This election could not have come at a worse time for Labour and Plaid Cymru. Let me explain why.

Since the advent of devolution in 1999, which put the party in control, Labour has taken credit for anything that went right (very little), while blaming ‘London’ / Tories for everything that went wrong (a lot). But you can only get away with this, even in Wales, for so long.

Now, after 25 years of devolution, perhaps even the stupidest among us realise that the NHS is devolved, so is education. Similarly with the cancellation of desperately-needed infrastructure projects, including improvements to the M4.

With no hope of the kakistocracy pinning the 20mph disaster on anybody else.

While in the pipeline is road charging, emission charges, an intensification of the war on farmers, and even more draconian measures serving net zero.

These are all Globalist policies being pushed harder in Wales because with no successes to claim in areas that matter, the ‘Welsh Government’ thinks that leading the world in ‘saving’ a planet in no danger is the only way they’re going to get a pat on the head from anybody.

In fact, we’re entering a phase of blatant deception where we’re told to forget crass and selfish material considerations like food on the table, clothes for the kids, and dignity for your elderly parents; we should focus instead on the joys derived from greater diversity, increased toad populations, and just being nice.

This is what ‘Well-being‘ is really about. Making you accept declining standards across the board in favour of airy-fairy concepts that mean fuck all. And you’re being preached at by people who will go without nothing.

In the reality from which those clowns have long drifted it means Wales going down the tubes faster than anywhere else.

As if 25 years of failure wasn’t enough to damage their chances, Labour in Wales also has to worry about Vaughan Gething, their new leader. To begin with, he’s embroiled in a donations scandal; then two of his Senedd Members stayed away and caused him to lose a vote of no confidence, yet he refuses to stand down.

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I think that on July 4 Labour in Wales will be judged on their record in Wales to a greater extent than at any election in the past. This can not be good for them.

When we turn to Plaid Cymru, Labour’s erstwhile partners in Corruption Bay, we see another party for whom the timing of this general election has not been kind.

Plaid recently disengaged itself from Labour with the 2026 Senedd elections in mind. Done to give them enough time to go in for some gentle sparring that might persuade mug punters they are now in opposition.

Then came the announcement of the general election.

Which means that in most people’s minds Plaid is still Labour’s little helper, and only slightly less culpable for the horrors of recent years.

Looking at the bigger picture, it’s difficult to see Plaid now as anything more than a ship that long ago slipped its moorings; since when it’s been drifting aimlessly, at the mercy of wind and tide.

Plaid Cymru no longer believes in Wales and what makes Wales Welsh. It has swapped it all for an artisanal tote bag stuffed with green-woke-left lunacies. And people can see it.

In my area, UK elections saw farmers’ fields filled with Plaid Cymru placards. But not this time round. But never mind, Wil is being replaced with Sarah and others of her ilk who see Plaid as an acceptable left wing party.

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Looking at LSR in that picture it’s as if Leanne Wood never went away. Then again, maybe performative ‘socialism’ appeals to you; but it’s always left me cold.

There was a time when the media used to gleefully report ‘extremists’ in Plaid Cymru, I knew some of them. (I was one of them!) Their ‘crime’ was being over-zealous in their patriotism. Plaid now attracts real extremists who don’t give a toss about Wales.


So, yes, I suppose me voting Reform could be seen as a protest vote, but it goes way beyond a traditional protest vote. Because the West is at a crossroads, and we know where we’re heading unless we change course – because they’ve told us!

Into a cold, dark future, with few jobs; our movements restricted and our behaviour and speech monitored. It’s already out there with hate speech laws. And with the EU implementing online censorship.

Let me explain how ‘hate speech’ works. It begins with politicians allowing themselves to be led by groups pushing idiocies like women having penises and men being able to give birth.

Everybody knows these suggestions are biological nonsense. But the left promotes them because it’s a way of kicking back at ‘bourgeois values’, ‘the patriarchy’, even (somehow!) ‘white supremacy’.

Liberals go along with it wanting to be ‘progressive’.

And so laws are passed stating biological absurdities. These laws, of themselves, could be dismissed as a bit of harmless fun. But it never ends there. For this legislation empowers freaks, perverts, sexual predators . . . and of course, political activists.

And gives governments the power to silence any criticism.

Which was always the intention.

Your little daughter comes home traumatised because some bloke flashed his penis at her in the swimming pool changing room. You go to the police, complain – and are told, ‘But that’s a female penis, and you’re under arrest for hate speech.’

We have now arrived at a point where stating the truth has become a crime. This is the totalitarians’ nirvana. The shades of Hitler and Stalin are comparing erections!

And censorship doesn’t come alone. It is accompanied by wrecking economies in pursuit of net zero. Arguing that white people are evil, and making them pay for it. And of course, the illegal immigration of unvetted, mainly young males who have no intention of working or integrating.

For to achieve the objective of destabilising the West the Globalists have recruited environmentalists, Islamists, sexual deviants and God knows what else. And of course, the quisling left, seeking to succeed from within where the Soviet Union failed from without.

Nor must we forget Rupert and Clarissa of the dilettante left; who’ll throw paint, stop traffic, and topple statues to prove how frightfully poor and oppressed they are. Yah.

Goes down well with other spoilt brats at Glasto.

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Either we troop silently into this dystopian future, or we say no. And at the moment the best way to say no is to vote for political parties the Globalists do not control. Parties like Marine le Pen’s RN (didn’t they do well!), Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom in the Netherlands, the AfD in Germany, and others across Europe.

For that’s one thing I’ve noticed in recent years – a growing appreciation of what it means to be European by people who increasingly reject the EU. There’s a powerful message there if you think about it.

Finally, let’s not forget Donald Trump. When he’s elected US President in November he must not make the mistake he made first time round by taking into his camp too many who were not really on his side.

He must be ruthless from Day One in rooting out the enemies of the USA and the West. A great start would be keeping his promise to release all the JFK assassination files. As a first step in undoing the power of the deep state that has caused so much misery in the USA and around the world.

For one of the Globalists’ greatest successes has been to manoeuvre leftists and liberals, who so revered JFK, onto the same side as those who killed him.


I’m going to end with a message addressed to Labour voters in Blaengwynfi and Bonymaen, the people from whom I am sprung, and with whom I identify.

The Labour party has always taken your vote for granted, knowing you’d chop your arm off rather than vote Conservative. But times have changed; there’s no difference between them any more. They march to the same drum.

Labour and Conservatives will make you and your communities poorer, both will close Port Talbot steelworks, and both will implement the half-arsed ideas of those attending the Hay Festival rather than listen to the needs of working class people.

Are you going to carry on being the mug who votes Labour?

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2024

Lynn Global Pushes Globalist Agenda

This is a follow-up to last week’s piece about the brainwashers and silencers of Lynn Group Ltd and Lynn Global Ltd. The latter company seems to have superseded the former, for the website is now Lynn Global.

And the piece was very popular. It got a record number of hits the day it went out, with even more hits the following day. Maybe someone was trawling through my output for ‘wrongthink’. If so, I’m done for!


That earlier piece, ‘It’s Getting Sinister’, was inspired by a Freedom of Information (FoI) request, the response to which told us there had been a lot of interaction between Lynn and the self-styled ‘Welsh Government’, in the year from July 1, 2022, relating to the imposition of the 20mph speed limit.

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Clearly, Lynn was working for the ‘Welsh Government’, using ‘behavioural science’ to promote acceptance of WG’s imposition of 20mph speed limits. Behavioural science is shortened to ‘BS’, which you’ll realise is hilariously appropriate.

Naturally, learning of this connection piqued my interest, and so I did some more digging. Since then, others have helped. Including someone who keeps me updated on Bute Energy and its grandiose plans to cover Wales in wind turbines.


This source directed me to an article on a site, We Are The City, where in February you might have read, Inspirational Woman: Shayoni Lynn CEO & Founder, Lynn, a piece that, interestingly, mentions Covid.

In answer to the question, ‘Have you faced any challenges along the way?’ Shayoni Lynn responds:

I launched Lynn just weeks before the Covid pandemic took hold. . . . Behavioural science was critical to both Covid response and recovery. . . . Lynn was able to establish itself as a firm that deeply understood human behaviours and then embraced, interpreted and integrated these into creative communications to drive persuasive content and calls to action to deliver change for good.

We know that Lynn Group Ltd was Incorporated October 7, 2019, as Lynn PR Ltd (a name it kept until May 5, 2022). The first admitted case of Covid-19 was in Wuhan, China in December 2019. The first confirmed case in Wales, according to Wikipedia, was February 28, 2020.

So Shayoni Lynn formed her new company just in time for Covid. Such propinquity! The answer above seems to suggest that Lynn might even have had some involvement in fighting Covid.

Would that have been in Wales? And if so, might it help explain both the ‘Welsh Government’s reluctance to have an independent, Wales-only inquiry and also its refusal to answer the FoI about its dealings with Lynn?

Possibilities strengthened by learning that the company had a contract from January to April 2021 with Cwm Tâf Morgannwg University Health Board to help the board combat, “anti-lockdown sentiment and hesitancy“.

Nice work if you can get it for a company with no track record. But then, this contract would not have been awarded without the OK from Corruption Bay.

Sticking with the same February article, under the section, ‘What has been your biggest achievement to date?’, we read something explaining how Lynn and others in the field operate:

. . . most meaningfully, provided innovative behaviour change solutions that have measurably improved and saved lives.

Behaviour change solutions” in the sense of telling people what to think and how to behave. But most importantly, telling people who and what to believe.

And it should go without saying that dictating to people “measurably improved and saved lives“.

And if you believe that then they’ve got you by the balls!


Let’s kick off this section with a mercifully short film that’s nevertheless revealing about where Lynn stands politically. In the video below the company claims to be “empathetic“, “objective“, and “packed with integrity“. (The final phrase borrowed from Amazon?)

Clearly, the good guys.

In contrast, Trump and Putin are cast as pantomime villains, by being rather crudely associated with “misinformation“. Boo!

We read the boast that, “Our campaigns have improved vaccine uptake by 77.8%.

Given all we know now about Covid, the lies about its origin, the damage caused by lockdown – especially to children’s health and development – and the surge of deaths caused by untested vaccines, I’m amazed that video hasn’t been taken down.


What it lays out is a political position, a world view. The Globalist agenda.

The agenda of the United Nations, the World Economic Form, the European Union; assorted asset managers like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street; various multi-billionaires like old money Rothschilds and Rockefellers, joined by arrivistes like Bill Gates, George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg.

Something else that turned up after the original piece was written is an article from the Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA) website entitled ‘How Disinformation Arrived in Wales, and Where It’s Going Next‘.

Published last September, lead billing was given to Adam Belcher, deputy head of Lynn’s Misinformation Cell; with his boss, Stefan Rollnick, also credited.

A ‘Misinformation Cell’! Bloody hell! And here it is on the Lynn website.

I can’t be sure who Adam Belcher is, and for some reason he doesn’t appear in Team Lynn (has he left?), but Rollnick has a predictable background for this work. Here’s his Linkedin page. (Pdf format.) One section tells of his time at the ‘Welsh Government’.

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It may be nothing, it may be something . . . Rollnick started working for Drakeford within a month of Lynn getting the health board Covid contract. Then he went to work for Lynn.

The IWA article might strike you as unremarkable, if slightly hysterical, but read between the lines and it betrays the nature of the beast. And it’s oh so predictable.

It’s the Globalist agenda of those listed above, promoted and defended by shills or useful idiots like those at Lynn.

We are presented with the sole accepted narrative, this is the one pushed by Lynn and others, such as Big Tech, and the mainstream media, either owned or funded by Globalists. Anyone contradicting or challenging that narrative will be guilty of “misinformation” or “disinformation“.

Or smeared in other ways. Such as we see in the IWA article, where the term “far-right” is used no less than eleven times to describe those with whom Lynn’s Disinformation Cell disagrees. Eleven bloody times!

A frame of mind perfectly illustrated by this cartoon I saw on Twitter / X when I was writing this piece. The workings of serendipity, eh!

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It’s easy to ridicule brainwashed youngsters who may genuinely believe in the nonsense they spout, but those who’ve brainwashed them, and those whose agendas they promote, are not to be laughed at.

They are a threat to the democratic system, and to the liberty of the individual.

Take this segment highlighted in the IWA article. Read it and think about it.

Our major political parties have a duty to be the first line of defence, not adopting adversarial narratives for opportunism’s sake or political popularity

Adversarial narratives” competing for “political popularity” is the lifeblood of healthy democracies. It’s almost the sine qua non of a democratic society.

Lynn wants a single, unchallenged voice; in other words, totalitarianism; yet still argues that attacking and silencing those who challenge this totalitarianism is defending “democratic institutions“.

How fucked up does your head have to be to push such bollocks?

And look who these threats to “democratic institutions” are!

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Little old ladies protesting about giant wind turbines killing skylarks must be vilified and silenced because they’re opposing “large-scale green infrastructure projects“. When and how did such projects achieve sacred status?

For those who still don’t get it, let me explain . . .

The Globalists instil fear over an imaginary climate crisis in order to enforce compliance with the Globalist agenda.

Get people to believe in the ‘climate crisis’ and those behind the lies can make billions of dollars by enforcing Net Zero, and renewable energy, energy that they will of course own and control. And when they’ve forced farmers off the land they will also control the land, and the food supply, and have us eating insects and lab-made ‘meat’.

We face a future of engineered hardship and shortages designed to give more power to the Globalists, and to take away our control over own lives; whether it’s by restricting our movements with 20mph and 15-minute neighbourhoods, climate lockdowns, vaccine passports, or by removing cash so that every penny we spend is recorded, and we can be punished by a CBDC system if we step out of line.

It’s a return to feudalism, but it will be 21st century feudalism enforced by facial recognition technology and digital passports rather than private armies. (But don’t rule ’em out!) And the people at Lynn Global, together with similar companies and organisations, are the prophets and the praetorians for this New World Order.

But only if we submit, and allow it. And believe BS outfits like Lynn Global.


Of course, there will be those who’ll reject what I say about the Globalist agenda and the New World Order. Perhaps because what I’m suggesting sounds too far-fetched. And there’ll be some who don’t want to believe it for fear it might be true.

Others may seek comfort in a reassuring analogy. “Come on, Jac, it’s just persuading people – like adverts on the telly, mun“. But is it?

If my wife doesn’t like Daz she can buy Persil, or Bold, or some other detergent. If I’m looking for a bottle of wine I’m spoilt for choice even in Tywyn Coop. With Lynn and its behavioural science it’s a case of, “We have a monopoly on truth, you must therefore accept what we say.”

Which means that my wife has choice over washing powder, but left to Lynn and their ilk none of us would be allowed to hold divergent views on the major issues affecting us and the world around us.

We are living under a creeping form of totalitarianism, and like all totalitarianism, from the Inquisition to 20th century Communism, it allows no divergent views.

At the moment Wales seems badly afflicted by these Green-Woke-Left servants of the New World Order. And much of it stems from Cardiff University. Which is where Shayoni Lynn would have been found ere she donned her armour to confront the twin evils that have dominated this article.

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And yet, I find it revealing that Shayoni Lynn doesn’t actually want to confront them. The excuse given in ‘The Dangers of Debating Disinformation‘ is:

 . . . debunking misinformation requires a careful and nuanced approach in the battle against falsehoods, with hidden risks to addressing false claims directly . . .

This is the kind of approach adopted towards a child who’s caught an adult lying, or proven an adult wrong. The little smart-ass is either ignored, ordered to shut up, or banished to the naughty step.

But the bigger problem is that behavioural science – i.e. censorship – now pervades political and public life in Wales. We see it manifest its ugly self all the time. We saw it in recent posts on this blog about Extinction Rebellion and other pressure groups with far too much influence over the ‘Welsh Government’.

A term I picked up, used by Extinction Rebellion, and then adopted by the ‘Welsh Government’ itself, was “trusted messengers“. The passage below is from page 24 of ‘Climate Change – A Strategy for Public Engagement & Action (2022-2026)‘.

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I translate the opening phrase as, “We’ll only engage with people who agree with us. People who’ll tell us what we want to hear“.

It crops up a number of times in that document I linked to, and in many other ‘Welsh Government’ publications. And whaddya know – on the Lynn website Shayoni herself presents a wee opus on trusted messengers.

Wales has a government failing on all fronts and still pushing what’s becoming an increasingly discredited Globalist narrative, which means those politicos are forced to rely on the pyscho-spivs at Lynn, with their ludicrous ‘behavioural science’.

And this explains why we’re fed so much BS.

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2023

Globalists: The Fat Lady Clears Her Throat?

I make no apologies for returning this week to the threat to the West from the Globalists of the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organisation, and of course their little helpers, in business, politics, and the mainstream media.



The removal of Nicola Sturgeon, who showed such promise before falling under the influence of the female penis cult, was soon followed by the ‘resignation’ as SNP chief executive of her Poundshop Bond villain husband, Peter Murrell.

His departure revealed that the party had lost a lot of members in recent years. Either that or, in roughly the same period, someone had, for whatever reason, inflated the membership figures.

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Another mystery to emerge was that from 2013 until 2020 Murrell’s salary is not shown in the SNP accounts. And then of course, there’s the elusive £600,000, donated by members to fight the second independence referendum.

Where did it go?


Emmanuel Macron always struck me as a man of straw, a weak and vain individual who only got elected because the Gaullists and the socialists had lost their appeal, with not enough people yet ready to vote for Marine le Pen.

As I write this, Macron’s France seems to be descending into chaos.

Interestingly, the mainstream media, financed and directed by the likes of George Soros and Bill Gates, wants us to believe that the sole cause of the unrest, is Macron’s plan to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64.

But it goes way beyond anger at people working longer.

There’s the issue of immigration, and the resultant increase in crime. There’s the attacks on churches and synagogues by Islamic extremists (who will always be defended by the Left and its media). There’s the rising cost of living.

And let’s not forget the growing mountains of uncollected garbage on Paris streets.

And don’t ignore the increasing opposition to the corruption and incompetence of the EU, and resentment at NATO over its proxy war in Ukraine.

De Gaulle’s Fifth Republic has never looked shakier. God knows what the future holds; but as elsewhere, it looks less and less likely that the future belongs to production line politicos holding the same views under different party labels just carrying on carrying on.

I Love Paris In The Springtime.


Another country where the Globalist lies are being rejected is the Netherlands. There, the Dutch equivalent of Macron, Mark Rutte, took a bashing in recent provincial elections.

For the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) or Farmer-Citizen Movement, came out as the largest party in 5 of the 12 provinces.

This will give it 15 members in the Netherlands’ upper chamber, and compromise Rutte’s plans to implement WEF instructions to put thousands of farmers out of business using the pretext of dangerous nitrogen emissions.

All done in the country that is the second biggest food exporter on Earth, as another move in the WEF’s attempt to take over the global food supply.

The mainstream media couldn’t ignore the election results in the way that those same outlets had ignored months of farmers’ protests.

Even so, something had to be salvaged from this mess, and so the ever-obedient media tried to portray it all as ‘right wing populism‘.

It’s become clear to me recently that while some media outlets re-discover their nadgers, the agencies, such as Associated Press (linked to in the previous paragraph), and Reuters, remain in thrall to the WEF and the World Health Organisation.

And, as a result, they are not to be trusted.


One tends to think of Ireland as being, well, Irish. But believe me, there are forces at work determined to change that. And it’s not the ‘Brits’ this time.

For those who’ve ruled Ireland in recent decades bear out what I said in the section about France, being “production line politicos holding the same views under different party labels”. For Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are just two cheeks of the same business-friendly, EU-submissive, Globalist arse.

Almost impossible to tell apart. And why would anyone want to try!

Criticism of politicians has become more intense because a major issue in Ireland, as elsewhere, is the arrival of large numbers of unvetted migrants. There is no logical reason for Ireland to allow in tens of thousands of unskilled young men, too many of whom have no intention of seeking legitimate employment.

The growing resentment is exacerbated because Ireland is also experiencing a housing shortage and a homelessness crisis. People tend to notice when Michael and Maureen in Sligo can’t find anywhere to live but fresh-off-the-boat Mehmet and Mohammed have no such problems.

This unvetted influx has seen protests across Ireland, most from working class neighbourhoods bearing the brunt of the problem. Such as East Wall in Dublin.

These protests were inevitable, and equally inevitable were the responses; from the media, from politicians, and middle class members of NGOs and other bodies with a vested interest in both defending the government and in continued, even increased, levels of immigration.

Which revealed an even deeper divide. Shown in the two demonstrations below. One is of concerned citizens, the other of NGO shills. Guess which is which. Go on!

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After the protests started the Irish establishment and its tame media swung into action, vilifying protestors and defending official actions. Or inaction.

Those involved in the protests were predictably labelled, ‘Far Right’. Below you see the Irish ‘far right’ goose-stepping around Dublin. Just look at all those jackboots.


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To judge by the tricolours carried by the protesters, and the complete absence of Irish flags with the ‘open borders’ crew, the Left in Ireland, as elsewhere, is reverting to its traditional and unpatriotic self.

For according to Globalist gobshite and Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, Ireland has moved beyond nationalism. Which is one one way of trying to justify his own lack of commitment to the country.

And yet, when it suits, the politicians of Ireland like to portray themselves as the heirs to the men and women of 1916. In truth, they are just fronting for the latest exploiters of the Irish nation.

But while we’re on the subject . . . at what point does turning your back on ‘nationalism’ become a rejection of Irish identity altogether?

That Sinn Féin has taken the same position on ‘refugees’ does not augur well for them. For when working class Irish people openly call Sinn Féin “traitors”, then you know something is out of synch.

Also, wanting the Brits out of the Six Counties while allowing the rest of the island to be colonised might strike some as being, well, perhaps intellectually inconsistent.

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This piece from Peter Ryan in Unherd discusses the ‘refugee’ crisis, and differentiates between women and children from Ukraine – to which few Irish object – and unvetted males from Nigeria, Algeria, Albania and Georgia, to which people do object.

Stop Press: The Irish government has now brought out a National Action Plan Against Racism. This will seek to defame and discredit anyone challenging the campaign against the native Irish.


I never thought I’d be writing about Iceland, but here we are. A country with a population roughly the same as Cardiff’s is putting its foot down on ‘refugees’.

Iceland is obviously not Ireland, or Wales, and yet there are some striking parallels. Take the headline to the report just linked to.

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Reading “highly-criticised” made me think Icelanders were out in the streets shouting, “Send us more migrants!”, but no . . . for when we click on the link we bring up this report from last year.

Which says that the opposition came from the Red Cross and UNICEF, two organisations reliant on moving people about the world to ensure their continued funding and their very existence.

Why should a small country like Iceland be expected to take in ‘refugees’ that could have passed through a dozen safe countries before landing in Reykjavik?

Why should a precious yet vulnerable identity be put at risk by Globalists and their local cat’s paws?

What right does anyone have to demand to be allowed to stay in Iceland, or any other European country? “Ah, but the UN says they have the right”.

Exactly. The UN. Made up of delegates from genocidal regimes, theocracies, dictatorships, kleptocracies and assorted shitholes, who are regrettably pandered to and bribed by major powers needing their votes.

I believe we are at a point in history when we can truthfully say that the whole political establishment in the West is corrupt. And must be removed.


In my post earlier this month, Nicola Sturgeon: Her Fall In Context I had a section titled, ‘The Quisling Left and the New World Order’, and I make no apologies for returning to that theme.

Though I don’t want to sound too condemnatory, for as much as I detest Cultural Marxism or Wokeism, Comrades of an older stamp have provided me with many laughs over the years. (And not just Wolfie Smith and the Tooting Liberation Front!)

In fact, as time went on, as the Soviet Union unravelled, as we experienced slimeball ‘New Labour’, it became increasingly difficult to take the buggers seriously at all.

Because, at least, with Communism and the Soviet Union, there was something concrete, even threatening, that both the Left (including Wolfie Smith), and their opponents, like me, could focus on.

I love this clip because I knew men like this. Decent men who’d been duped. But they stood by their people, and had not rejected their country.

But now, after a few lost decades, the hard and uncompromising Left is back, insisting we accept its groupthink . . .

Among their influences we find an over-wrought Swedish schoolgirl who really should be getting help instead of being exploited by much older men. They also support anti-White racists. And demand support for ‘women with penises’.

Instead of getting dewy-eyed thinking of “All them corn fields and ballet in the evening” the Left’s loyalty now – just like the political establishment in too many countries – is to the Globalists and their New World Order, and the corporations and multi-billionaires whose interests the WEF represents.

Bill Gates has replaced Lenin. And George Soros is the avuncular inspiration.

Does the Left really understand whose arse it’s got its head up nowadays?


Having a reasonable understanding of history, I can’t help wonder if the Globalists are working to a template.

I’m thinking now of Rome; more specifically, the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Which didn’t happen in a day, with somebody opening the city gates. It was a slower process; a combination of rot from within and pressure from without.

The rot we see around us: having to accept that men can have babies; allowing the LGBTQ+ crowd to push their boundaries to include paedophilia and other perversions; and the self-hate being forced on White people for their own and their ancestors’ successes.

All designed to weaken the West from within.

Many Barbarians of course lived within the Western Roman Empire before it ‘fell’. Some Romans even identified with them. Along with other Romans, too blind to see the danger, they even urged the admittance of more Barbarians.

But the greater threat was that Romans themselves had lost their traditional strengths and virtues, their Romanitas; too many of them were now concerned with pleasure and debauchery. Living for today, not for yesterday and tomorrow.

And yet, as the Empire in the West withered, a new empire rose in the East, focused on Constantinople, that became richer than the old Empire had ever been.

Constantinople, which lasted almost a thousand years after the ‘fall’ of Rome. The city that became the centre for the Orthodox faith. That gave humanity so much, including Hagia Sophia, built in the 530s, centuries before Europe – let alone any other part of the world – could attempt anything comparable.

Hagia Sophia. Click to open enlarged in separate tab

Constantinople, or Byzantium, finally fell to the Turks in 1453. The great church of Hagia Sophia is now a mosque.

The fall of Constantinople, resulting in Turkish control of the eastern Mediterranean, closed trade routes to the East, and this in turn prompted the age of exploration that gave us the great empires, the spread of Christianity and European languages.

And of course, the ‘discovery’ of the New World. America.

So maybe the Left should blame the Turks for European colonialism.


In addition to the examples given of countries waking up to the Globalist threat to their very existence, the good news keeps coming in other fields, not least the unravelling of the Covid lie.

It is now clear that Covid was engineered with US help in a Chinese lab so that certain corporations could make obscene amounts of money and supranational bodies, plus politicians at national and sub-national level, could play out their wildest dictatorship fantasies.

With the untested vaccines doing more damage than Covid itself.

And now the oldest of the “Scare them into obedience” scams is losing its ability to frighten anybody. I say that, because the IPCC’s “This time we’re serious” report a few days ago was met with widespread derision.

Hardly surprising, given all the ‘last warnings’ we’ve had over the past 50 years. You can only cry “Wolf!” so often before people ignore you.

It’s getting really laughable. Click to open enlarged in separate tab

While the Globalist threat to the West remains, more people are now awake to it. The politicians in the pockets of the WEF, the WHO, and the mega corporations, are being challenged. The insane policies and ‘progressive’ initiatives that never had public support are being rejected.

The will of the people will prevail.

The curtain may not be coming down on Globalism just yet, but somewhere, backstage, the Fat Lady can be heard clearing her throat.

♦ end ♦


© Royston Jones 2023