In a sense, this is a follow-up to last week’s offering, Budget Boost For Rewilders And Globalists. This week, I’m looking at an example of ‘rewilding’ which, on closer inspection, turns out to be a tourism business – receiving funding for posing as a rewilding project.
I’ll fit this into a more general evaluation of ‘rewilding’, and what it really means.
Incidentally, last week’s piece about Tir Natur’s project got a response from ‘Welsh Government’-funded Nation.Cymru and Stephen Price, its Senior Reporter.
Price has a background “working in the third and charity sectors“, and a “voluntary role as a Keep Wales Tidy Litter Champion“. Which gives us another link between that charity and Tir Natur.
This week, we’re mid-way between Abergavenny and Monmouth, the region I’ve dubbed ‘Abergavennyshire’ due to an influx of ‘progressives’ from the hell-holes of ‘Metro-Land’ and elsewhere.
(It should go without saying that Stephen Price lives in Abergavennyshire.)
Despite its distance from Corruption Bay, our politicians care more for these recent arrivals than for Welsh people. Certainly, that’s my conclusion when I consider the funding and other patronage bestowed on Abergavennyshire.
Perhaps a reward for this ingress strengthening Labour’s position as the largest party on Monmouthshire county council.
It’s here we find the Abergavenny Food Festival, Coleg Soros, Brecon Jazz Festival, Hay Festival, the many bodies arguing farmers are killing the Wye and the Usk. And of course – Gilestone farm, and the Green Man Festival. Etc., etc.

Our destination today is not easy to reach. There’s no A road in the vicinity. Instead, it’s the B4233, then a track off that road, and after you’ve gone up a-ways, it’s another track to the destination.
This off-road excursion brings us to the The Grange Project. Run by Tom Constable and his wife Chloe, who bought the farm in April last year for £1.875m, without need of a loan or a mortgage.
But as the entry on Rewilding Britain tells us, there’s a lot more going on:
The vision for the site includes developing new nature-based tourism, including log cabins, alongside education and wellbeing programmes hosted in a beautiful converted barn on site. Chloe intends to use her background in clinical psychology to run courses focusing on the systemic resilience required to address the climate and biodiversity crises, while Tom will use his background in business to support ecopreneurs as they set-up and thrive on site.
Those who’ve been brainwashed, worked into a frenzy over a non-existent ‘climate crisis’, will be able to come to The Grange for treatment. At a cost, of course.
The Grange Project also does podcasts – in fact, Tom Constable is a professional – and here we find another link with last week’s piece.
You may remember Dan Ward, one of those involved with Tir Natur, was also working with North Star Transition. North Star was created by Jyoti Banerjee, who starred on the Grange podcast last week.
Small world, innit!
Those who’ve given themselves nightmares from reading too much Monbiot won’t be the only visitors, for The Grange also offers corporate away days. Where the IT department of Global Gizmos Inc can come gaze at trees and stuff.
Better still . . . for the trifling sum of £10,000 you can enjoy “two bespoke corporate away days“. Read more in the Corporate Partnership Proposal.

I tell you what . . . for half that (in ready cash) you can have two corporate away days in my back garden, There’s flower beds, and a tree, and, er, grass, and if it’s wildlife you’re after then I’ll get our cat to put in an appearance.
If it’s raining you can sit in the conservatory. The missus will lay on a cuppa and biccies. Can’t say fairer than that, squire.
I have no doubt that the companies turning up for these eco-jollies will be claiming tax deductions, which will contribute to the ‘black hole’ in the UK accounts, and be used to justify freezing pensioners this winter.
That’s the ‘circular economy’ you keep hearing about.

And sure enough, in the Corporate Partnership Proposal we find predictable ‘quotations’.
One from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), that outfit launched by Nazis using environmentalism as the new way to seize power and cull the untermensch.
The other is attributed to ‘Native American Wisdom’. (Are people still falling for that bollocks!) Here’s some wisdom from a source as much Native American as the one quoted: ‘Big Chief Jac-on-Blog say: “Environmentalists speak with forked tongue“‘.
The Grange website also offers, “our own glamping cabins and bespoke bell tents“, and elsewhere, “off grid escapes” in caravan-type structures made by Herefordshire chippie Simon Whitfield.

Whitfield runs The Tiny Home Company. When I tried to find it on the Companies House website I drew a blank. So I went back to the website and scrolled down the homepage, where, in the smallest font imaginable, was: “The Tiny Home Company is a trading name of WB Capital Ventures Limited“.
But it was only by copying and posting it into Word that I was able to read that. Why so small? Very odd.

WB Capital Ventures Ltd was formed as recently as July, and I assume ‘WB’ stands for Whitfield Brothers, because the two directors are Simon Peter Whitfield and his older brother(?) John Robert Whitfield.
The twelve shares split 8 – 4 in favour of the older brother. Who maybe put up the cash. He has over a million pounds sitting in the bank account of his other company.
And talking of money . . .
In its short life The Grange Project has already trousered £26,650 from the Coetiroedd Bach scheme. I guarantee there’ll be more grants in future.

I’ll end this section with a brief look at what’s registered with Companies House. There are two companies.
One’s Wild Grange Farm Ltd, launched as recently as September 5, with the Constables as the only directors and shareholders.
And then there’s the Community Interest Company, formed in August, Wild Grange CIC. Again, Tom and Chloe Constable are the only directors (or members) and shareholders. Which I found odd. Because with a CIC I would expect to see others named, representing the community that will benefit.
This is usually people in the vicinity. So I went to the Companies House website entry for Wild Grange CIC and the Certificate of Incorporation. Most of which is pro forma.
Though towards the end it sets out who might benefit from the CIC:

Which is fair enough, and what I expected. But what I read earlier in the document has me thinking. I refer to Rewilding Britain, as the ‘asset locked body‘.
A worst case scenario might be . . . the farm title is transferred to the CIC, which liquidates, and Rewilding Britain takes over The Grange.

In the clip above, the Charity number given is that for Rewilding Britain. Whereas the address is for The Trust Partnership (and associated companies), which I assume drew up the arrangement.
The mystery is company number 08943330. For it refers to Mental Mastery Ltd, of Bournemouth, that dissolved 18 months after being formed, without filing anything.
I’ll assume it’s a typo. But if not . . .
Let me be clear, there might be a role for small-scale rewilding such as we’re asked to see at The Grange.
Thinking again of my back garden . . . if I let it run wild it would sprout plants, flowers; attract butterflies and other insects, some small mammals, maybe a foraging hedgehog.
But once we talk about pine marten, beaver, wild boar, deer, wild ponies, ancient cattle, then we need more land than even the 1,000 acres Tir Natur is hoping to buy.
Because without large areas for these animals to roam and live naturally, problems such as stress, over-grazing, and in-breeding will occur.
Of course, food can be brought in, and fresh bloodlines can be introduced; but if ‘rewilding’ doesn’t create a self-perpetuating ecosystem, as in nature, then that defeats the whole object of the exercise.
One answer might be linking separated projects with ‘corridors’. I mention this because the idea features regularly in rewilding fantasies. Such as one in Cornwall called Tor to Shore. (Does that ring a bell?)
While Helman Tor sits near the top of the Par River, areas downstream are surrounded by farmland, where the project will partner with local farmers to tackle agricultural pollution and create ‘wildlife corridors’ – areas of habitat that . . . connect with other nature-rich sites, allowing wildlife to thrive beyond the reserve’s boundaries.
Rewilding Britain got its ass kicked for its involvement in a similarly-named colonialist land grab. It may be treading more carefully now, yet it’s deeply involved at The Grange, and seems to have been involved from the outset.
But how well do animals understand ‘corridors’? Not well at all; so that would mean mile after mile of fencing . . . which will inevitably get broken.
Mrs Jones will wake one morning to find aurochs feasting on her prize geraniums. And, then, when she goes out to shoo them away, and one of the buggers tramples her . . .
Or maybe it’ll be the consolation prize of tauros.

I haven’t mentioned predators like wild cat, lynx, and wolf. All of which appear in rewilders’ literature. Yet they have to be present, for without the balance created by their natural predators introduced prey animals will need to be regularly culled.
As deer are culled in the Highlands, due to the absence of wolves. While a shortage of prey animals will see predators going elsewhere to get a meal. (‘Look out, Mrs Jones!‘)
Which means that for a rewilding project to be viable it would need 20,000 or more self-contained acres. There would need to be enough food for a range of herbivores and foragers, whose numbers would be kept in check by predators – as in the wild.
In a small country like Wales we just don’t have that land to spare. Not if we; a) want a farming industry and b) let people access the countryside.
Which brings us to a very fundamental question, one confronting us at Grange Farm: ‘What is the real purpose of rewilding?’ This article (February 2023) asks a very similar question, and gives some disturbing answers.
A bit leftist for my tastes but it still makes good points about farms being lost, and corporate investment through middle men, agents, and front organisations.
Organisations such as Rewilding Britain, involved with three-year-old Nattergal. Below is Nattergal director and CEO Archie Struthers, panellist at Rewilding Britain’s Blue Earth Summit last month.

Nattergal is owned by Lansdowne Developed Markets Master Fund Limited of the Cayman Islands.
One day Archie’s a ruthless investments guru, next day he’s saving the planet. These things happen. After Christmas I’m joining the Socialist Workers Party. (Yes, really!)
Archie’s a busy man for Nattergal, and the company’s mystery owner. Let’s look at three recent ventures. Starting with High Fen Wildland, where we read:
High Fen will offer wellness, eco-tourism, educational and research opportunities to provide opportunities for people as well as wildlife.
Wildlife comes last. Almost an afterthought.
The other two are Boothby Wildland, where, “Nattergal hopes to generate revenues through the sale of ecosystem services (natural capital)“. And Harold’s Park Wildland, that “will generate income from the sale of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) units and corporate sponsorship, and will support nature based tourism and recreation“.
Archie also has a couple of relatively new companies of his own, registered in Glasgow. Ardmaddy Ventures Ltd, named for his Argyll estate; and Nature Based Investment Solutions Ltd.
Make no mistake, corporate ‘investors’ are circling Welsh family farms like vultures.
There was an example just last week of farmers being ‘cold called’ by a company named Property Vision. Acting on behalf of anonymous ‘investors’.

Rewilding Britain is involved with three projects in Wales in addition to The Grange; they are:
Cefn Garthenor, in Ceredigion. Gilfach, in Powys. Wilder Pentwyn, also in Powys.
They have three things in common:
1/ They were once homes to Welsh families.
2/ They are no longer working farms producing food.
3/ They have received substantial ‘Welsh Government ‘ funding
Always worth remembering when some clown gets all misty-eyed over ‘rewilding’.
On a fundamental level, The Grange Project makes no environmental sense due to the increased traffic emissions as engines struggle with gradients and rough tracks to even reach the place.
More environmental damage than the working farm it replaced. Unless of course you want to be really stupid and introduce the threat posed to us all by farting cows. (Fortunately, ‘Dr’ Bill Gates has a solution.)
The Grange Project is clearly a tourism project and a ‘wellness’ retreat for hysterical Guardian readers raking in extra money by presenting itself as a rewilding project. Like those we looked at earlier linked with Archie Struthers.
I believe genuine rewilding is incompatible with daily visits from the public, especially noisy children, and middle management on a raucous day out. Making it all rather phoney.
Especially if there’s ‘natural capital’ and ‘biodiversity net gain’ involved.
And let’s remember that The Grange is less than 100 acres in total. From what I can see, a few trees have been planted and pigs allowed to muddy up some fields. Is that really ‘rewilding’?
If so, then why aren’t we all offered money to let our gardens run wild? A few thousand of us, in Wales alone, could make a big contribution to the environment and biodiversity.
Because, gentle reader, ‘rewilding’, with the involvement of outfits like BlackRock, is not about saving the planet; it complements legislation and other measures intended to undermine farming, thereby freeing up land for acquisition and investment.
‘Rewilding’ is just the prettied-up face of the Globalist land grab.
Once you understand that – everything else makes sense!
♦ end ♦
© Royston Jones 2024
Just received this link: Parody of Lonely This Christmas by Mud
BBC did a spot of real “public service” there in reporting on Severn Trent’s financial engineering to boost its balance sheet and hence divis to shareholders and no doubt bonuses to fat cat top execs. Water industry could do with a spot of Syria style “change management”.
Talking of Syria people are getting carried away with the situation there. Words like “liberty” being bandied about when in reality that country will probably see a net outflow of people – refugees – for the foreseeable future. And guess where most of them will end up?
Whatever happens in the Middle East it’s usually one gang of butchers replacing another gang of butchers. The way it’s presented to us depends on whether the gang of butchers being described is loyal to or controlled by Washington, Moscow, Tehran.
Many years ago, a US president (LBJ?) is reported to have said this of a certain Latin American ‘saviour of the nation’: “He may be a son of a bitch, but he’s OUR son of a bitch’. Nothing has changed. Just hoping Trump lives up to his early billing and says, ‘Fuck you all – nothing to do with the USA’.
The remaining problem will be Globalist puppets in European uniparty countries accepting fresh waves of ‘refugees’ while not repatriating the earlier arrivals escaping the regime that has now been toppled. As we shall see with the Syrians.
I stopped reading at ‘non-existent climate crisis’.
You’d make a decent investigative journalist if you didn’t shoot yourself in the foot by making unsubstantiated claims like that. Good journalists stick to the facts, which in this instance, aren’t anywhere to be seen.
It’s what I sincerely believe. Though you try to convince me. Why not use the Al Gore ‘prophesies’? Or any any of the other scare stories that never came true.
Al Gore isn’t a scientist, and neither are you (unless you’ve got a PhD in climate science hidden up your sleeve?). You are free to believe what you like, however you keep stating your beliefs as if they are somehow proven facts. That is what undermines your credibility.
If Al Gore isn’t a scientist then why was he given a global platform for so long to spout his hysterical views? As for me, I have never claimed to be a scientist. What appears on this blog is my taker on various subjects. Invariably backed up with supporting evidence.
Anyone is free to disagree with me. Just as I must be free to reject climate hysteria, women with penises, anti-white racism, open borders, and all the other ploys being used to destabilise and weaken the West.
It’s one thing to hold your own views and opinions – you are perfectly entitled to do this. It’s another to present your views and opinions as facts without any supporting evidence. I look forward to your post breaking down why the vast majority of climate scientists are wrong.
It’s my personal blog, not Gospel truth. You have to imagine everything you read on my blog being prefaced with, ‘It is my belief . . . ‘.
Perhaps you should do that. It would certainly help people take you more seriously! I assume you are writing this blog because you want to change peoples’ minds on matters which are important to you?
It should be taken as read.
You make a fair point . However those who advocate the existence of a climate crisis are guilty of the same breach. Much of the debate has sunk to a level more about abuse of language and terminology rather than facts.
We may indeed be at particular points on historical temperature and atmospheric mix curves but there is considerable evidence that these curves have manifested the characteristics of wave forms for thousands, indeed millions of years. Calling it a crisis suggests that the historical curve has morphed into a hysterical curve and that will prevail until some other crisis comes along and causes a huge distraction. Any bets it will be driven by unstable countries acquiring nukes and looking increasingly like they might use them ? That will be a disruption on a par with a little bit of the volcanic activity that delivered what we have today.
You would think someone who cares about the planet would want to be wrong, but I bet in a lot of cases, being proved right in the debate at the cost of the planet being doomed is more a more enticing prospect.
Rising sea levels
I suggest that you examine Victorian OS maps. The sea levels around the Welsh coast haven’t altered in over 150 years. I’d call that sticking to the facts.
That hardly suggests a “crisis”
Climate “crisis”, climate “emergency” yet the delegates (thousands of them) jet all over the world to conferences in fossil fuel producing countries, to wail about “crises and emergencies”, in an average number of 400+ PRIVATE jets per COP. The practical result of these COP junkets is the square route of bugger all. If China, India and the USA don’t close down their industries, we’re all doomed…..doomed I tell’ee, doomed.
I’ve found that one way to follow the Zeitgeist is to note the titles of books on sale in National Trust gift shops. At one time, the subject matter was solidly reliable: art and architecture, gardening and housekeeping, guides to fell-walking, maybe how to use your homegrown lavender in a pot-pourri. More recently, the emphasis shifted to sustainable living and ways to recycle more. Now the titles include Corinne Sweet’s ‘The Anxiety Journal’ and Sarah LaBrecque’s ‘Positively Green: Everyday Tips to Help the Planet and Calm Climate Anxiety’. Intrigued, I looked further and found numerous titles online that refer to ‘climate anxiety’. It looks like the wokerati are having a nervous breakdown: from climate emergency to climate panic. Oh, and climate grief, and climate guilt. Poor things. Back in the 1950s, young people’s nerves were frayed by thinking about The Bomb; now it seems that could be the least of their worries.
Interesting piece, diolch. And Rewilding Britain being involved in both Gilfach and Pentwyn in Powys, both of which are of course Radnorshire Wildlife Trust (“RWT”) reserves. Then there’s the known link of James Hitchcock, former CEO of RWT having gone and joined Tir Natur as a Trustee. Far too many links for my liking. All a bit/very “smelly”.
Any word on whether similar such schemes have been attempted in more ‘genteel’ (and thereby pricier) areas like the Cotswolds? I’d be surprised if so.
You have a conservatory ?
There’s posh !
I should havre guessed you’d be jealous!
Nah, posh is having a garden room these days. The difference ? I don’t effin’ know !
What’s a ‘garden room’? A shed?
How about this garden Tardis. May be of interest to Dr Who fans!
Looks like a Ty Bach for exhibitionists.
I suppose it’s any old room that sticks out into your garden !
Apologies for diverting off the main themes of this piece so early in its life, but your tweet re GUC Water Transfer plans caught the eye. This is one of a number of similar plans put forward over recent years to quench London and S.East’s thirst for water. Shame really that no one has the wit to say O.K but slap a mater on the flow so that a daily electronic funds transfer can be actioned. I guess we could let them have as much as they want and switch the supply off if we have a drought. Bit like the supply of oil gas and other natural resources, innit ?
For obvious political reasons they can’t do it openly – ‘We’re gonna transfer water from Wales to London’ – so it’s being done on the sly.
I still wonder if this water transfer strategy explains the otherwise inexplicable purchase of Gilestone farm.
What would be the response from Westminster/Fleet Street if we did have a bit of a gouge? My bet would be either something containing a reference to Our United Kingdom, a condemnation of ‘petty nationalism’, or perhaps containing the quote ‘Brothers in Arms’.
I suspect that the response from the Bay regime alone would suffice. “Heaven forbid, take profit from our betters across the border ?” No chance with this lot.
However if and when the Bay bubble expands to 96 core members, + flunkeys et al, we might get some radical thinking especially if Gwlad, Propel and even Reform start upsetting the chickens from the established parties.
There has been extensive coverage in the media about the arrest of Daniel Andreas San Diego an activist in the Animal Liberation Brigade, a militant vegan, and the person who allegedly planted two nail bombs in California in 2003. He was on the FBI’s most wanted list and recently apprehended at a cottage he purchased for £425k as a cash buyer in 2023, just off the A470 near Maenan in the Conwy valley. He is now extradited to the US to stand trail. However, MSM has not reported on how he obtained such a large sum as he had no assets and was renting just before going on the run, how he completed the conveyancing of the property without the usual money laundering checks, who paid the Land Transaction Tax which applies in Wales and how a foreign national was able to enter the country undetected. Usually fugitives on the run rely on associates to evade detection. My gut instict tells me that there are similar of sort absconced in the Welsh countryside which may have provided him with assistance.
I was surprised that he was found in Wales but did’t pay much attention to the details. Paying cash for the property is certainly interesting. Though my guess is that local plad and UK authorities will wash their hands of it now that the FBI has taken him back.
No info yet disclosed on who or how he was secreted into our country. However the UK has a history of hiding people in plain sight. It was said that Salman Rushdie had his best period in hiding when he was “lodging” somewhere in Mid Wales and that was back in the day when even slightly tinted people stood out a bit on the Llanwrtyd area.
But Rushdie was hiding from the Sons of the Prophet. He had a degree of official protection.
Sure thing he had protection but he was out and about while “in hiding”. Maybe a jihadist would have found it difficult to whack him but surprising that no one ever mentioned seeing him on the piss in Brecon, chatting up wimmin in Rhayader, or even reading a book at Hay on Wye.
Interesting angle on the “rewilding” tourism front. Perhaps you’d like to look into the Apple barrel of Afan Lodge Ltd – a tourism project, mooted as beneficial to the “local” community and funded through the pen-y-Cymoedd cic. Now wallowing in a debt of hundreds of thousands, and declared bankrupt/insolvent !!! So much for the Welsh tourism offer.
Must confess, I’d never heard of it. Will take a look.
There was a community fund, the payoff from granting permission for the Pen Y Cymoedd wind farm. I seem to remember that a local fishing club who uses the lakes at Glyncorrwg had applied for some cash for a tackle shed but were unsuccessful. However, an ‘upstart’ glamping operation by people not resident in the area was. The fund, who gets a hand-out, was managed by Chris Bryant MP.
Chris Bryant ! Say no more. Grade A bad actor.
Interestingly, as of this morning the EU has lifted the special protection status on the grey wolf. It means in ‘problem areas’ they can be culled and each nation state will be able to set an annual quota of wolves to cull. Besides the obvious impact they have on livestock farming, mainly upland sheep on the Carpathian mountains, but also the adverse effect on other protected wild species.
It was based on a now debunked theory, that originates in the United States that the ‘rewilding’ of Yellowstone National Park was assisted with the re-introduction of wolves from Canada.
The claim was wolves controlled the large herbivore population like Elk and over-grazing by these herbivores was cause of ‘nature decline’ in Yellowstone during the 20th century, a period when wolves were absent. The reality is that the large herbivores had previously been culled by humans, native Americans, not wolves. It was the removal of native humans from the landscape, either by massacre or by forced removal to reservations that prompted a reduction in the natural diversity.
It’s always been the case that the native populations are ignored by re-wilders and at worst displaced for their own interests.
Yes, I read that interview with the shepherd József Rácz. Who has 17 guard dogs, but lost his best one to wolves last year. It’s a tricky issue, and you did well to introduce the Yellowstone case. Though my belief is that it was a combination of predators and native hunters that kept down the numbers of buffalo, elk, and other big herbivores. With both removed there’ll be problems. Re-introducing only one may keep down numbers while misrepresenting the original pattern.
And Yellowstone is a fascinating case. I’m sure you’re right that Native Americans helped keep down the numbers of buffalo and elk; but other predators must have made a contribution. Specifically wolf and wolverine. Re-introducing wolves and claiming success tends to misrepresent the original pattern.
On the continent, what seems to have happened is that wolves have been allowed or encouraged to spread, almost willy-nilly, and then protected from human intervention. But this is un-natural. Because if it can be argued that wolves were ‘always here’ then it must also be accepted that people have always defended themselves and their livestock from wolves.
But again, an imbalance was encouraged which now has to be remedied.
At the risk of being accused of ‘going too far’ (Moi!) I would say that the only way to ensure genuine, large-scale rewilding is to remove all human beings, or at least 90% of us. Which just happens to be on the agenda of a number of people either linked to rewilding or part of linked programmes.
Small wonder many accuse net zero, rewilding, and other ideas of being ‘anti-human’. They are!
The mathematics describing animal population dynamics I understand to be complex, and akin to that applied to stock market analysis. Do these geniuses avail themselves of experts in this area, as you’d expect they would be obliged to as a condition of grant funding?
All you have to do to get a grant in Wales is to know the right people or know the right buttons to push in order to impress the right people.
No maths required. Indeed it’s more likely to succeed if there is no serious attempt at real calculations. Someone might hold you to the numbers !
I visited the Knepp Estate a few months ago. At first glance I was unimpressed: it’s just like walking through the countryside/farm land. Is what I thought as I walked through farmland. Or, indeed, it’s just like walking through my own neglected fields, which, due to other time commitments, have re-wilded quite naturally, without any need for government funding.
This kind of re-wilding, in the middle of nowhere, is a luxury I happen to have. At the cost of a city career etc etc etc.
As a result, I get to enjoy the sound of birds and when I dig into my own sodden soil, I find that it is occupied by all creatures great and small. And it makes me happy to know that I am not pouring / spraying pesticides into the soil and they live to see another day.
But then I realised that what with the planes flying into and out of Gatwick just above the Knepp Estate, and being enclosed by some very busy roads (the noise is relentless), this close to nature “experience” is new to people who live in the urban sprawl and have no idea about anything. Really. No idea about how farming works – except for the curated glimpses via Clarkson’s Farm. And no idea about how soil works, and what it means to try to make a living off the land. And no idea about how wonderful it is step out the door in the evening and see nothing but starry skies (a rare occurrence given how much rain we have had this year) and listen to the sound of nothingness.
Then I joined in a Safari Walk, which cost about £70, and we all gasped at the sight of Tamworth pigs freely browsing in the hedgerows, and held our breath at the sight of stags in the distance, just at the beginning of the rutting season. Even I could not help myself.
Our Safari walk guide was a butterfly specialist who was able to answer all questions about all things re-wilding. He has virtually grown up on the Estate back when it was a failing, working, farm. And was thrilled to have been there at the beginning of the re-wilding project. And to witness the return of so many wonderful species of flora and fauna. Isabella Tree’s book about the project captures this really well. She is a wonderful writer.
We are incredibly lucky in Wales, those of us who do love nature, to have access to this kind of “wilderness”.
In other words, I am all for re-wilding, and I cannot see a problem with eco-tourism. If it reminds people about the importance of the land, then surely there is no harm.
Unlike you I do believe that we are actually facing a global climate change disaster which will lead to human migrations that will be unstoppable. This is the story of humanity. We reap what we sow.
But nevertheless, I really appreciate all the work you have put in to show that, once again, when greed steps in, and funding is given out willy nilly, it all becomes a huge farce. Which leaves those of us not on the funding gravy train totally disillusioned.
Recently I heard a podcast about AI which proposed that we might all be better off with AI deciding what is best for us, rather than a bunch of self-serving politicians. I am inclined to agree.
Thank you for your relentless digging around.
An excellent contribution, Veronika.
The issue is, not rewilding per se, but legislation and other measures being introduced to force farmers off the land in order to release the land for ‘rewilders’ behind whom we shall find outfits like BlackRock.
The primary issue is the way globalist financial institutions and their subordinate companies have been allowed, indeed encouraged, to turn anything related to climate/ environment/ land use/ mineral extraction into a narrow monetary gain. That which was a moderate level of exploitation by a spread of different activity groups is now at risk of becoming a wholesale programme of displacement with the ownership of large tracts of land vested in a small group of collaborating entities. “Small is beautiful” did not last long in a world where organised crime groups seem to be the norm at all levels of our society.
That’s how they operate – they find ways of making money out of just about anything. The real worry should be the control they have over politicians, making them implement the legislation from which BlackRock and the rest can benefit.
Did you sample the English Longhorn beef or the Sussex Wild Boar from the farm shop? Farming such livestock is usually uneconomic but the Knepp Estate gets charity status for the land and re-wilding grants. It is this cross-subsidy that enables such produce to exist, sold in all the best London restaurants. The ‘rewilding tag’ is good PR. Logically many farms can do the same if the subsidies were directed directly into agriculture schemes, to farmers, without the shysters arriving to cream a living.
CICs are a nightmare could write a book and its difficult to trace where the funds go…from experience..ppl have to care enough to question it. Nation Cymru had an interesting article this week about the pending Budget Drakeford is about to issue. Basically there is no money and blame Westminster but if the WGov constantly give millions to pet projects then thats the problem. Interesting article in the Times today about the new Vegan economy and the FACT that is so harmful to us globally due to the pollution is causes to create vegan products which is no surprise. As I have ranted on before all this has to be linked to the National Grid etc and there infrastructure,cables arent there…