Wildlife Trusts – Not To Be Trusted

In a sense, this is a follow-up to a piece I put out in February called ‘Wildlife Trusts, Crazy Money, Hidden Agendas‘. Perhaps a variation on a theme.

Though this is not quite the piece I originally promised. Perhaps I’ll return to the sweat lodges and other joys in the ‘Bhutan of Wales’ (“ample parking space“) at some later date.


What you have to understand about modern environmentalism, certainly in Wales, is that it’s no longer fleece-jacketed innocents protecting red squirrels or tagging birds. It is now intensely political. And financially lucrative.

Lucrative, as long as it promotes a certain interpretation of the world.

Which means, in practice, that environmentalists work for BlackRock and other Globalist corporations; Bill ‘jabs and bugs’ Gates, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.

And even if environmentalists don’t realise it, if they’re just useful idiots, then that don’t matter none – what matters is that they do what they do.

And as I suggested, they’re getting paid handsomely for it. Here’s one example.

Total income for the North Wales Wildlife Trust went up from £1.83m in 2019 to £6.17 in 2023, a rise of 237%. But in the same period, funding from the ‘Welsh Government’ rose from £309,480 to £3,760,000, an increase of 1,115%.

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Similar increases in the funding awarded to the other wildlife trusts, river groups, etc, correlates with the ramping up of the ‘Welsh Government’s war on farmers.

Which meant blaming just about anybody other than Dŵr Cymru for river pollution.

But environmentalists weren’t confining themselves to persecuting cows, and matters scatological; for they were also pushing the anti-car agenda.


An example of this would be defeating plans to upgrade the M4 around Newport. Here’s Friends of the Earth reminding us of its role in that campaign.

Which is fine with me because that’s the raison d’être of environmental groups. But if opposing M4 improvements was ‘Welsh Government’ policy, and if ‘WG’ funded various groups to support that policy, then that puts a different complexion on things.

As FoE stated, one of the major reasons for rejecting improvements to the M4 was to protect the Gwent Levels. Which was also the reasoning given by the first minister.

Mark Drakeford said he would not have gone ahead even if it was affordable because of the impact on the Gwent Levels.

But the environmentalists’ war on roads didn’t end with saving the Gwent Levels. (Though not from solar farms.)

I’ve written a number of times about the ‘Welsh Government’s decision to abandon all new road schemes. Let’s begin in June 2021, with the announcement of a ‘freeze’ on new road building.

Then, in September 2021, came news of a panel . . .

. . . of climate change and transport specialists . . . led by Dr Lynn Sloman MBE, a transport consultant based in Wales

Despite what the ‘Welsh Government’ wanted us to believe, Dr Lynn Sloman is not ‘based in Wales’; she actually lives in London, where she sits on the Transport for London board, headed by mayor Sadiq Ulez Khan.

Dr Lynn Sloman is, predictably, an anti-car fanatic. And her connection to Wales is a holiday home in Cwm Einion, near Machynlleth. To which she presumably drives.

Dr Sloman’s panel delivered the result required in February 2023 – no new roads!

This impacted on just about every part of the country, and deprived communities of long-awaited and much-needed, improvements. It meant no third crossing of the Menai, no by-pass for Llanbedr, no by-pass for Llandeilo.

This was of course welcomed by both Rachel Sharp, CEO of  the officially defunct Wildlife Trusts Wales; and her trusty henchman, Tim Birch, of Extinction Rebellion.

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But there is one issue on which environmentalists could and should be more vocal.

We’ll ignore the energy consumed in manufacturing wind turbines, then the damage inflicted on the environment from shipping them to Wales; widening roads, felling trees, ripping out hedgerows to get them to where they’re being erected.

Instead’ let’s just focus on the damage they cause in situ.

Wind turbines destroy peat deposits. They scar hillsides with access roads and cable trenches. Hundreds of pylons are needed to carry whatever’s generated in Wales to England. The turbine blades kill birds, bats, and all manner of insects.

There are also threats to human health from infrasound, flicker, and worrying over your home losing value due to its proximity to wind turbines.

Yet environmentalists have little to say against wind turbines. That’s because their ‘outrage’ can be switched off and on, as required, by their paymasters.


We often hear: “Farming occupies around 90% of ‘our’ land“, as if it’s something undesirable. It’s very revealing, because those who say it seem genuinely horrified that so much of Wales belongs to hairy-arsed peasants.

A recent example of the ‘90%’ fixation came in an article in ‘Welsh Government’ mouthpiece Nation.Cymru by Dr Malcolm Smith. He was ostensibly writing about the ‘Welsh Government’s Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS).

Smith wants us to believe that carbon emissions increase global temperatures when there is no link whatsoever, and then rather gives away his own position on SFS with:

Trees, it seems, aren’t welcomed by most farmers.

This obsession with the amount of land held by farmers seems most prevalent among politicians and middle class enviro-grifters who want Welsh farmers off the land they and their corporate patrons covet.

I say that because no one has ever come up to me in a pub, a supermarket, or any other setting, grabbed me by the lapels and shouted – ‘Isn’t it bloody awful that farmers have so much land?

Nobody. Honestly!

Which makes the support these spivs get from Welsh socialists difficult to fathom. And the support from those socialists who claim they want independence inexplicable.

Maybe this subservience can be explained by something I read last week. Someone was trying to explain why Sinn Féin has fallen for the Globalist-Woke-Left agenda.

It is a lingering symptom of what Ruairi Ó Bradaigh once described as the intellectual inferiority complex of men who were absurdly impressed by . . . bourgeois lefties and liberals

I think that explains a lot of what we see in Wales. Particularly the insecure among us, who can’t resist a bit of flannel delivered in a ‘posh’ accent.

What Ruairi Ó Bradaigh called “the intellectual inferiority complex” always lurks in the Welsh psyche. And it seems to afflict socialists far more than it affects those of us on the political right.

Welsh leftists like to see themselves as ‘progressive’, which then leaves them wide open to the blandishments of the ‘foxes’ Malcom X refers to here.


For some time now I’ve been paying closer than usual attention to what’s happening in Ireland, where the uniparty establishment has enthusiastically signed up to the Globalist agenda. It’s been open borders, war on farmers, and recently, referendums that hoped to re-define ‘woman’ and ‘family’.

Both referendums were heavily defeated, and the preening, obnoxious, Varadkar soon resigned in the hope of salvaging his political reputation. Because he fears there’s worse to come as the people wake up and fight back. (Something the Irish have a history of doing.)

And the Irish people are waking up. And demanding a return to sanity. Especially when they look around and see who’s been allowed into their country.

For example, one result of open borders is that Ireland is now home to the Nigerian Black Axe gang, which deals in romance fraud and other online scams . . . with a little murder, drugs, and extortion thrown in.

Just think about that. A Nigerian criminal network is actually based in Ireland. How the hell was that allowed to happen!

Well, as I just mentioned, because the Irish establishment obeys the Globalist agenda; and no-questions-asked immigration is an integral part of that agenda, designed to destabilise western societies.

Then, last week I was directed to news about moves to punish people who want to live in the countryside. (Unless, presumably, they’re Nigerian gangsters.)

You can read the whole publication if you like. But the opening paragraph tells you exactly where it’s going. And how it’s justified.

Moving Together . . . a commitment in the Climate Action Plan 2023 . . . to alleviate the impacts of car-dependency

Someone wants the Irish countryside emptied, and populations concentrated in urban areas. Now why should that be?

Wales may be heading in the same direction.


I say Wales may be headed in the same direction because the ‘pieces’ are already there, we just need to put them together to see the bigger picture.

Earlier, we looked at environmentalists, funded by the ‘Welsh Government’ or Globalist corporations and multi-billionaires, campaigning against road improvements. In league with former Sustrans rep in Wales, and until so very recently, chauffeur-driven deputy minister for climate change, Lee Waters.

Waters welcomed the halt on new road projects with:

As the review points out the by-pass that was demanded to relieve congestion often ends up leading to extra traffic, which in time brings further demands for extra lanes, wider junctions and more roads

I suggest Waters and his allies stand for half an hour one summer day outside the ‘Vic’ in Llanbedr, or The Castle in Llandeilo; and ponder that the shit forming a skin on their iced tea, the shit they’re also inhaling, comes from cars and trucks in low gear inching their way through a traffic bottleneck.

And it could all be avoided with a by-pass!

Consider this, gentle reader: the man who can ignore the effects of low-gear emissions on human health – because it serves an element of the agenda – can also impose 20mph speed limits, guaranteed to increase harmful emissions – and justify doing so on health and safety grounds!

But when it can be used to serve another element of the agenda, air quality becomes a consideration. For Nicola Lund recently reminded us in ‘Message to Wales – On Yer Bike (Part 2)‘ that the Welsh Government’ is also promising air quality legislation, and a ‘national road user charging framework’.

So where might that lead, if we put it all together?

Let’s look at Llanbedr, which sits on the A496 running up the coast from Barmouth. A busy road, and especially so in summer.

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With a combination of no by-pass, air quality legislation, and a ‘national road user charging framework’ in place, many people will give Llanbedr a miss. Some will avoid that road altogether.

The map above shows that travellers between north and south will still have the A470, so the effects would be very localised, but highly damaging.

There’s one more consideration I want to throw into the mix.

I have consistently supported plans to raise council tax on holiday homes and restrict numbers of holiday lets*. And I will continue to back measures that might return domestic properties to local use. But . . .

Tourism means cars, camper vans, etc. So are the measures against the worst excesses of tourism doing the right thing for the wrong reason? By which I mean, are they just part of the bigger plan to restrict car journeys in Wales?

Putting it all together – and irrespective of the stated justifications – what we’ve just looked at will result in a seriously damaged rural economy, and could lead to the kind of rural clearances being talked about in Ireland and elsewhere.

Yet it all fits perfectly with the Globalist-environmentalist agenda.

*I received a communication on this very matter yesterday!


Where the Globalists have been clever is in funding or promoting ideas, organisations and lobbies that push their agenda.

This includes, cyclists, vegans, renewable energy enthusiasts, advocates of CBDC, and of course, environmentalists.

We’re at a stage now where an environmental lobby is waging war on our farmers while also working with the ‘Welsh Government’ to make us view cars as something evil, to be done away with.

But what’s being targeted is not really farmers and motorists, but land and freedoms. Which is the essence of the Globalists’ power grab – promote fear and confusion in order to seize assets, restrict freedoms, and exert control.

As I said earlier, ‘environmentalists’ are no longer fleece-jacketed innocents. So see them for what they really are. Who they work for. And treat them accordingly.

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2024

2024, Things Can Only Get Better

It’s traditional to look ahead at this time of the year, and you know me, I’m a traditionalist. A conservative, and a man who speaks his mind. So fasten your seatbelts because I won’t pull any punches. The situation is too serious for that.

But there are grounds for optimism.


I’ve used the first of those terms often enough for you to know what I’m talking about, but maybe I should explain what I mean by the second.

The Russian Revolution of October 1917 would be a good place to start because the social and economic system imposed by the Communists proved attractive to many on the left in the West who sought radical change.

People who should have known better went to the USSR in the 1920s and 1930s and came away praising Josef Stalin and his works. For me, this marks the birth of the modern Quisling Left; by which I mean socialists, who create internal strife, on behalf of external allies or influences, in attempts to wreck the West.

As for the many millions who died and suffered under Stalin, well, it was punishment for them being ‘counter-revolutionaries’, ‘enemies of the people’, ‘revisionists’, ‘kulaks’, etc.

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For there was always a label to justify the punishment. Whoever was given a label was damned, and could be ignored, or silenced.

Under Stalin innocent people would admit to ‘crimes’ they knew nothing about until they saw their ‘confession’. Millions of people both inside the Soviet Union and in the West, pretended to believe that 2 + 2 = 5, and Stalin was the saviour of mankind – all done in order to ‘Defend the Revolution!’

I mention this because of course we see the same contempt for truth today.

And labels are also back in fashion.

It could be argued that counter-revolutionaries have become conspiracy theorists. Enemies of the people might be White supremacists. Perhaps revisionists have morphed into transphobes.

Though Kulaks remain farmers, and scapegoats. But instead of being blamed for the food shortages – that were the fault of Communist policies – farmers are now accused of destroying the planet, in defiance of the prophet Gore and his disciple Saint Greta.

For today’s People of the Labels are very similar to those who worshipped ‘Uncle Joe’. But with important differences. For example, they are now cultural rather than ideological Marxists, and usually described as ‘Woke’.

This has accompanied the biggest change of all.

When it took its inspiration from the Soviet Union the Left in the West denigrated the capitalist system; but those who call themselves Communists today do the bidding of the biggest corporations and the richest multi-billionaires.

How did this come about? And why?

While you’re pondering that, you might enjoy this cartoon featuring the new President of Argentina, Javier Milei. Maybe graphics are needed to help socialists realise whose dirty work they’re doing.

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This paradigm shift happened because a self-elected global elite wants control over almost every aspect of our lives. To achieve this, these Globalists must control the political system, the education system, the media, and much else besides. (I’ll give more background on the ‘marriage’ in the next section.)

Running in tandem, we see a campaign to malign everything the West relies on, from agriculture to fuel, making them all more expensive, or banning them completely. The creators of the modern world that has benefitted billions of people must be vilified to the point where attacks on White people and their achievements are the only acceptable form of racism.

The template, as I said a while back, is the collapse of the Western Roman empire. Which didn’t happen overnight, or through a single incident, such as someone opening the gates of Rome to Alaric. It was a slower process.

Over many decades the provinces were weakened by constant attacks. While in Rome itself decadence and decline allowed the barbarians to just stroll in.

Which is what we see happening today, from Eagle Pass to Lampedusa.

Reminding us that the decline we see today is engineered. The poison of Wokeism has been injected by those who’ll take advantage of the anger, confusion, and polarisation created.

“Yes, we must curb illegal immigration – digital ID is the only way to do it! Perhaps even a microchip under your skin”.


One reason for optimism is that the absurdities, contradictions, and downright lies employed by the Globalists become more obvious by the day, despite the best efforts of the establishment and its media.

Let’s consider the climate crisis scam. We’re told we must reduce our carbon emissions. ‘We’ being the West. Apart from the fact that CO2 is essential for life on Earth, China, Indonesia, India, and other states push ahead with hundreds of new coal-fired power stations – but nobody complains!

Not only does this tell us that only the dumbest and most brainwashed really believes that CO2 is a threat, but it confirms yet again the anti-Western focus of Globalism and the Quisling Left.

A Globalist shill came back to power recently in Poland, which had been holding out against the Globalists. And when Donald Tusk started closing down TV stations the BBC reported it as ‘reforms’.

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The BBC went on to tell us that Tusk’s new administration is targeting “politicised media outlets” – which describes perfectly the Globalist-controlled mainstream media!

As we were recently reminded by the BBC introducing Wokery into Agatha Christie!

This intolerance explains why Elon Musk is under attack for not allowing X to be used by Globalist agencies in the way that these agencies still influence the content on Facebook, Google, and other platforms.

It also explains why the EU is now threatening X with censorship. And why Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said it, “has always been a bit of a sewer“.

To combat what they’ll call ‘misinformation’, ‘disinformation’, ‘hate speech’, and the rest, those the Globalists control will introduce censorship. But of course it will not be called censorship. It will instead be given some innocuous and reassuring label. Like the ‘reforms’ in Poland.

In Varadkar’s Ireland it’s a Hate Speech Bill so vague, and therefore, ‘flexible’, it doesn’t even define hate. Unsurprisingly, it has attracted criticism from around the world.

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Because controlling the narrative is essential for the Globalists to push their lies; whether it’s climate, Covid, mass immigration, 15-minute cities, doing away with cash, digital ID, ULEZ, or anything else.

This became clear a few years back through a movement many have forgotten. In the economic crisis of 2009 governments bailed out rather than punished those responsible, which helped expose the corruption at the heart of the Western system.

This saw the emergence of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The unwelcome attention, and the positive media coverage it received, made the Globalists realise they needed better control of the media, and that this youthful zeal needed to be ‘refocused’.

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And the need to cement the rapprochement between global capital and the Left became more urgent with the double scare of Brexit and Trump in 2016.

Brexit provides another reminder of how the Left has changed. The Left in the UK used to be split over the Common Market / European Union, many calling it “a rich man’s club“, but EU membership now seems to be an article of faith for the comrades.

Attitudes on both sides are hardening as those of us who defend farming, fight for cheap and reliable energy, and challenge unrestricted immigration, realise that the EU is implementing the Globalist agenda.

The strength of this alliance is in full view when we see socialists out on the streets demanding the implementation of policies that will harm the elderly and the poorest in society.

You’ve been had, Comrade!

Also out on the streets these days are Muslims, intimidating morally confused cops and morally corrupt politicians; behaviour justified by ‘insults to Islam’, or protesting that Israel should not punish the savages responsible for October 7.

Which takes me back to a personal turning-point in 1989, when I saw on television, copies of Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses being burnt in Bradford. For younger readers I’d better explain why that was a seminal moment in my political education.

An image I grew up with, regularly used as shorthand for the evils of Nazism, was burning books. Partly because books are precious, and partly because it implied intolerance, and a contempt for the views of others.

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And yet, here it was – book-burning in an English city, with not a swastika in sight.

Now, of course, I know more about Islam. I see a dangerous, intolerant religion that allows or even encourages its adherents to kill, rape, and enslave, non-believers.

Making Islam incompatible with Western values.

Which explains why the Left – otherwise dismissive of religion – has adopted Muslims as an ersatz proletariat. And why Globalist-controlled politicians keep our borders open to these followers of Islamo-fascism.

If the Left is to provide the Globalists’ foot-soldiers, then Muslims taking over and wrecking European cities will be the shock troops.

Which is why we see the Quisling Left march in support of Hamas and bring London to a standstill. But then, the Left has always leaned towards anti-Semitism.

And of course they’ve coined a term for anyone pointing out the danger – ‘Islamophobia’.


This year will definitely see two elections, probably three. Let’s start with the probability.

The UK will likely have a general election in the spring or early summer. It will be interesting, if only for the lack of enthusiasm for the two major parties, each led by a man with the charisma of a stale sausage roll.

Prime minister Sunak has never faced the electorate as party leader, and will not survive his first encounter. For me, questions remain over whether he personally, or his wife’s family, profited from investments made relating to Covid.

While Labour has Keir Starmer. I’ve struggled to think of something nice to say about him, or to make him sound interesting. I have to admit defeat.

From many voters the big question for both parties will be: “What are going to do about immigration?“. I can tell you now – sod all.

While, in Scotland, the SNP, after ‘chicks with dicks’, financial mismanagement, and other disasters, is now led by a singularly unattractive Islamist. It will be interesting to see which party or parties benefit most from the SNP’s decline.

If Reform can make a good fist of their campaign they’ll probably get my vote.

There will definitely be elections for the European Parliament 6 – 9 June. These could be interesting for a number of reasons.

Across the EU a pissed-off public is angry about so much and coming to realise that those they can’t vote for – the European Commission under Ursula von der Leyen – are in fact running the EU on behalf of the World Economic Forum and other Globalist bodies.

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We can be sure that parties prioritising the interests of indigenous populations will prosper in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Hungary and other countries.

But looking over the water I wonder if these elections have come too soon for the ‘insurgent’ parties in Ireland. I just hope that the Irish Freedom Party, Aontú, and assorted dissidents, don’t queer each other’s pitch.

Ireland will see two referendums on March 8. The legislation proposed on – family, gender and care – could also make immigration easier. Increasing opposition to the Globalist’s open borders agenda is why the establishment is getting worried.

The Big One in terms of elections will of course be the US presidential election on November 5. And at first sight, it seems easy to call.

Because every poll predicts a Trump victory . . . which means it’s only a matter of time before some Soros-funded DA finds an unpaid Trump parking fine from 1997 and demands 30 to life in a federal penitentiary.

Understandable desperation, seeing as the Democrats are lumbered with Joe Biden. Who is already showing signs of dementia, and with the truth closing on his crackhead son and the family’s business dealings in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere.

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And then there’s a third party candidate in lifelong Democrat Robert Kennedy Jr, who’s guaranteed to take votes from that party’s supporters concerned by its lurch to the left.

Putting it all together, it’s difficult to see how the Globalists and the US deep state can allow a fair and open election. But how far would they go to stop it?


Few countries have surrendered more completely to the Globalist agenda than Wales. There are two possible reasons for this.

Either, our political class and those in public life, really believe in man-made climate change that can be cured by covering Wales in wind farms and killing all the cows.

Or . . .

They know it’s all bullshit but go along with it because doing so allows them to pleasure themselves by satisfying their authoritarian natures.

Neither possibility does them any favours.

You know me, I’ve been a nationalist all my life. Not a devolutionist, and not a federalist. I want my people to have full and unfettered control over our country.

But true independence is impossible until the Globalist threat is lifted. To achieve independence, and then blindly follow the Globalist agenda, would destroy Wales.

Consequently, I believe independence must be put aside for the moment. Especially when so many of those pushing for it have clearly sold out to Globalism.


After all that, why am I still optimistic?

First, because the mainstream media has lost its authority. Even weather forecasts are now ridiculed for their bias. More and more people turn to other sources. With the Globalists’ lies questioned, the mask slips. Openly talking of censorship is proof of that.

Despite the Globalists still controlling the political class in too many lands, we’ve seen hopeful signs lately in a number of countries, most recently, in Argentina. So spread the word, and keep campaigning against these traitorous bastards.

It’s becoming clearer how the Quisling Left fits into the bigger picture, so let’s expose these parasites – many funded with your money – for what they are. Make people see how unhinged, anti-Western, and repulsive, modern socialism has become. (However much lipstick is smeared on Comrade Pig.)

I still expect things to get worse before they get better. But keep going, for it’s always darkest just before the dawn!

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© Royston Jones 2024