This Is The End

After a long run, during which I hope I’ve educated a few people, even inspired one or two, while pissing off those in need of pissing off, I am retiring. This blog is closing down. 

I’ve had a good innings, but I’m an old git now, and I want to spend more time with my family (yes, honestly!), and to get out and about a bit more. I’ll catch up with my reading and my music, do more around the house, watch football, and continue my unstinting support for the winegrowers of Argentina. (God bless ’em!)

And, to be honest, this blog was getting to be a burden. I’d finish one piece, then start researching the next, all the while following up leads, answering queries, and just trying to do too much.

A great regret is closing this blog with the world more messed up than I’ve ever known it. (And I’ve been around a long time.) We live in an age of darkness, where lies prevail and truth speakers are punished.

History tells us such systems do not long survive. But those who now profit from deceiving us will not go quietly. I just hope the growing contempt for them doesn’t drive too many towards another form of darkness.

Be guided by the light of truth, avoiding cults and false prophets.

My thanks to all those who’ve supported me over the years, who’ve sent me leads and information. (And of course the odd donation.) My apologies to those I couldn’t help, and those whose information I was unable to use or to follow up.

This blog will remain accessible for a while because I know people are still reading stuff I put up years ago. And I’ll probably keep my X account open, for a while anyway.

I may return with a one-off if World War III breaks out, or if there’s a chance of the nation heading in the right direction for the first time in over 600 years.

Diolch yn fawr i chi gyd.

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2025

Cwmparc: Gates & Guards; Answers & Questions

This is another ‘quickie’. It began life last week when someone made me aware of what’s happening in Cwmparc, Treorchy, a community in the Rhondda Fawr.

In a nutshell . . . the new owner of a substantial property at the end of a terrace had put up heavy gates, denying locals access to the mountain behind. Access they’d enjoyed for generations. After protests, the gates were removed, but then they returned, this time with guards in attendance.


Cwmparc lies in a side valley running west off the main valley. You can locate it in the maps below, with the property in question – 1 & 2 Ger-y-Coed – circled in red.

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To help you further, here’s a Google image showing both properties (centre) before the gates were put in place, clearly showing the lower part of the contested access.

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The properties were up for sale at the end of 2023. And sold early in 2024. The registered owner is Adam Lee Drew; certainly, his name is on the title documents. Though I’m not 100% convinced he is the owner.

Having mentioned title documents, I should explain there are quite a few relating to this plot. I only downloaded two because the Land Registry recently increased its prices. Which means a title document with plan now costs £14, up from £6.

(How the hell is anyone allowed to get away with a 133% increase?)

Anyway, here’s the first of the two titles I downloaded, WA212230, it covers some of the property including the debated access. And reads in part (dated 2016):

The registered proprietor claims that the land has
the benefit of a right of way with or without vehicles
over the land shown hatched in blue on the title

The land hatched in blue is the disputed access. Does what you read above infer there’s a public right of way?

The second, CYM398171, shows land lower down the hill, taking in one, possibly two, of these new houses. So I’m assuming the part boxed in green has been removed from the original title.

Soon after these titles were registered to him Drew became a director of a big Franco-US company by the name of Kyriba. A company registered with Companies House but headquartered in San Diego, California. I suspect Drew is CFO of Kyriba’s UK operation.

Before joining Kyriba, and according to his Linkedin profile, Drew worked for German outfit Suse.


I think there are three possible explanations for what’s happening at Vicarage Terrace.

First, access; it’s about the land above Cwmparc, land managed by Natural Resources Wales. And if that’s the case, then we could be looking at yet more wind turbines. Possibly even solar panels, for the Rhondda is globally renowned for the 16 hours of sunshine it enjoys every day.

But this makes little sense, for the access past Ger-y-Coed would never accommodate the kind of vehicles needed to transport turbines and blades.

Which doesn’t rule out wind turbines. Perhaps the gates are to deter locals from seeing the preparatory work being done up on the mountain. And if it is turbines, then a new road will have to be cut somewhere to take the vehicles I just talked about.

If this is what’s happening, then Adam Lee Drew is fronting for someone else.

The second possibility is the property itself, 1 & 2 Ger-y-Coed. A substantial layout that could easily house 40 or 50 single individuals. Maybe more, at a squeeze.

Ger-y-Coed outlined in red on both Google Earth maps. Click to open enlarged in separte tab

I’m referring now to young men with no good reason to be here, who are a threat to public safety and social cohesion, yet are welcomed by Globalist puppet politicians – for those very reasons!

If this is the plan, then it could be Drew taking the heat for someone else, or he could be flying solo.

The third possibility is that this is nothing more than the new owner of the property being bloody awkward. In which case, Rhondda Cynon Taf council needs to pull its finger out and immediately declare the contested access a public right of way.

In fact, RCT could do that no matter which of those suggestions is correct. Even if it’s something else entirely.


Maybe what made up my mind to put out this piece was the reactions I found on the Rhondda Leader Facebook page. To explain . . .

I’m in contact with a well-informed individual who told me that her father, in Treorchy, had heard nothing about the Cwmparc furore. So I Googled ‘Rhondda Leader’, the local weekly ‘paper.

There’s an X account, and a Facebook page; but on the X account, where I expected to find a link to the Rhondda Leader website, there was only a link to the Rhondda page of WalesOnline.

Of the six Cwmparc access articles on the Facebook page yesterday, one had 7 comments, one had 10, one 64, one 542, one 670, and this one 2,300 comments. Is this a record for the Rhondda Leader?

So I focused on the report that garnered most responses. And something started to strike me as odd. And that was so many comments supporting the actions of Adam Lee Drew in blocking off the access.

And in terms of their geographic spread, these comments came from northern Scotland all the way down to southern England, even from overseas – but few from anywhere near Cwmparc!

Then the closer I looked at these supportive comments, the iffier some of them looked. Here’s a small selection. And these were all found among the first few comments to the piece I just linked to.

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I went to ‘Dyan Chamberlain’s FB account. What I found looks, well, ‘bare’. It seems to be a lot of stock photos. Is it genuine?

Another that caught my eye was the contribution from ‘Keith Jackson’

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So, I checked out his FB account. It suggests that ‘Keith Jackson’, if he exists, lives in the land currently being liberated by President Trump and his team. (Glory to them!)

There was even a supportive comment from an ‘Alan Barsteward‘. Which drew applause from ‘Chris Mutch‘, who claims to live in Cardiff.

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I was drawn to the third by the Welsh name.

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And again, I went to the FB account. Where I encountered this!

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As I say, I don’t know a lot about Facebook, and I only scratched the surface of the comments. But I saw enough to suggest there’s an organised campaign to support Adam Drew, his gates and his guards.

But who’d organise such a campaign over a dispute between neighbours? It suggests there might be rather more to those gates, and the guards, doesn’t it?

Latest news is that there was a protest yesterday, and there was a good turnout considering the bad weather.


As I was writing this, I slowly dismissed the idea of Drew, a Rhondda boy, buying these properties, to live in himself, surrounded by neighbours he’d pissed off.

What’s panning out tells me he won’t be living there. Which takes us on to the other options – ‘renewables’ and housing illegal aliens.

The first I also dismiss for the reasons given above. The remaining possibility made me think of an earlier example.

Cast your mind back to events at the Stradey Park Hotel in Llanelli a while ago. Almost 100 staff were sacked because the Home Office wanted to bring in over 200 ‘asylum seekers’, all young men.

There was near-unanimous opposition. Though politicians and media tried to discredit worried locals by claiming those protesting were ‘far right’ and ‘outsiders’.

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Stradey Park Hotel was an eye-opener for anyone who still believed in politicians, or trusted the media. Thankfully, the locals won.

One factor I’m sure was that, from a security perspective, the Llanelli site was on a busy road, making it too accessible. It was almost impossible to keep protesters away.

Not so at Cwmparc. At Ger-y-Coed it would be easy to restrict and control access. In fact, Cwmparc itself could be sealed with a couple of choke points.

If I’m right, then someone in Corruption Bay, and also at RCT council, knows what’s planned. (And it’s why I’ve submitted a FoI to the Home Office.)

So let’s have openness. Because too much of what happens in Wales is hidden from us by politicians and civil servants who, at the macro level, serve Globalists and their corporate friends, helping them exploit and wreck Wales.

At the micro level, priorities are determined by pressure groups, composed of leftists, anti-white racists, ‘environmentalists’, sexual deviants, and some who can only be labelled – and I say this without wishing to offend – certifiable fucking nutters.

So let’s have some uncharacteristic honesty from a corrupt political class and its scheming bureaucracy – tell us what’s planned for Ger-y-Coed in Cwmparc.

If they won’t do the decent thing then, instead of asking concerned locals how many different ways they can say, ‘Ooooh, isn’t it awful!’, let our media redeem themselves.

UPDATE 27.02.2025: This report just appeared in WalesOnline. The owners (un-named) claim that a number of problems — basically, anti-social behaviour – left them no option but to install the gates.


It’s reasonable to assume that these issues would have been reported to the police, the council, local politicians, Natural Resources Wales. The owners might even have reached out to the local community in Cwmparc. Did they?

Even if the claims are true, 3m high solid fencing, motorised gates, and guards, seems like an over-reaction to what was after all just anti-social behaviour. And a very expensive reaction!

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2025

Wales Being Bought Up Acre By Acre

This piece was prompted by someone asking me if I’d read an article recently published on the Nation.Cymru website. I smiled to myself, and responded in the negative.

But I went to the site anyway, and read ‘140 hectares of Welsh land purchased to restore woodland and nature habitat‘. Then one thing led to another, and here we are with yet another ‘quickie’.

Which means I must apologise again for the delay in the promised piece on the Rhug Estate. I have started, and it’s in the pipeline.


You may recall that earlier this month I wrote about 200m tall wind turbines being threatened for a hill to the east of Neath, in the Afan valley. That opus was called, Do They Know Where The Money’s Coming From? Do They Care?

(The answer to both questions is almost certainly No.)

The area under threat is Mynydd Fforch-dwm. The piece in Nation.Cymru a few days back concerned Brynau (pinned) and Cefn Morfudd. Fforch-dwm is to the east.

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Back to the article, which was unattributed, suggesting it was a press release, and that N.T, funded by the so-called ‘Welsh Government’, has truly joined the Welsh media.

The article told us that Coed Cadw, the Welsh branch of the Woodland Trust, had “secured” 140 hectares at Cefn Morfudd to add to the 95 hectares previously acquired at Brynau farm.

Let’s look into it a little more. And as ever, the real question is, where’s the money coming from?

The purchase . . . supported by grants from Lloyds Bank and the National Lottery Heritage Fund, funding from People’s Postcode Lottery . . . donations . . . Moondance Foundation and the Banister Charitable Trust . . . grant from The Woodland Investment Grant (TWIG) scheme, a partnership between The National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Welsh Government

Most look to be straightforward grants, but two piqued my interest.

The Moondance Foundation, is the charitable arm of the Admiral Insurance group. The company formed by American Henry Engelhardt, and Wales’ only FTSE 100 company.

But who now owns the group? Wikipedia says:

Admiral Group plc is owned by . . . shareholders, including the Moondance Foundation, Rothschild & Co, Fidelity Management & Research, and FIL Investment Advisors

Wikipedia also tells us:

In April 2021, Admiral finalised the sale of interests, that included its Cardiff-based price comparison firm, to RVU for proceeds of £508m.

This is a reference to RVU, which in recent years seems to have bought up a number of well-known insurance companies. The RVU website gives us the timeline, and we see under 2021.

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The first entry mentions Silver Lake as a ‘US equity firm’. Silver Lake (Offshore) AIV GP V Ltd is the ultimate owner of RVU, and it’s registered in the Cayman Islands.

How often do we end up in the Caymans – or other sun-blest locales – when looking into planet savers?

The money for Coed Cadw at Bryn Morfudd may be coming from the Moondance Foundation, or the Moondance Foundation might simply be acting as a conduit. For having just mentioned so many hard-nosed investors, and tax haven companies, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we were looking at another bit of greenwashing.

The other name that caught my attention was the Banister Charitable Trust. But I couldn’t find a website, only references like this. It’s based in Bristol, the source of so much ‘green-ism’.

There is of course an entry on the Charity Commission website, which set me off down a few more rabbit-holes. Especially when I checked out the trustees.

Where we see two surnamed Banister, but above them, Ludlow Trust Company, which seems to manage other trusts. So what is the Ludlow Trust?

Let’s start with the website. Where we read:

Established in 2020 to acquire and manage the UK trust business of Coutts and the NatWest Group . . .

In 2024, Ludlow Trust also acquired the UK trust business of C. Hoare & Co.

So it’s a very recent creation, and it would appear to be in the business of saving people money, by way of avoiding taxes wherever possible, or investing in those areas offering reductions in tax, and other benefits.

The Companies House entry is also interesting. Looking through the recent grants I found a number of recipients based in Wales. (I include the Woodland Trust because there’s unlikely to be a separate payment to Coed Cadw.)

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Tracking the ultimate ownership and control of the Banister Charitable Trust led me to Luxembourg, the EU’s internal tax haven. To be exact, 2 Rue des Gaulois and the Charter Trust Group.

It then comes back to London, and there’s an Isle of Man connection. But the point, I think, with both Moondance and Banister, is that the money offered may be rather more than no-strings-attached grants.


To recap: In a recent post we looked at the 200m turbines planned for Mynydd Fforch-dwm, and now we’ve looked at Woodland Trust expanding its little empire at Brynau and Cefn Morfudd.

But if we look again at the map, we see there’s a bit in between, Mynydd Blaenafon, so who owns this?

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To find out I obviously went to the Land Registry website. Here’s the title document I downloaded. You’ll see the land was bought in September 2020, for £525,000, by Peter Jeffrey Solly, of Exeter in Devon, who has a chequered record.

Solly’s also in the business of saving the planet . . . or of making money from pretending to do so. For the ‘Natural capital’ he mentions is the scam of scams. Described by the European Investment Bank thus:

Natural capital is the value of everything that comes from nature — soil, air, water and all living creatures

This is the Greensters dream – get politicians to introduce subsidies, grants and tax breaks for just about anything. Buy a field and claim it’s capturing carbon, breeding worms, or providing a habitat for moles – then wait for the lucre to roll in.

And when things start growing in your field . . . well, you’ll be able to order your private jet to get to the January knees-ups in Davos.

And you can even demand payment for the air above your field.

This explains why assorted corporations, asset managers, hedge funds, tax avoidance specialists, investors, etc., are buying up just about every parcel of land they can.

Though in the case of Solly his ambitions tread an already well-worn path. Because if we look more closely at the title document we see, at the very end:

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He has a lease agreement with a company called Mynydd Fforch Dwm Wind Energy 2021 Ltd. This is a front for Naturalis, which we read about in the earlier piece. So I won’t go over the links again.

What I find intriguing though is the timing. Solly bought the land at Mynydd Blaenafon in September 2020. The Naturalis website for Mynydd Fforch Dwm Wind Farm is also dated 2020.

Is Solly working with, or for, the company behind the plan for Mynydd Fforch-dwm? Was he tipped off? Then again, is Mynydd Fforch-dwm a red herring, and are the turbines really planned for Mynydd Blaenafon?

Or are turbines planned on both mountains? God knows there are enough in the area already. Maybe somebody’s hoping a couple of dozen more won’t be noticed.

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I’m not sure what exactly’s happening, but it begins to look a little complicated, maybe even devious. So here’s a thought . . .

According to the Land Registry, Mynydd Fforch-dwm is still in Welsh ownership. The owner has entered into an agreement with Mynydd Fforch Dwm Wind Energy 2021 Ltd.

While next door, the land at Mynydd Blaenafon was sold outright to Peter Jeffrey Solly. So was the previous owner, the Welsh owner, unaware of the turbine plans?

Worth asking, because everywhere we look in modern Wales we see Welsh people losing out, being displaced. We own less of Wales now than at any time in our history. Certainly less than we did before devolution.

That’s what 26 years of socialist rule under Labour and Plaid Cymru has achieved.


In our former mining valleys today it seems as if all land outside towns and villages is to be given over to wind farms. All of them foreign owned, with vast profits flooding out of Wales every day.

But why be surprised – this is Globalism. The land is bought up, cleared, exploited, and people are confined to 15-minute settlements, with travelling discouraged.

Superficially, and from a Welsh perspective, it may look bleak. But with President Trump declaring the ‘climate emergency’ to be a scam, and J D Vance humiliating the Globalist puppets running Europe, our enemy’s agenda is under real threat.

Starmer has a massive majority in MPs, but little popular support (less credibility). The EU is tottering. Germany goes to the polls on the 23rd. The war in Ukraine will soon end, and there’ll be huge revelations that not even the BBC will be able to ignore.

Thinking more locally – Labour will lose the 2026 Senedd elections. And many or most of the council by-elections between now and then.

So hang on in there. Better times are a-coming!

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2025

How Many Wind Farms Are Really Planned?

This is another ‘quickie’, which I’m putting out partly so people can be aware of what might be in the pipeline, and also to see if anyone out there can add a little meat to the bones.


As is my wont, I’ll start by showing you the area in question. It’s some two or three miles south or south west of Caban-coch reservoir. Or six or seven miles north of Llanwrtyd.

To give you a better idea of the area I’m talking about, Bryn Rhudd is pinned on both maps reproduced below.

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Bute Energy, the ‘renewables’ arm of property company Parabola, has an ‘Energy Park’ planned here. For which the registered company was known as Bryn Glas Energy Park Ltd, until Wednesday, when it changed to Bryn Rhudd Energy Park Ltd.

Which doesn’t move the project very far in terms of distance, Bryn Glas and Bryn Rhudd being adjacent hills, but I find the change significant because it suggests things might now be moving with this previously quiescent entity.

Confirmation for the project comes from the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales. This map produced last year shows Bryn Glas as a proposal.

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That said, the project does not appear on the Bute Energy website. But there are a number of Bute projects – companies formed and registered with Companies House – that don’t appear on the Bute website.

Others are: Garreg Fawr, Waun Hesgog, Nant Ceiment, Nant Aman, Tarenni, Maesnant, Bryngwyn, Blaencothi, Llyn Lort II, Orddu. That’s 10 projects for which companies have been formed, but are not mentioned on the Bute website.

Maybe no progress has been made on these ten projects beyond general scoping and informal chats with landowners.

In addition, there are a number of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) for which companies have been formed. Six by my count.

And let’s not forget the pylons and the power lines. Mile after mile of them, to carry the electricity generated (when the wind is just right!) from remote Welsh locations to the consumers of that electricity in England.

As many of you know, I try to keep up with Bute’s activities, and here’s my updated factsheet. If anyone can add to, or correct it, don’t be shy about contributing.


A big question in all these projects, and indeed, other projects, is – who owns the land, who stands to gain? A question that’s not easy to answer.

In the case of Bryn Rhudd, my first port of call was the Land Registry, but seeing as I had no title number I had to rely on finding it on the LR map. Which I think worked.

Here’s the title document for the land I located on the LR map. It’s known as Abergwesyn Commons. You’ll see it’s owned by the National Trust (NT); which seems to be confirmed by this map I found on the NT website. (Best of luck with the filters!)

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The NT land is the area in blue. I’ve highlighted Abergwesyn, to the south of the area that takes its name. To get your bearings relative to the maps you saw earlier use the reservoirs shown above the area in blue.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t a title plan available to download, as it was too large, and I didn’t have time to get it delivered by post.

Anyway, there’s another NT website, which has this to say . . .

Abergwesyn Commons stretch for 12 miles between the Nant Irfon valley in the west and Llanwrthwl in the east. Drygarn Fawr is the highest point on the commons, lying above the Nant Irfon valley.

Which appears to confirm this is the area we’re concerned with, and that Bute’s planned Bryn Rhudd Energy Park is on National Trust land.

Land Registry title documents can be intriguing when they provide a bit of history, which is the case with the one we’re looking at. In the recent history of the area we see names we’ve encountered before. And of course, they’re double-barrelled names.

First, there’s Legge-Bourke. I believe the land we’re looking at was sold to the National Trust by the Legge-Bourke family.

Whereas the Right Honourable James David Lord Gibson-Watt of the Wye M.C., P.C., and son, Julian Gibson Watt, were granted “sporting rights” over part of the land for 99 years from September 1984.

Other names mentioned were those you see below.

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Though it seems that somewhere along the way Devoy became Devoy-Williams. (An attempt to go native?) And Dai is a man of the law, as this report tells us.

I’m not sure whether he and Anjana are still an item, and maybe she runs the company Chillderness herself, or whether they’ve split. Either way, the Chillderness website explains the entry on the title document. (Chill in the wilderness – geddit!)

You’ll see from the website the company has a number of properties in Wales.

Hidden away in remote corners of the Chillderness Red Kite Estate in the Cambrian Mountains, Mid Wales, are four super-cool, off-grid glamping pods. The two Conkers (Earth Conker and Moon Conker) are insulated, all year round glamping pods. The forest by the river enfolds the two Tree Tents (Dragon’s Egg and Ynys Affalon), suspended in the canopy with treetop kitchens and outdoor bathing.

If you think ‘Affalon’ and the others are toe-curlers, wait until you see the properties in Sir Benfro. We have a nod to the Rimbaud of Cwmdonkin Drive with ‘Llareggub’ in Saundersfoot, then there’s ‘Mor (sic) and More’ in Amroth.

This is the kind of tourism that too often passes for Welsh: Buy out the natives then make money from trivialising their identity and culture.

But perhaps of more relevance to this inquiry might be what we see under the heading Property Register, which deals with parts of the original title that have been detached over the years.

For there, at No 7, we see that land was detached in September 2019 from the NT Abergwesyn Commons land, which might link to the planned wind farm. But this reference gives no new title number to check, which is frustrating.

Given what we know, I’ll conclude this section by saying it’s reasonable to assume that Bute Energy has some agreement in place with the National Trust for the area around Bryn Rhudd.

Otherwise, why launch the company, and keep it alive?


I always opposed the National Trust in Wales because it struck me as an ineffably English organisation, run by Home Counties hearties who would never understand or empathise with our history and identity.

Maybe devolution could have brought a change, if only arguing that the NT in Wales distanced itself from the parent body. But Corruption Bay was too busy anguishing over whether Picton should be disinterred and hung for what he might have done in the West Indies in the 18th century to worry about Wales in the 21st century.

More recently at the National Trust, tweeds and brogues gave way to green hair and anti-white racism. Predictably, this Wokist takeover brought in blind belief in the climate scam. Now we read of ‘Renewable energy in Wales‘, and just about every form of ‘renewables’ is mentioned . . . other than wind.

So I suggest we need a little honesty. A commodity rare in modern Wales. First from the National Trust.

On the assumption you own this land, do you have an agreement or an understanding with Bute Energy for a wind farm, or ‘Energy Park’, at Bryn Rhudd?

If so, have those who graze the land been informed or consulted?

To Bute Energy: What are your plans for Bryn Rhudd (formerly Bryn Glas)?

Also, what are your plans for the other 10 projects, each of which has a named company, but are not mentioned on your website? What stage have these projects reached?

These uplands of Elenydd are unspoilt and beautiful, among the wildest parts of Wales. That’s because they’re remote, which of course means no decent road access. Look again at the map for Bryn Rhudd to see what I mean.

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Most of the area is only traversable on foot, by horse, or by quad bike. Which means that the environmental damage caused in transporting and erecting huge wind turbines would outweigh any possible gain from a decade or two of expensive, intermittent, and unreliable wind power.

Consequently, any plan for ‘renewables’ at Bryn Rhudd is a reminder that wind turbines, fields of solar panels, are all about making money. Nothing to do with the environment whatsoever.

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2025

Do They Know Where The Money’s Coming From? Do They Care?

This ‘quickie’ is in response to a news item about 200m tall wind turbines planned for Mynydd Fforch-dwm, near the village of Tonmawr, east of Neath. Permission has been granted by the so-called ‘Welsh Government’ on the grounds that it’s a Development of National Significance.

The bulk of this post will be taken up with a look into the labyrinthine ownership of the company said to be behind this project, and others, before concluding with more general thoughts on ‘renewables’ in Wales.


First, let’s give you an idea of the where we’re at. As I’ve said, it’s to the east of Neath, and in the map below I’ve circled Mynydd Fforch-dwm in red.

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The additional run-off of rainwater generated by the huge concrete turbine foundations, the cable trenches, the access roads and all the other work, will run into Nant Pelenna, which joins the Afan near Pontrhydyfen, and then flows on down to Port Talbot.

It’s an area already cursed by many turbines, with even more planned. Such as the proposal to erect even taller turbines just a few miles away at Y Bryn.

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Though it’s not just the six huge wind turbines that are being promised, for this ‘energy park’ will bring even more goodies:

As well as the six large turbines . . . the site could also contain up to 10 hectares of solar photovoltaic panels mounted on frames fixed to the ground along with associated infrastructure such as battery storage facilities, electricity transformers, and access works.

The company named in the article as being behind the project is Naturalis Energy. Here’s their elementary website. Naturalis describes itself as a joint venture between Renantis and REG Windpower Ltd.

Companies House shows a Naturalis Energy Ltd based in Telford, Shropshire. But I’m taking a punt on the company we’re looking for being Naturalis Energy Developments Ltd, formed 23 September, 2019, as the timing fits with the website dated 2020.

Also, because control is exercised by Renantis UK Ltd. Running Renantis are two Americans and a Brit. This is one of the Americans, and this is the other. And here’s the Brit, Michael Nagle.

The same trio controls Vector Renewables UK Ltd at the same London address as Naturalis Energy Developments. Vector is owned by an outfit in the Caymans.

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These three may control other companies, but they can’t be traced in a Companies House search because they aren’t listed as directors, only as ‘Persons with significant control’.

From what I can see, the expertise in ‘renewables’ for Mynydd Fforch-dwm will be supplied by REG, with the money coming from Naturalis-Renantis. So I’m going to concentrate on the second element, the funding.

But before leaving REG . . . It was a tortuous trail but I eventually established that it’s all owned by Andrew Nicholas Whalley. Who’s been involved with many companies. Quite a few with Welsh names.

Back to Renantis UK Ltd, and the latest accounts filed with Companies House (to Dec 31, 2023) which tell us who owns this company. And whaddya know! – we’re back to the Cayman Islands, and the wording is the same as we just read for Vector.

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Now it gets a little complicated, so let’s hope I can explain it.

The panels above tell us Renantis UK is a subsidiary of ‘Renantis S.p.A’, registered in Milan, and elsewhere we learn that until November 2022 Renantis was known as Falck Renewables, following an acquisition in February that year by ‘institutional investors, of which J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. is adviser‘.

Which started to make sense, and ring bells. For Falck’s been mentioned on this blog before. Back in February 2022 in ‘Bute Energy Selling Wales For Danegeld?

To explain . . . Learning of the link-up between Scottish company Parabola Bute Energy (planning some 20 ‘renewables’ projects in Wales) and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, I went to the CIP website looking for a reference to Parabola Bute.

I couldn’t find one, but I told readers back then what I did find.

‘Copenhagen Infrastructure 1 has invested GBP ~155m of equity for a 49% stake in Falck Renewables S.p.A.’s (Falck) operational onshore wind portfolio in Scotland and Wales.’

That was written in February 2022, the month Falck was taken over by the ‘investors’ advised by JP Morgan Chase. Whose CEO, Jamie Dimon, wants to compulsorily purchase land and property – to accommodate the wind turbines and the solar panels needed to save the planet!

Wind farms and solar arrays that – by pure chance! – will be owned by companies, hedge funds, corporations, and other entities run by men like Jamie Dimon.

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If this dangerous nonsense had come from the studded tongue of a green-haired newt-botherer, or even a TV envirogrifter, I might laugh it off. But as the headline reminds us, Dimon is a ‘Wall Street titan’.

When I first read that I thought it was the most frightening – yet revealing – example of the Globalist corporate mentality I had ever read. And I still think that.

Maybe I should explain at this point that Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners acts as an intermediary, finding environmentally acceptable investments for investors.

CIP manages 12 funds and has to date raised approximately EUR 30 billion for investments in energy and associated infrastructure from more than 180 international institutional investors.

Getting back to Falck . . . I’d come across the company even before the CIP connection. For Falck owns (owned?) 20-year-old, 39-turbine Cefn Croes Wind Farm, above the A44. In its day, said to be the biggest (by output) in the UK.

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Let’s go back to the complicated ownership details on the Renantis UK accounts. Where we read: ‘The ultimate parent company and controlling party at 31 December 2023 is IIF Int’l Holding LP, a company Incorporated in Cayman Islands‘.

A bit more searching told me that ‘IIF’ stands for International Investment Fund, which makes sense. An entity that was handling $24 billion two years ago. But it seems not everybody’s happy.

This article from US consumer advocacy organisation Public Citizen wants US regulators to look more closely at Jamie Dimon’s outfit’s dealings. While this piece from the European Commission outlines the takeover of a big German energy supplier by ‘a wholly owned subsidiary of IIF Int’l Holding L.P.’

The world of corporate finance, eh!

The key to knowing who’s behind the Mynydd Fforch-dwm project seems to lie in Milan. Where, in February 2022, local company Falck was taken over by ‘investors’ advised by JP Morgan Chase, using the Renantis-Naturalis label, and further obscuring their activities by operating from the Cayman Islands. It was reported at the same time that Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners had taken out a 49% shareholding in Falck’s Welsh and Scottish onshore operations.

But these entities only invest other people’s money, we still don’t know where the money for Mynydd Fforch-dwm originates. Do those clowns in Corruption Bay even care?

UPDATE: Soon after putting this piece out I was contacted by a good source with further information. In the summer of 2023 Renantis linked up with Ventient Energy, and then last year, this resulted in a new company, Nadara.

Under various guises the new entity already has 10 sites in Wales.

Nadara is registered in Scotland using an Edinburgh address. It brands itself as a Scottish company, even claiming its name is derived from Scottish Gaelic, though it’s owned by an outfit registered in the EU tax haven of Luxembourg in November 2023.

A name associated with LuxBlue Holdco SARL is that of Paul Farmer. He’s also involved with IIF Int’l Holding, of the Caymans, which we encountered earlier. His Linkedin profile says he’s some kind of freelance.

The Blue element in the name may come from another link-up involving Renantis. This one with Blue Float Energy. They are doing deals in Scotland with the Crown Estate, which is of course devolved up there.

This may account for the clamour from politicians in Wales for the Crown Estate to be devolved here too, if only to show we’re getting some benefit from ‘renewables’.

I have no doubt that, once again, the trail leads back to the Cayman Islands. And so the question remains – where’s the money coming from?


When I began looking into Mynydd Fforch-dwm Energy Park I thought, from the name ‘Naturalis’, that I’d be seeing previously unknown companies, and fresh faces.

Boy! was I wrong.

Not only have we re-acquainted ourselves with loveable Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase, through part of his empire operating out of a British Overseas Territory, but via the Italian connection we also bump into Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners again.

A good time to remember that a 25% stake in CIP is held by Danish turbine producer Vestas. Among Vestas directors and shareholders is former Danish PM (sometime MEP) Helle Thorning-Schmidt. Who’s married to Aberafan MP Stephen Kinnock.

(Thorning-Schmidt is also a director of the Islamic Development Bank and the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.)

Helle Thorning-Schmidt. Click to open enlarged in separate tab

By a remarkable coincidence, the planet-saving extravaganza planned for Mynydd Fforch-dwm is either in, or on the border of, the Aberafan constituency.

But even without that propinquity we can guarantee moolah from Mynydd Fforch-dwm making its way to Helle. (But will she share it with hubby?)

And of course that also applies to CIP’s involvement with Parabola Bute Energy.

As stated at the top, this project is justified by the ‘Welsh Government’ on the grounds that it’s a Development of National Significance. For which nation? We already produce more than enough electricity to meet Wales’s needs, so this project must be of national significance for England.

So where are the benefits to Wales?

We scar our hills, increase the risk of flooding, with foreign-built turbines and pylons owned by companies and ‘investors’ from God knows where that regularly catch fire or get blown over. They’re erected by crews brought in for the job, after which the only work is changing the oil, firing up the diesel generator to pretend the bloody things work, and collecting the dead birds and bats.

In real world terms wind turbines just mean higher electricity bills for everybody and falling property values for homes within sight and sound of the damn things.

There are no benefits to Wales whatsoever, apart from the pitiful ‘community funds’ . . . the green energy equivalent of beads and infected blankets.

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As I wrote this, and saw so many links emerge, I wondered if it’s an attempt to forge a ‘renewables’ monopoly in Wales. For Jamie Dimon would get red carpet treatment if he visited Cardiff, as most Senedd Members would gleefully implement his demand to compulsorily purchase farmland for yet more turbines.

Thankfully, ‘over there’, Donald Trump sees through the plot to deindustrialise and impoverish the West. Which will make it increasingly difficult for European leaders to continue down the self-destructive path of Net Zero.

One day we’ll look back on the climate scam and wonder why otherwise sensible people fell for it all. Until then, we just have to keep fighting.

With truth on our side.

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2025

How The Trump Revolution Will Affect Europe

What a week that was! President Trump’s executive orders exceeded my expectations. Everybody (and perhaps more so those on the left) now realises that what Trump has set in train will not be limited to the USA.

After thoughts on what’s being achieved in the USA I’ll consider how the changes in the USA might impact on Europe.

This is not exactly what I promised earlier on X, but I decided to pull one section. I hope you’ll forgive me and enjoy this truncated version of what I originally planned.


Donald Trump, 47th President of the United States of America, is already implementing his election promises – and sending assorted groups into paroxysms of fury. (And it’s wonderful to watch!)

Though I’m not sure what upsets them more, a politician honouring the promises he made to the electorate or, as a result of doing that, dismantling the Globalist-left-green-woke alliance that’s destroying Western countries.

Maybe I don’t care; perhaps I’m just happy to see these bastards chewing the carpets at Davos, tearing out their green hair, and tearfully hugging the porcupine they were about to ‘re-introduce’ to Pembrokeshire.

But let’s go back a bit. To the last days of Sleepy Joe pretending he was running things. You probably know that son Hunter – who had nothing to do with that laptop! – was given a pardon going back to 2014!

Why 2014?

Because that’s when the CIA and state department mounted the Kiev coup, using Ukrainian Nazi militias, and implemented on the ground by arch-neocon Victoria Nuland, who resigned last year. The coup was not her only excursion into subterfuge and subversion resulting in massive death tolls.

(Though I agree with her on, “Fuck the EU“. Especially The Commission.)

The video below will help you understand Nuland better.

The coup marked the beginning of orchestrated violence against Russians in Ukraine, the emergence of US-controlled biolabs, and the start of the Bidens lining their own pockets from what soon became the most corrupt country in Europe.

Which is why the whole Biden family was given presidential pardons (including a brother I’d never heard of!) But the Bidens are gone. We won’t see them again until the movie.

Meanwhile, the good news keeps a-coming for Americans!

For President Trump has promised no more wind turbines and solar fields, an end to illegal immigration, a return to fossil fuels, to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US, to lower taxation, to reduce utility bills, and so many other changes that ordinary, sensible Americans will welcome.

Measures that are opposed by Globalists, Marxists, ‘environmentalists’, and shrieking Wokies who really need to get their heads fixed.

Perhaps Trump’s best moment thus far was telling those assembled Globalists at Davos to go do one. And enjoyable though that was my support for Trump is neither 100%, nor is it unconditional.

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The “Gulf of America” suggestion didn’t really bother me because it’s a bit of harmless bombast, the kind of thing we expect from him. Though his position towards Canada and Greenland needs to be clarified.

As for the Panama Canal, the Monroe Doctrine still holds. And if that vital waterway is, as Trump and others allege, effectively controlled by China, with US Navy ships being penalised, then the USA has every right to take back control of the PCZ. And we in Europe should support him.

As I say, Trump is flawed, I accept that. But the good he’s doing now outweighs all his shortcomings. Maybe this ‘warts and all’ appreciation was well explained by Hollywood actor James Woods, almost five years ago.

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Let me conclude this section with some final thoughts on Ukraine.

If Trump stops funding and arming Ukraine, then the war is as good as over. Saving many thousands of European lives.

We might then be able do what we should have done in 1990 – reintegrate Russia into Europe. As was done after WWII with Germany. For Russia has never fought against let alone invaded a Western country.

Of course there’ll be resistance from Poland, the Baltic States, and a few other countries, but the Soviet Union is dead and buried. And if French, Belgians, Dutch, Danes, Czechs and others could get over WWII fairly quickly then the countries of the east will have to get used to living with Russia.

To achieve this ambition we might need to punish those, like Victoria Nuland, who’ve demonised Russia and Russians; for these are the same people who elsewhere have manufactured coup after coup, that have engineered regime changes, and have instigated conflicts around the globe costing millions of lives.

Remember! this is the system President Trump wants to dismantle. Oppose him and you support the Permanent War Party lunatics straight out of Dr Strangelove.


It appears the USA has been saved, but Europe is still led by compromised weaklings.

By a political elite actively working against the interests of its own people. Especially the working class. That’s because the glorious future envisioned by the Globalists and their green-woke-left foot-soldiers has no place for the white working class.

The New World Order has no need for a vast labour force destroying the planet with their children and their cars. Their farting cows and their racist dogs.

The reference to racist dogs is another reminder of how the lunatics have taken over the asylum. However absurd, the Globalist agenda must be defended and promoted, by the political elite, the Globalist-controlled media, and the agencies that have been captured.

To understand the extent of that ‘capture’ here’s an ongoing story from the USA. One that’s seen little coverage in the media (for reasons that’ll become obvious). I refer now to what happened in the western part of North Carolina after it was hit by Hurricane Helene in late September.

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Stories emerged that the people of this area were not getting the help they needed from federal authorities, in particular, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

It was even reported that across the devastated region of the south east USA, FEMA was picking and choosing who to help, and it seemed white people, and Trump supporters, were being ignored.

Eventually, a scapegoat was found, and sacked, but the problem went deeper. Which is why, when visiting western North Carolina last week, President Trump told people still waiting for help that he was considering doing away with FEMA.

Why did FEMA ignore this area? Well, it’s in the Appalachians; which might mean that big city sophisticates see the people living there as white trash, strumming Dixie on their banjos between gulps of moonshine.

And yet, while US citizens were neglected the Federal authorities found billions of dollars to cater to every need and whim of illegal immigrants.

What we see with FEMA, and even from bodies over here as disparate as the Director of Public Prosecutions and our National Museum, is that the poison of DEI and CRT has corrupted them and turned them against the majority population.

So let me explain DEI. It stands for ‘Diversity, Equity, Inclusion’. Which in practice means discriminating against ‘over-represented’ groups, and that always means the same thing.

A poison that has spread throughout the body politic and public life of the West.

Clearly, when you overlook the best qualified people, to favour those ticking the right boxes, then standards will fall. Whether it’s a university, a government department, or a police force. And when standards fall, we all suffer, including the groups being favoured. Which exposes what DEI is really about.

For just like Net Zero, uncontrolled immigration, or the attack on free speech, DEI is designed to weaken the West. Another part of the Globalist agenda.

The picture is unmistakably consistent, on both sides of the Atlantic.

We’ve witnessed the Globalist agenda at work, implemented by Cultural Marxists, and their useful idiots – deluded liberals desperate to appear ‘progressive’. Not forgetting of course the permanently offended, who live to invent new isms and phobias.

And the people see it. They see corrupt establishments empowering petty tyrants and commissars to control thinking, and to silence opponents, to dole out public funding, and to favour strangers over them. And they get angry.

In Europe, opponents of Globalism face absurd legal action, and democracies discuss banning political parties that don’t toe the Globalist line. Yet we’re told this slide into authoritarianism is ‘defending democracy’!

Which is why I’m convinced change is coming to Europe. Because as the Trump administration lowers prices by returning to fossil fuels, as it cuts taxes by reducing Federal spending, as it seals its border and deports illegals, as it restores freedom of expression and equal opportunities, there can be no turning back.

So let those responsible for imposing this nightmare accept that it’s over. And do so graciously. A bloody and hopeless rearguard action will serve no one’s interests – except those who have conspired for so long to destroy the West.


Someone has sent me a dossier on the Rhug Estate. How it’s run. By whom. Plus information on some of the practices and marketing ploys used. The dossier’s contents are intriguing, amusing, and in some parts very concerning.

As I start putting something together I’d welcome information from anybody with experience of the Rhug Estate; as an employee, a supplier, or a customer. Send what you have to (There is no prize.)

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2025

The Corpse Of Wales And The Feeding Parasites

If you keep up with Welsh news then you must be aware of the years-long confrontation on Ynys Môn over the plan for ‘lodges’ at Penrhos nature reserve on Holy Island.

This project was originally marketed as accommodation for workers coming to build Wylfa 2, the planned nuclear power station. But now it’s tourism, pure and simple.


The reason I’m dealing with it is because the site has been sold by Land & Lakes (Anglesey) Ltd to the Seventy Ninth Group Ltd. On the face of it, a straightforward commercial transaction. Here it is reported on the Seventy Ninth Group website.

But we are not being told the truth.

Let’s start with the seller, Land & Lakes. This is quite a big company, based in the Lake District, and run by Brian Kenneth Scowcroft. He seems to be the real deal, a genuine entrepreneur. Perhaps Land & Lakes has decided to move on, and may even need the money from the sale for other purposes.

A suspicion strengthened by the fact that Land & Lakes (Anglesey) Ltd took out a loan last month with posh private bank C Hoare & Co.

Which is why I see little point in spending time on Land & Lakes. Instead, I want to focus on the buyers, reported to be the Seventy Ninth Group. Which is said to be run by David Gary Webster. Helped by his sons, Jake and Curtis. And they’re based in Southport.

There are many companies under this name registered with Companies House, but none going back further than 2019. (And the older companies changed their name to Seventy Ninth.) The company with the flashy website we just looked at, the Seventy Ninth Group Ltd, was only launched in November 2024.

Though to confuse matters, there is also The 79th GRP Ltd registered with Companies House in July 2020. And despite the similar name, and the same Southport address, it is a different company.

This 79th GRP looks like an intra-group money shuffler, with no employees and the latest accounts showing Assets (debtors and cash) of £22,465,034 against Creditors of £22,465,686. With most of the latter accounted for by “amounts owed to group undertakings“.

Which may link with a deal done in Gibraltar at the end of 2023, by which (if I’m reading it right) tens of millions of Euros was made available to 79th GRP Ltd by 79th Resources Ltd, a Gibraltar-registered company formed in October 2010. (Though it might have been known by a different name.)

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What I find odd is that the charge document, drawn up by T & T Management Services of 2 Irish Town, Gibraltar, says “The 79th GRP Limited being a private limited company incorporated and registered in Gibraltar (under registration number 12783409)”, but then it gives the Southport address.

That number is for the Companies House registration; if it was registered in Gibraltar it would have a different number. And if also registered in the UK then I would expect to see a number beginning either with OC (Overseas Company), or OE (Overseas Entity).

Whatever, maybe we shouldn’t be surprised by the Gibraltar connection, because if we go back to the website we looked at earlier we find this:

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Confirmed here.

And the Seventy Ninth Group Private Equity Fund makes no secret of what it does. Penrhos would appear to fit the description of “distressed asset“.

The fund is designed to capitalise on acquiring distressed and undervalued assets across various real estate sectors, including residential, commercial, and leisure, areas in which The Seventy Ninth Group has gained a global reputation as experts.

So we have companies registered in England, but working through Gibraltar and regulated in that tax haven. The Seventy Ninth Group is even listed on the Wiener Börse, and I recall reading somewhere else about the Frankfurt Exchange.

All very impressive; so how many companies are we talking about?


Earlier, I provided a link to a number of companies under the Seventy Ninth banner. Here it is again. But if you search the Companies house website under the name of CEO David Gary Webster, you turn up this list. Most use the ’79th’ label, with the oldest taking us back to May 2016.

Most of these companies are carrying debts, especially the older ones, such as 79th Luxury Living Five Ltd, and many seem to be owed to Castle Trust & Management Services Ltd. Another Gibraltar entity, now down the Swannee.

It looks very much as if Castle was badly investing money after people took advice from unregulated advisers. How much of this money ended up with the Websters and their Seventy Ninth / 79th duo?

Castle Trust & Management Services was registered in the UK in February 2023. The owner is given on the filed documents as Steven Andrew Knight. And here he is again.

UPDATE 25,02.2025: Read this insolvency report to better appreciate what a crook Knight is.

Elsewhere in the empire, the Seventy Ninth Global website is good for a laugh. Check out the image below. They look like a team of bouncers. What’s the message here? “Oi, let us invest your pension – or else!

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But I digress.

With the demise of Castle Trust & Management Services the Websters seem to have teamed up with Desiman 2 Ltd for more recent loans. Including a loan made just before Christmas to cover the purchase of Penrhos and a number of what I assume to be adjacent properties, all listed here with their Land Registry title numbers.

The loan was made to DJC Leisure Ltd, formed less than a year ago. DJC I assume refers to David Webster and his sons Jake and Curtis. Though I found it strange that no one is listed as ‘person with significant control’.

I would have expected to see the Websters listed there. Is it really their company?

Desiman 2 is owned by HL Investments Ltd of St Peter Port, Guernsey. I believe the ‘HL’ stands for Hargreaves Lansdown. Another company that will invest your pension or your savings.

Hargreaves Lansdown was gobbled up last year.

The Bristol-based company accepted a deal in August worth GBP5.44 billion from a consortium comprising CVC private equity funds, Nordic Capital XI Delta and Platinum Ivy B 2018 RSC Ltd, part of Abu Dhabi Investment Authority.

This dig into background could end here, but it doesn’t, due to a frustrating quirk of the Companies House website. By which I mean, you can search, at different times, perhaps using other combinations of a name – even the same name! – and come up with entirely different results.

Like I say, it’s very bloody frustrating.

UPDATE: To add to the confusion I have found two companies registered with Companies House where Webster Snr gives his name as ‘David Webster’.

These are: long defunct T Orange Ltd, a one-man band. And Grudge Match Management Ltd, where the other director is Kenneth Roberts, who may have mining interests. Until February ’24 this company was known as 79th Group Ltd!


As an example of the confusion, I mentioned earlier that searching on the Companies House website for ‘David Gary Webster’ turned up these 23 companies.

But another search for ‘David Gary Webster’ turned up 55 more companies. A different 55 companies! All of which seem to pre-date 79th / Seventy Ninth. With appointments running from January 2001 to May 2015. And in a number of the earlier posts, Webster is listed as secretary rather than director.

What’s more, many of them seem to be local sports clubs in Formby. Not surprising as in a number of these ventures Webster was teamed up with former lower leagues footballer Hugh McAuley.

The Wikipedia entry for McAuley tells us:

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The company mentioned, that linked McAuley with Webster, Innovation Group (UK) Ltd, was Dissolved in 2015, and never declared any assets of note.

A fate that accounts for most of the 55 companies I turned up in the second search, the exceptions being those Webster left over a decade ago, and 79th Element Ltd. Webster senior left this outfit in October 2016 and son Jake left in January 2020.

Though Jake is still listed as the controlling interest in this company, which seems to be the first mention of ’79th’. But what does it mean? (Since publication I’ve been reminded that gold has the atomic number 79.)

It’s all a bit odd, don’t you think? Here we have David Webster, Merseyside footy fan who, in his early 50s relaunches himself as a big-money property and finance guy with the loot behind it all coming from, or through, offshore locales.

And it doesn’t end there, for Webster is said to have bought a gold mine in Africa.

Having built up, over 25 years, a £400 million residential and commercial property portfolio through The 79th Group, the Websters believe this is the perfect time to invest in gold and two further mine purchases are under consideration.

“Over 25 years”! But as I just said, the first mention I can find of 79th is in July 2014 with 79th Element Ltd, currently on the rocks, with the accounts well overdue, and strike-off imminent.

Though it does describe itself as being involved in “Mining and other non-ferrous metal ores”. But there’s surely a word missing after mining? Gold?

And we read earlier that Seventy Ninth now has mining concessions in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Also in Ontario, Canada. Though strictly speaking this is Seventy Ninth Resources, registered in Gibraltar (104802), but using the Southport address, and it’s a division of the bigger Seventy Ninth Group.

(You’ll recall me mention a deal between 79th GRP and 79th Resources. Is 79th Resources the same company as Seventy Ninth Resources?)

The Seventy Ninth Resources website says the actual drilling was done by SRK Exploration Services Ltd. But the only extant company with a name like that is SRK Exploration Services Nominee Company Ltd, giving a Newport, Gwent, address.

And it must be this company because one of the two nominees is William Kellaway, who we find here. And here’s the SRK report of him out in Guinea.

This is impressive stuff. If you accept it at face value. But I don’t.

UPDATE 01.03.2025: It’s reported that the City of London Police is looking into the 79th Group in relation to “investment fraud“. Such a shock! I shall have to go and lie down.


The Websters work for the Seventy Ninth Group. But they don’t own it. They’ve been recruited to serve as the public face for a much bigger, and more secretive, network. The office in Southport is just an accommodation address.

Turning to Penrhos, we saw the relevant titles linked with DJC Leisure Ltd, the company named after Webster father and sons.

You’ll recall me wondering earlier why the ‘person of significant control’, indicating company ownership, had been left blank. Well now I know.

I went to the Companies House filings for DJC Leisure Ltd, and checked the Certificate of Incorporation. By scrolling down I saw that all 100 shares are owned by Kitten Holdings AG of Zug, in Switzerland. Check for yourself.

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Kitten Holdings was formed around the same time as DJC Leisure, and now owns Penrhos. So who owns Kitten Holdings AG?

UPDATE: When I saw the name ‘Kitten’ I was thinking pussycats. But what if it’s an individual, such as this guy. Who certainly knows about money.

The onus is now on politicians, media and others to contact the Websters and ask them who really owns Penrhos. Also ask them who’s behind the money-moving machine in which they’re just a cog.

At the end of the day, we’re talking about more foreign-owned tourism. Which Wales needs like she needs more DEI, or more Net Zero, or more pressure groups, or more envirogrifters, or more corporate greenwashers, or more . . .

After 26 years of socialism the country I love is corrupted, and decaying; attracting parasites from around the globe. And they get welcomed; by those too fucking stupid to see them for what they are, or too fucking lazy to ask a few basic questions.

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2025

Future Generations Deserve Better Than Net Zero

There’s a gathering of envirogrifters on February 4 at the Pierhead Building in Corruption Bay. Here’s an invitation from Daniel Lock of Nature Service Wales, a newish outfit and local branch of the scarcely older Food, Farming & Countryside Commission (FFCC).

Reminding us that ‘environmentalism’ sees new groups spring up almost every day, proliferating like maggots on a corpse. That’s because ‘the environment’ nowadays is a great investment opportunity, just like the ‘climate emergency’. As a result, the toad-savers are now regularly rubbing shoulders with ‘investors’.


As I suggest, its Welsh arm is new, and FFCC itself was officially formed in April 2020. Though it certainly existed before that date.

The guiding light seems to have been Sir Ian Michael Cheshire, chair of ‘green’ Land Securities Group. He left FFCC in July ’24.

Landsec is, according to Wikipedia, “the largest commercial property development and investment company in the United Kingdom“. Companies House can’t tell us who owns holding company Landsec Securities Group Plc, but the Financial Times throws up some familiar names, with two BlackRock companies jointly owning 10%.

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But back to the Food, Farming & Countryside Commission.

If we trace back a little further we find that FFCC was incubated by the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA).

I know this because I came across it by a roundabout route – in the Linkedin profile of former Labour Assembly Member and minister Jane Davidson. From which the extracts below come.

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This link between Jane Davidson and FFCC is confirmed by this page from the FFCC website. Which tells us that in September 2021:

After three years, Jane Davidson is stepping down as Chair of the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission’s Wales inquiry.

The link is further confirmed by this mention on the RSA website.

The article informs us Davidson was succeeded by another Corruption Bay insider in the form of Chris Nott, senior partner at Capital Law, one of the ‘Welsh Government’s favourite firms.

The sequence seems to be that Jane Davidson became a Fellow of the RSA at the start of 2014. Before the year is out she’s chair of the RSA’s Welsh Advisory Board. In November 2017 the RSA launched the FFCC. Then, Nature Service Wales was set up in the second half of 2023.

The suggested timeline is partly confirmed by this piece by Abergavennyshire ‘farmer’ Sue Pritchard. Who became chief executive of FFCC following her involvement in the RSA incubation period.

Her Linkedin profile also tells us she attended very expensive Atlantic College. Like the daughters of Stephen Kinnock, Labour MP for Aberavon. Whose wife, former Danish PM, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, is coining it from wind turbine going up all over Wales.

Davidson herself was privately educated at Malvern Girls’ College.

It don’t matter from which angle you come at it, you soon realise the proselytisers of the climate scam, and the ‘mass-extinction-around-the-corner’ crew, belong to the middle class going through one of its periodic fits of ‘Isn’t it ghastly!

I shall return to the FFCC and the Wales Nature Service at a later date, but for now I’m going to concentrate on the ubiquitous and very influential Jane Davidson.


It’s amazing how many entries you can find when searching the internet for ‘Jane Davidson’. An interesting one I turned up is an event she attended last year organised by the School of International Futures (SOIF) which is:

a global non-profit transforming futures for current and next generations

But she wasn’t lonely. For also there was the former Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Sophie Howe; and her successor in that post, another Labour stalwart in the form of Derek Walker.

So we had three Labour insiders on the same jolly.

SOIF is organising another get-together of the hand-wringers this year at Lainston House in Wiltshire. But it don’t come cheap . . .

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I wonder who’ll be there from Wales.

Among the SOIF funders we find the UN, the WHO and – it should go without saying – George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. Fitting in a way, seeing as Davidson, Howe, and Walker, are all linked to Coleg Soros in Talgarth.

Where, among the funders, is the A Team Foundation. In its latest accounts this lot explains its donation thus:

Black Mountains college curriculum challenges the basis of our destructive economy.

Yeah, we gotta do away with this “destructive economy” . . . that’s provided us with homes, jobs, cars, cheap energy, regular holidays. Let’s swap it for a future in which the only jobs will be for Davidson, Howe and their friends telling us what we can’t have, and what we can’t do.

And they’ll be funded by those who’ve grown rich from dispossessing 99% of us – but it’ll all be done for our own good!

So look on the bright side . . .

Er, no; there isn’t one.


If we refer back to her Linkedin page, we see nothing before 2000. That source begins with her appointment as Minister for Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills, after being elected to the Assembly in May 1999.

Though the important job was Minister of Environment, Sustainability and Housing 2007 – 2011. For the ‘environment’ is her true calling. Maybe her mission.

This BBC profile from September 1999 helps fill in some gaps. So let’s deal with the purely personal first. Not because I enjoy doing it but because Davidson has been so secretive about it. For example, never using her married name. Yet, thanks to the BBC, it’s in the public domain.

And the Beeb tells us she married Guy Roger George Stoate in January 1993. Stoate was a lecturer, and here he is in 2009 protesting at our Notional Assembly – where his wife was the Labour Member for Pontypridd!

I suppose that would be a good reason not to call yourself ‘Mrs Stoate’.

Since they moved west Guy has run a second-hand bookshop in Aberteifi, called Leafed Through. It’s a ‘community’ bookshop. Stoate and his bookshop are regularly in the local rags making donations to other ‘community’ groups.

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(I can’t help thinking the Cambrian News missed a glorious opportunity there. Can’t you see the headline? – ‘Stoate gives monkey to badgers’.)

As luck would have it, Tom Kearney of the Ceredigion Badger Group was also in the Labour party . . . ’til last month, when he resigned over Starmer not being socialist enough. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, the Labour party in rural Wales is almost entirely made up of middle class English interferers, more alien than the Tories ever were.

With too many of them running ‘community’ ventures in Welsh communities they know sod all about. Driven by the same belief in their superior organisational abilities that helped build the empire they now repudiate.

But back to Mrs Stoate.

Look again at the BBC profile and let me direct you to the gap from 1996 until the first Assembly elections in May 1999. Was she working her Ponty constituency, even before Labour won the May ’97 general election and confirmed we’d be offered devolution?

If not, then what was she doing? Answers . . . post card . . .

But the bigger question is, when did she become the scheming zealot we see now, involved in everything; the ambassador for Agenda 2030 and the climate scam?

It may have begun when she attended the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, where she claims to have experienced a “damascene moment“, according to this piece from the Sustainable Brands (SB) website (scroll down) following a 2017 conference in Copenhagen.

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That article is interesting for two main reasons.

It tells us Jane Davidson bought into the climate scam over three decades ago.

But she had to be in Rio for the ‘conversion’ to happen. So why was she there? Because at the time – according to her BBC profile – she was working as a researcher for the late Rhodri Morgan, then Labour MP for Cardiff West.

Surely Rhodri Morgan didn’t send her? I can’t see that, especially as the House of Commons was sitting from 2 June 1992 to 16 July 1992 inclusive.

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So why was she in Rio? And who paid for the trip? Again, answers . . . post card . . .


I don’t necessarily trust Wikipedia, but here’s what it says about Jane Davidson.

She was minister for environment and sustainability in Wales from 2007 to 2011 where she was responsible for the Welsh Government agreeing to make sustainable development its central organising principle

And yet, “sustainable development” has such a positive ring to it. Surely, only a maniac intent on destroying the planet would not want it?

Well, yes; that’s how they want us to see it.

The problems come, first, with the realisation that the ‘danger’ the planet is facing is greatly exaggerated if not entirely imaginary, and the measures demanded to mitigate a manageable or non-existent threat are destroying economies and the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

And for reasons the zealots prefer not to discuss, it’s the West that’s suffering.

But the damage didn’t end when Davidson left the Assembly in 2011. For the SB article we looked at earlier tells us Davidson confesses to having written The Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

As a Google AI overview puts it:

The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 was a key starting point for Wales’s efforts to reduce its carbon emissions and transition to a net zero economy

Even though it wasn’t really the “starting point“, this legislation means that everything done in Wales must accord with the diktats of UN Agenda 2030.

Every economy-killing, cost-raising, poverty-increasing lunacy.

I am delighted to report that the party to which I belong is serious about repealing this legislation.

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Davidson’s influence on political decision making didn’t end when she left the Assembly, nor with the passing of the Future Generations legislation. Because she never really left; she’s always there, sitting on this board, chairing that panel.

Giving her more political clout than anybody you’ve ever voted for.

One such position is chair of the Wales Net Zero 2035 Challenge Group. An unsavoury crew of bought academics, enviroshysters, assorted grifters, and fraudsters who might be banged up if they weren’t selling their duff products on behalf of ‘the planet‘.

The ‘findings’ of this crew will be even more damaging for Wales than what’s gone before. But we can’t afford any more of it.

If the wreckage of the Welsh economy and the collapse of our public services was treated as a crime scene, then Jane Davidson’s fingerprints would be everywhere. Which is why I consider her to be the most dangerous individual in the disaster that devolution has proved to be.

I say that because incompetence and stupidity are one thing (and found everywhere in devolved Wales), but what Davidson and her kind are doing is a deliberate and calculated attempt to de-industrialise and impoverish Wales in order to showcase our self-destruction to the rest of the world.

And so I say, Agenda 2030 and Net Zero must be rejected if our people are to have decent jobs; if they are to live in homes they were able to buy; in a country where public services work; where food is plentiful, cheap, and we aren’t told what we can eat.

This is the Wales we should demand for our children. Not the dystopian vision being offered by ‘environmentalists’, and used to enrich their corporate backers.

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2025

Foundation Scam Supporting A Tower Of Bullshit

There’s been a two-week gap since my previous opus, A Case Study In ‘Rewilding’; so here’s a pre-Christmas treat for you to get your teeth into before those Brussel sprouts. Yum! yum!


Here, I am of course referring to the ‘climate crisis’. It’s foundational because if you buy into this, or even if you just silently accept it, then you help erect the ‘Tower of Bullshit’ that’s built upon it.

In this ‘tower’ you’ll find net zero, behavioural control, loss of personal freedoms, open borders, wealth transfer, anti-white racism, personal carbon allowances, and a host of other evils that George Orwell might have warned us about if he’d lived long enough to write a sequel to 1984.

The evils we see around us, the ways in which everything becomes more expensive, and our lives more miserable, can only be imposed if enough of us accept we need to make sacrifices to combat (they love that word!) their ‘climate crisis’.

Because if we buy into the climate scam then we’ll dutifully vote for uniparty politicians and parties controlled by those who dreamed up and now profit from the scam.


Among the most obvious measures being promoted to fight the ‘climate crisis’ is renewable energy. This usually means wind turbines and solar panels.

A truly disastrous combo.

On the plus side, Wales sees a lot of wind. What we don’t get a lot of is sunshine. Which is why solar panels are an insult to our collective intelligence.

To begin with, solar ‘arrays’ take up a hell of a lot of space, often good agricultural land. Which then gets poisoned. Even the so-called ‘Welsh Government’ admitted as much in this report from March 2023.

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The problems mentioned occur if the panels stay in place, but as we saw with Storm Darragh the other week, they don’t always stay in place. For the winds caused chaos at Porth Wen, near Cemaes, in the northern part of Ynys Môn.

It was soon reported in the Daily Mail, and the New Civil Engineer. But it was a full six days before the ‘National Newspaper of Wales’ got around to mentioning it.

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The problem is of course that Ynys Môn sees a lot of wind. That wind often comes straight off the Atlantic. To make matters worse, the island is relatively flat, with no sheltering hills.

So you might think it’s a good place for wind turbines. Well, no.

For as the New Civil Engineer also reported, just nearby, at Llanbadrig, a wind turbine had its blades ripped off.

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And yet, despite the obvious problems, there are plans for even bigger solar installations on Ynys Môn.

I heard of other incidents where solar installations broke up, and panel parts took wing. One incident involved Aberystwyth University’s £2.9m solar farm at Penglais.

An investment that’s inspired . . .

Four new degrees . . . International Relations and Climate Change, Biology and Climate Change, Business and Climate Change and English and Climate Change.

English and Climate Change” must have a module, ‘Selling this crap to the plebs’.

For those unfamiliar with the area . . . Penglais is a hill above the town, perfect for catching the wind coming off Cardigan Bay. Though not so good for ground-mounted solar panels, which positively invite levitation.

Penglais solar farm circled. Click to open enlarged in separate tab

Even if they reach the grand old age of 20, wind turbines and solar panels will never ‘repay’ the environmental damage they caused in being created and installed.

In addition, massive subsidies are demanded. And when there isn’t enough of our money on offer, developers go off in a huff. As was the case recently in Denmark.

Governments are then advised to come up with “healthier pricing” . . . by the wind industry. If it was up to me, I’d tell them to . . .

The Danish Government must now quickly . . . adapt their auction design to market realities. The industry needs healthier pricing and fairer risk allocation

Once installed, turbines and panels offer unreliable, intermittent supply – that has to be backed up by something more reliable; usually nuclear, or fossil fuels.

And as we’ve seen with Storm Darragh – which was nothing out of the ordinary – ‘renewables’ can’t cope with serious wind.

In fact, turbines have to be switched off in anything other than a strong breeze. And of course they produce nothing in windless conditions. Solar panels obviously generate nothing at night, or when there’s no sun, or if they’re covered in snow.

Which means that on those cold, overcast, windless winter days we experience so often, ‘renewables’ contribute bugger all to the grid.

So the idea that a country can rely 100% on ‘renewables’ is utterly insane. Yet this is what ‘Mad Monk’ Miliband is demanding. Though he’s being paid handsomely to push this bullshit by those who’ll benefit.


If we’re talking of wind turbines, then we can’t ignore Bute Energy; maybe the biggest player in Wales, with many wind farms planned, plus solar installations, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), even its own power lines.

And of course, Bute is well connected with Labour in Wales, having created sinecures for party insiders. Then there’s the Danish connection, with Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners. Which matches funders with Bute projects.

A 25% stake in CIP is held by another Danish outfit, Vestas, and on the Vestas board is former Danish PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt. Alternatively known as Mrs Kinnock, for she’s the wife of Stephen Kinnock, MP for Aberavon, son of former Labour leader Neil, and the late Glenys, for many years a MEP.

(Talking of Vestas, here’s a very recent mishap with a new Vestas wind turbine in Scotland. And there have been others.)

Mrs Kinnock has her own company, Thorningschmidt Global Ltd, and she also sits on the board of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.

The address given for her company is Acre House, 11/15 William Road, London NW1 3ER. Other companies at that address appeared in the Paradise Papers. This is the UK end of Rontec Group (Jersey) Ltd, the empire of Sir Gerald Ronson OBE. For those old enough to remember, Ronson was one of ‘The Guinness Four’.

Mrs Kinnock’s also worked with the World Health Organisation and the Trilateral Commission.

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I’ve made the point before that the principals involved in Bute came from property company Parabola. The holding company for the Bute empire is Windward Global Ltd. This is controlled by Oliver James Millican, son of Peter John Millican, chair of Parabola.

Is Bute just a front for Parabola? I ask, because one might need to be very generous to believe that four young executives, including the boss’s son, cut their ties with Parabola at the same time to take a leap into the unknown.

I just wrote “four young executives“, which may confuse some of you familiar with the principal players. For in addition to Millican Jr the other ex Parabola people prominent with Bute are usually Lawson Steele and Stuart George.

But there was a fourth departure from Parabola, Barry Woods. If you look at the list of related companies, you’ll see that Steele, George and Woods each had a ‘Windward’ company formed for them 31.05.2018.

Woods’ company was dissolved in September 2019 when, I assume, he broke with Bute.

If you go down that list you’ll see Windward JR Ltd. Those initials stand for John Reilly. He’s the Project Manager for Bute Energy, and a bit of a joker. For here he is quoted by NorthWalesLive in May 2023.

John Reilly, project manage . . . said: “As a nation we’re in a Climate Emergency, and a cost-of-living crisis.

The cost-of-living crisis is partly caused by Net Zero, forced on us to fight a non-existent ‘Climate Emergency’, yet Reilly tries to turn facts on their head. It’s too late for this bullshit, pal. Too many people now see through it.

The latest accounts for Windward JR, which became available to view earlier this month, show a remarkable upturn in fortunes.

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A company that never had more than a few hundred quid in the kitty now has over a million. With the filed accounts offering no explanation for this windfall. So where might it have come from?

Answers on the usual postcard.

UPDATE 22.12.2024: The accounts for Windward LS have become available on the Companies House website. They show the arrival of roughly £5 million. We can expect a similar amount to appear in Windward SG Ltd. And probably a larger sum in some other company for Oliver James Millican.

UPDATE 23.12.2024: The accounts for Windward SG Ltd (to 31.03.2024) are also now available. They show an unexplained increase in Assets from the previous year’s £87,950 to £4,722,225.


In June ’23 I put out Taking Control, Of Everything, where I tried to explain how, through funding, appointments, and other means, the ‘Welsh Government’ seems to take over bodies that should be non-political.

In particular, I drew attention to recent changes at the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) and the Football Association of Wales (FAW).

I mentioned Dr Carol Bell who, according to this bio from Chapter Zero (one of her many directorships), leads (the FAW’s) sustainability strategy“. Which, given how ‘sustainability’ operates in the wider world, will probably bankrupt Welsh soccer.

Since I wrote last year Dr Bell has taken up a number of new appointments.

In January she started Aileni Ltd, with crachach luminary Geraint Talfan Davies, and Geoffrey Hunt of Arup. In March, she became Treasurer of Glamorgan County Cricket Club. Then she got involved in three archaeological bodies. And on April 23 Dr Bell joined Bute’s Windward Energy Ltd.

She is a non-executive director of Norwegian Bonheur ASA. A non-executive director of Cyprus-based  platinum and chrome mining company Tharisa. Dr Bell’s Market Screener bio mentions Hafren Scientific Ltd, another mining and drilling company, which for some reason isn’t mentioned in her Linkedin profile. Strange, seeing as she’s the chair.

Hafren Scientific has three outstanding loans with the Development Bank of Wales (DBW), of which Dr Bell was a director until a year ago.

The first DBW loan was made in December 2014. And in that very same month Dr Bell joined both Hafren Scientific and BlackRock Energy and Resources Income Trust Plc. (Though it appears she left BlackRock in March.)

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I used to think that Dr Bell and others worked for the ‘Welsh Government’, pushing the Globalist agenda. Now I wonder if she works for a higher authority to ensure Welsh politicos follow orders.

And as we’ve seen, earlier this year, and within weeks of leaving(?) BlackRock, Dr Bell joined Anglo-Scottish investment company Bute Energy. Intriguing.


John Reilly’s “Climate Emergency“, was concocted by very rich individuals and corporate entities wanting to exercise political and social control through uniparty political systems in Europe and North America.

Their strategy is to destabilise and weaken the West from within, thereby making the Globalist takeover easier. Using tactics like DEI, ESG, CRT, Net Zero, open borders, and a comprehensive rejection of Western traditions and values.

To promote this strategy Globalists have recruited environmentalists, Islamists, vegans, sexual deviants, and of course, the Quisling Left. For all the measures designed to weaken Western societies are promoted as ‘progressive’, with critics dismissed as ‘far right’, etc., etc.

Of course, politicians come and go, whereas other institutions and structures are more enduring, even self-perpetuating. Higher education and the civil service might come into this category.

Academe is obviously in the service of the Globalist agenda, and it’s long been rumoured that senior levels of the UK civil service have been ‘captured’. More than that, it’s said they – not the politicians – now make (or convey) major policies.

It can be seen in Wales. I’ve chronicled the assault on Welsh farming for a decade or more, and it’s usually led by civil servants sent down from London by Defra. Which is believed to have devised (or conveyed) the Starmer regime’s inheritance tax.


Matters are coming to a head. The lunacies that have prevailed for too long are in retreat. We shall see major change in 2025. And it may not be bloodless.

The German government has effectively fallen, there will be elections in February. Already moves are afoot to stop the ‘populist’ AfD from winning. In France, De Gaulle’s Fifth Republic totters from one crisis to another, the country run by pygmies not fit to utter the great man’s name.

Across the West, Globalism and Cultural Marxism (Wokeism) are in retreat, and people realise the threat posed by Islam. Change is coming.

Here in the UK there’s talk of cancelling some of next year’s local council elections in England due to ‘reorganisation’. The truth is, Reform must be stopped.

As I write this, it’s rumoured Canadian PM Justin Trudeau will resign. Whether he does, or whether he clings on until next year’s elections, he’s finished.

Down in Argentina, President Milei has taken a chainsaw to bureaucracy and socialist corruption – and the country is thriving.

And finally, it’s just a month until Donald J Trump becomes the 47th president of the United States of America. And then things are really going to change.

I’m looking forward to 2025 so very, very much.

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2024

    Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

A Case Study In ‘Rewilding’

In a sense, this is a follow-up to last week’s offering, Budget Boost For Rewilders And Globalists. This week, I’m looking at an example of ‘rewilding’ which, on closer inspection, turns out to be a tourism business – receiving funding for posing as a rewilding project.

I’ll fit this into a more general evaluation of ‘rewilding’, and what it really means.

Incidentally, last week’s piece about Tir Natur’s project got a response from ‘Welsh Government’-funded Nation.Cymru and Stephen Price, its Senior Reporter.

Price has a background “working in the third and charity sectors“, and a “voluntary role as a Keep Wales Tidy Litter Champion“. Which gives us another link between that charity and Tir Natur.


This week, we’re mid-way between Abergavenny and Monmouth, the region I’ve dubbed ‘Abergavennyshire’ due to an influx of ‘progressives’ from the hell-holes of ‘Metro-Land’ and elsewhere.

(It should go without saying that Stephen Price lives in Abergavennyshire.)

Despite its distance from Corruption Bay, our politicians care more for these recent arrivals than for Welsh people. Certainly, that’s my conclusion when I consider the funding and other patronage bestowed on Abergavennyshire.

Perhaps a reward for this ingress strengthening Labour’s position as the largest party on Monmouthshire county council.

It’s here we find the Abergavenny Food Festival, Coleg Soros, Brecon Jazz Festival, Hay Festival, the many bodies arguing farmers are killing the Wye and the Usk. And of course – Gilestone farm, and the Green Man Festival. Etc., etc.

Map of Abergavennyshire. You’ll see it’s a cross-border unit because many of the new arrivals feel unsafe with thoughts of borders and nations.. Click to open enlarged in separate tab

Our destination today is not easy to reach. There’s no A road in the vicinity. Instead, it’s the B4233, then a track off that road, and after you’ve gone up a-ways, it’s another track to the destination.

This off-road excursion brings us to the The Grange Project. Run by Tom Constable and his wife Chloe, who bought the farm in April last year for £1.875m, without need of a loan or a mortgage.

But as the entry on Rewilding Britain tells us, there’s a lot more going on:

The vision for the site includes developing new nature-based tourism, including log cabins, alongside education and wellbeing programmes hosted in a beautiful converted barn on site. Chloe intends to use her background in clinical psychology to run courses focusing on the systemic resilience required to address the climate and biodiversity crises, while Tom will use his background in business to support ecopreneurs as they set-up and thrive on site.

Those who’ve been brainwashed, worked into a frenzy over a non-existent ‘climate crisis’, will be able to come to The Grange for treatment. At a cost, of course.

The Grange Project also does podcasts – in fact, Tom Constable is a professional – and here we find another link with last week’s piece.

You may remember Dan Ward, one of those involved with Tir Natur, was also working with North Star Transition. North Star was created by Jyoti Banerjee, who starred on the Grange podcast last week.

Small world, innit!


Those who’ve given themselves nightmares from reading too much Monbiot won’t be the only visitors, for The Grange also offers corporate away days. Where the IT department of Global Gizmos Inc can come gaze at trees and stuff.

Better still . . . for the trifling sum of £10,000 you can enjoy “two bespoke corporate away days“. Read more in the Corporate Partnership Proposal.

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I tell you what . . . for half that (in ready cash) you can have two corporate away days in my back garden, There’s flower beds, and a tree, and, er, grass, and if it’s wildlife you’re after then I’ll get our cat to put in an appearance.

If it’s raining you can sit in the conservatory. The missus will lay on a cuppa and biccies. Can’t say fairer than that, squire.

I have no doubt that the companies turning up for these eco-jollies will be claiming tax deductions, which will contribute to the ‘black hole’ in the UK accounts, and be used to justify freezing pensioners this winter.

That’s the ‘circular economy’ you keep hearing about.

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And sure enough, in the Corporate Partnership Proposal we find predictable ‘quotations’.

One from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), that outfit launched by Nazis using environmentalism as the new way to seize power and cull the untermensch.

The other is attributed to ‘Native American Wisdom’. (Are people still falling for that bollocks!) Here’s some wisdom from a source as much Native American as the one quoted: ‘Big Chief Jac-on-Blog say: “Environmentalists speak with forked tongue“‘.

The Grange website also offers, “our own glamping cabins and bespoke bell tents“, and elsewhere, “off grid escapes” in caravan-type structures made by Herefordshire chippie Simon Whitfield.

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Whitfield runs The Tiny Home Company. When I tried to find it on the Companies House website I drew a blank. So I went back to the website and scrolled down the homepage, where, in the smallest font imaginable, was: “The Tiny Home Company is a trading name of WB Capital Ventures Limited“.

But it was only by copying and posting it into Word that I was able to read that. Why so small? Very odd.

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WB Capital Ventures Ltd was formed as recently as July, and I assume ‘WB’ stands for Whitfield Brothers, because the two directors are Simon Peter Whitfield and his older brother(?) John Robert Whitfield.

The twelve shares split 8 – 4 in favour of the older brother. Who maybe put up the cash. He has over a million pounds sitting in the bank account of his other company.

And talking of money . . .

In its short life The Grange Project has already trousered £26,650 from the Coetiroedd Bach scheme. I guarantee there’ll be more grants in future.

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I’ll end this section with a brief look at what’s registered with Companies House. There are two companies.

One’s Wild Grange Farm Ltd, launched as recently as September 5, with the Constables as the only directors and shareholders.

And then there’s the Community Interest Company, formed in August, Wild Grange CIC. Again, Tom and Chloe Constable are the only directors (or members) and shareholders. Which I found odd. Because with a CIC I would expect to see others named, representing the community that will benefit.

This is usually people in the vicinity. So I went to the Companies House website entry for Wild Grange CIC and the Certificate of Incorporation. Most of which is pro forma.

Though towards the end it sets out who might benefit from the CIC:

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Which is fair enough, and what I expected. But what I read earlier in the document has me thinking. I refer to Rewilding Britain, as the ‘asset locked body‘.

A worst case scenario might be . . . the farm title is transferred to the CIC, which liquidates, and Rewilding Britain takes over The Grange.

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In the clip above, the Charity number given is that for Rewilding Britain. Whereas the address is for The Trust Partnership (and associated companies), which I assume drew up the arrangement.

The mystery is company number 08943330. For it refers to Mental Mastery Ltd, of Bournemouth, that dissolved 18 months after being formed, without filing anything.

I’ll assume it’s a typo. But if not . . .


Let me be clear, there might be a role for small-scale rewilding such as we’re asked to see at The Grange.

Thinking again of my back garden . . . if I let it run wild it would sprout plants, flowers; attract butterflies and other insects, some small mammals, maybe a foraging hedgehog.

But once we talk about pine marten, beaver, wild boar, deer, wild ponies, ancient cattle, then we need more land than even the 1,000 acres Tir Natur is hoping to buy.

Because without large areas for these animals to roam and live naturally, problems such as stress, over-grazing, and in-breeding will occur.

Of course, food can be brought in, and fresh bloodlines can be introduced; but if ‘rewilding’ doesn’t create a self-perpetuating ecosystem, as in nature, then that defeats the whole object of the exercise.

One answer might be linking separated projects with ‘corridors’. I mention this because the idea features regularly in rewilding fantasies. Such as one in Cornwall called Tor to Shore. (Does that ring a bell?)

While Helman Tor sits near the top of the Par River, areas downstream are surrounded by farmland, where the project will partner with local farmers to tackle agricultural pollution and create ‘wildlife corridors’ – areas of habitat that . . . connect with other nature-rich sites, allowing wildlife to thrive beyond the reserve’s boundaries.

Rewilding Britain got its ass kicked for its involvement in a similarly-named colonialist land grab. It may be treading more carefully now, yet it’s deeply involved at The Grange, and seems to have been involved from the outset.

But how well do animals understand ‘corridors’? Not well at all; so that would mean mile after mile of fencing . . . which will inevitably get broken.

Mrs Jones will wake one morning to find aurochs feasting on her prize geraniums. And, then, when she goes out to shoo them away, and one of the buggers tramples her . . .

Or maybe it’ll be the consolation prize of tauros.

Auroch. Click to open enlarged in separate tab

I haven’t mentioned predators like wild cat, lynx, and wolf. All of which appear in rewilders’ literature. Yet they have to be present, for without the balance created by their natural predators introduced prey animals will need to be regularly culled.

As deer are culled in the Highlands, due to the absence of wolves. While a shortage of prey animals will see predators going elsewhere to get a meal. (‘Look out, Mrs Jones!‘)

Which means that for a rewilding project to be viable it would need 20,000 or more self-contained acres. There would need to be enough food for a range of herbivores and foragers, whose numbers would be kept in check by predators – as in the wild.

In a small country like Wales we just don’t have that land to spare. Not if we; a) want a farming industry and b) let people access the countryside.

Which brings us to a very fundamental question, one confronting us at Grange Farm: ‘What is the real purpose of rewilding?’ This article (February 2023) asks a very similar question, and gives some disturbing answers.

A bit leftist for my tastes but it still makes good points about farms being lost, and corporate investment through middle men, agents, and front organisations.

Organisations such as Rewilding Britain, involved with three-year-old Nattergal. Below is Nattergal director and CEO Archie Struthers, panellist at Rewilding Britain’s Blue Earth Summit last month.

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Nattergal is owned by Lansdowne Developed Markets Master Fund Limited of the Cayman Islands.

One day Archie’s a ruthless investments guru, next day he’s saving the planet. These things happen. After Christmas I’m joining the Socialist Workers Party. (Yes, really!)

Archie’s a busy man for Nattergal, and the company’s mystery owner. Let’s look at three recent ventures. Starting with High Fen Wildland, where we read:

High Fen will offer wellness, eco-tourism, educational and research opportunities to provide opportunities for people as well as wildlife.

Wildlife comes last. Almost an afterthought.

The other two are Boothby Wildland, where, “Nattergal hopes to generate revenues through the sale of ecosystem services (natural capital)“. And Harold’s Park Wildland, that “will generate income from the sale of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) units and corporate sponsorship, and will support nature based tourism and recreation“.

Archie also has a couple of relatively new companies of his own, registered in Glasgow. Ardmaddy Ventures Ltd, named for his Argyll estate; and Nature Based Investment Solutions Ltd.

Make no mistake, corporate ‘investors’ are circling Welsh family farms like vultures.

There was an example just last week of farmers being ‘cold called’ by a company named Property Vision. Acting on behalf of anonymous ‘investors’.

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Rewilding Britain is involved with three projects in Wales in addition to The Grange; they are:

Cefn Garthenor, in Ceredigion. Gilfach, in Powys. Wilder Pentwyn, also in Powys.

They have three things in common:

1/ They were once homes to Welsh families.

2/ They are no longer working farms producing food.

3/ They have received substantial ‘Welsh Government ‘ funding

Always worth remembering when some clown gets all misty-eyed over ‘rewilding’.


On a fundamental level, The Grange Project makes no environmental sense due to the increased traffic emissions as engines struggle with gradients and rough tracks to even reach the place.

More environmental damage than the working farm it replaced. Unless of course you want to be really stupid and introduce the threat posed to us all by farting cows. (Fortunately, ‘Dr’ Bill Gates has a solution.)

The Grange Project is clearly a tourism project and a ‘wellness’ retreat for hysterical Guardian readers raking in extra money by presenting itself as a rewilding project. Like those we looked at earlier linked with Archie Struthers.

I believe genuine rewilding is incompatible with daily visits from the public, especially noisy children, and middle management on a raucous day out. Making it all rather phoney.

Especially if there’s ‘natural capital’ and ‘biodiversity net gain’ involved.

And let’s remember that The Grange is less than 100 acres in total. From what I can see, a few trees have been planted and pigs allowed to muddy up some fields. Is that really ‘rewilding’?

If so, then why aren’t we all offered money to let our gardens run wild? A few thousand of us, in Wales alone, could make a big contribution to the environment and biodiversity.

Because, gentle reader, ‘rewilding’, with the involvement of outfits like BlackRock, is not about saving the planet; it complements legislation and other measures intended to undermine farming, thereby freeing up land for acquisition and investment.

‘Rewilding’ is just the prettied-up face of the Globalist land grab.

Once you understand that – everything else makes sense!

♦ end ♦

© Royston Jones 2024