Don’t worry, I won’t be looking at every incident we’ve witnessed in recent weeks, or dwelling on the insane sentences handed down for poking your tongue out at cops, or being a couple of streets away from a riot.
This post is made up of assorted observations and musings about the situation in the UK and elsewhere, particularly the USA. And while the different sections may not at first sight appear to link, believe me, they do. Taken together they help explain why we are where we are.
Well, that’s certainly what I think. But you’re free to form and express your own opinion. Because that’s how democracy should work.
We are witnessing a co-ordinated assault on the white working class. And so we need to ask why, for the first time ever, this group finds itself under attack from all sides.
Because in times past workers and peasants were defended by radicals, thinkers, certain churches, even poets. More recently they had political parties. But today, the white working class is not simply abandoned, it is openly reviled.
I’m old enough to remember a time when the working class was the ‘vanguard of the revolution’, extolled by the comrades and lauded by intellectuals. Horny-handed sons of toil who would lead us to the Promised Land, or the Sunlit Uplands (depending on which ticket you’d bought).
But a major ‘problem’ with members of the white working class always was that despite voting for socialist parties most were not socialist, let alone revolutionary. Most just wanted something better for themselves and their children.
I can confirm this from my own background and upbringing.
And as was discovered in a famous blind survey done in 1929 in Germany, even those who voted for socialist parties could switch to the right because they were socially conservative, believing in law and order, the family structure, and the homeland.
Cracks appeared in the 1980s, with Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the USA, both of whom enjoyed working class support. Then came flirtations with UKIP and the Brexit Party; the fall in trade union membership; before finally, and fatally, voting for Brexit in 2016.
In the same year, many of their blue collar cousins voted for Donald Trump. Making 2016 the watershed year, the final rupture between lower orders and an elite now being worked into frenzies by contrived ‘crises’.
Those the left had once revered were now redundant, in more senses than one.
One of the most revealing pieces in the wake of Brexit came from the BBC. I assumed some executive sent a crew down to interview his kids and their friends at Glastonbury. The video produced was a hoot.
One boy interviewed blamed his gran, “who’s going to probably die in the next couple of years“. No thought from the arrogant little sod that his gran, and her generation, have contributed their lives to the country they live in, and that gives them a say in the future, however little of it they see.
Another report from the BBC said that ‘non-graduates’ were more likely to have voted Leave. In other words, the futures of Arabella and her chums at ‘Glasto’ had been blighted by a bunch of thick bastards. How could the oiks be so selfish!
The reporting after Brexit, and then the Trump victory in November, got a little febrile. For some of our betters it really was the end of civilisation as they’d imagined it – people were no longer listening to them!
And it reeked of caste arrogance.
But as I say, doubts had been growing for some time about the trustworthiness of the white working class; 2016 merely confirmed the worst fears of the metropolitan elite.
It would have to be replaced. (The white working class not the metropolitan elite.)
And so it came to pass that the hard left and the metro elite (often difficult to tell apart) fell in with the Globalist plan to replace the ‘useless eaters’ with migrants from countries that might appear to be shit-holes, but had been thriving and prosperous democracies before the arrival of the (now increasingly vilified) white man.
Or so we’re expected to believe.
And so, to replace the white working class the left adopted minorities and migrants. But to ensure success they would need more minorities, and more migrants. That’s why today we have 69 genders, DEI, open borders, and ‘‘the global majority‘.
The last in that list is the latest variant of, ‘Let’s all gang up on Whitey!‘ It seems to believe a Chinese nuclear physicist will identify with George Floyd.
Naked racism. But so ‘progressive’.
I’ve explained Globalism enough times on this blog, but for those who missed it, or weren’t paying attention, I’ll give a quick recap.
By Globalists I mean unaccountable corporations like BlackRock and Vanguard; equally unaccountable supranational bodies such as the EU Commission, the UN (and its many agencies); and multi-billionaires who fund far left politicians and public officials, who breed and release mosquitoes, or who manipulate the weather.
All brought together by the World Economic Forum and other bodies. Also attending these gatherings are young politicians, to be flattered and groomed.
To the point where most national governments in the West are little more than the Globalists’ local management teams.
Those that reject Globalism will be isolated and attacked, traduced by the Globalist media. We’ve seen it with Trump, Farage, Milei, Le Pen, Meloni, Orban and many others, including Putin. The pattern is consistent and predictable.
Political leaders being just figureheads takes me back to the early ’60s, and a phrase that’s haunted me since then. It was something said by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas Police HQ.
To insistent reporters, he says, “I’m just a patsy“.
Let me make clear that I don’t dispute Lee Harvey Oswald was involved in the plot to assassinate John F Kennedy. But I believe that by the time that recording was made he’d twigged he was being sacrificed to draw attention away from others.
And so he was silenced, by a shady individual, originally from Chicago, and with strong Mafia ties, who just waltzed in off the street with a gun in his pocket.
I’m afraid that’s how the USA has been run for a long time. And deep state control worked fine under the uniparty system. Which is why Globalism could be viewed as the deep state’s uniparty model taken beyond the USA.
The deep state that has orchestrated regime changes, invasions, proxy wars, that have killed millions, and brought misery to many millions more.
Of course liberals and leftists oppose this behaviour.
Yet when the deep state / Globalists preach ‘diversity’ and ‘saving the planet’ the left can’t get their placards and paint out quick enough.
Are they really that stupid?
If Lee Harvey Oswald is ancient history to you, then remember Jeffrey Epstein, who could have destroyed many powerful people, perhaps the deep state itself . . . if he hadn’t conveniently suicided himself in 2019. Done in a high security facility that suddenly suffered malfunctioning CCTV cameras and absent guards.
Then, just last month, a strange young man was allowed to walk around a crowded field with a rifle, use a rangefinder to judge the distance to his target, put up a ladder, and crawl over a roof to fire shots at Donald Trump.
Everybody saw him – but nobody did anything until the shots had been fired. Then he too was killed before he could talk.
Shortly afterwards Joe Biden was told he’d resigned as figurehead president. (You didn’t think stumblin’, mumblin’ Joe was really in charge!)
So who do you think’s running the USA right now? I’ll tell you.
The same people who’ve been calling the shots for 60 years or more (apart from one recent interlude), and will continue to run the USA, and the West, if the votes can be rigged to get Harris elected.
Which neatly brings us up to the modern period.
Trump in the White House did not build the wall he’d promised, but neither were the floodgates opened (as would happen under his successor). However the deep state couldn’t risk him having a second term.
So let’s recall how things worked out.
The presidential election was scheduled for November 3, 2020. Covid was first reported in China – at a US-funded lab – in late 2019. The first case outside of China was reported in Thailand January 13, 2020.
And on it went with, what in retrospect, may have been a very important development. One that helped seal Trump’s fate in the 2020 presidential election.
July 7, 2020 The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. surpasses 3 million.
The U.S. begins the process of withdrawing from WHO.
One of Joe Biden’s first acts after being inaugurated in January 2021 was to reverse Trump’s decision for the USA to leave the World Health Organisstion (WHO).
The WHO is a UN agency. One that has increasingly – and largely thanks to Covid – taken on itself a role that it was never set up to fulfil. To the extent of over-ruling elected governments to enforce lockdowns, travel restrictions, and censorship.
For the WHO complements the political and economic agendas of the WEF and other Globalist organisations.
Things came to a head earlier this year with the WHO’s plan for a global pandemic treaty, which was rejected by a number of countries. There were many reservations about handing so much power to a body of unelected bureaucrats.
It may also have failed because it was rushed through. And if it was rushed through, then it could have been the prospect of Trump winning in November that explains the haste.
Here’s the article from which the above panel comes (with working links).
The events of 2016 proved that the white working class in the anglosphere was losing faith in its elites and the systems that sustained those elites.
Though in the UK, the political establishment tried to carry on very much as if Brexit had never happened. While still managing to blame (non-graduate) Brexit voters for just about anything that went wrong.
In the USA, the priority became stopping Donald Trump being re-elected in 2020. Which was successful, thanks to the ‘relaxations’ on the security of the voting process – justified by Covid!
Four years on the priority is again stopping Donald Trump.
Since the tragedy in Southport we’ve seen riots, ‘counter-protests’ (when there was no protest to counter), and the police and judiciary acting with unprecedented celerity and firmness.
Counter-protests in which everybody seemed to be carrying Socialist Workers Party placards. (An organisation many suspect is controlled by MI5.)
With a few exceptions, those brought before the courts and sent to prison have been white and working class. Usually from communities in northern England suffering economic decline, that may also have known ‘grooming’ gangs.
A process defended by a media that long ago prostituted itself to the Globalist elite.
A media that tells you the countryside is ‘racist’, controlled by white men all of whose ancestors kept and brutalised slaves, and where cows are destroying the planet. It’s a fascist hell behind that hedgerow!
When minds are fucked up with crap like that it’s only a short step to marching with placards declaring, ‘Gays for Hamas’.
Which may explain why fewer and fewer of us bother with the established media. We get our news from the internet, and the most popular social media platform is Elon Musk”s X. Which is why it’s being targeted by the Globalists and their puppets.
Not just just because Musk allows free speech, but also because he plans to put tens of millions into the Trump campaign coffers. Additionally – though few seem to know – because he’s planning to launch a rival search engine to Google.
For Google is very much under Globalist control. Manifest in some truly bizarre ways. Such as hindering searches for the Trump assassination attempt!
And Google has run into other problems.
I’m a big fan of The Simpsons, recording episodes from Channel 4. I must have hundreds saved. Last Thursday, feet up on pouffe, I watched Series 26 Episode 21.
In which Bart gets bullied at the school dance. So mom Marge calls a town hall meeting that votes to outlaw bullying. And do you know what happens? People start accusing those they don’t like – of bullying. And the accused get arrested.
Every trivial little thing becomes ‘bullying’. For example, Homer accuses Apu at the Kwik-E-Mart of bullying because he put too much ice in Homer’s soda.
Later, Homer sits on the couch with children Lisa and Bart watching more arrests on TV. Lisa sagely concludes, “The police are arresting basically anyone they want to.” Homer replies, “Lisa, you’ve got to learn to trust your government“.
Then he picks up a table lamp from alongside the couch and says into the lampshade – in an obvious attempt to convince whoever might be listening – “Which is what I do”.
Inevitably, Homer too is arrested, when the Flanders boys next door complain about him bullying their father. As he’s being ‘cuffed, Homer says, “Oh, I never dreamed that a law I had abused could be applied to me“.
Homer eventually has to crawl, literally, to beg Ned Flanders’ forgiveness, which is slow in coming. For the real punishment is publicly humiliating and neutering a ‘bully’.
There is a political message in this episode on a par with anything that used a more serious format to warn us of totalitarianism.
But if you still don’t get it . . . substitute for bullying ‘hate speech’, ‘disinformation’, ‘racism’, ‘misinformation’, ‘Islamophobia’.
And check your lampshades!
I’ve referred throughout to the white working class, but what’s really at stake is the survival of the countries built by white people. What were once prosperous and stable democracies, now under attack from all sides.
On the one hand we have the Globalists, but we don’t see them, for they operate through their captured politicians. And at street and societal level, they work through pressure groups, NGOs, uncontrolled immigration, climate hysteria, and just about anything that can make the West ‘wobble’.
And of course the Globalists still have traditional media. Because when you control the narrative you can lie to your heart’s content, and call anyone who challenges you with the truth a ‘conspiracy theorist’, or a pusher of ‘misinformation’.
As we saw a few weeks ago.
When a misidentification of the Southport killer as a Muslim immigrant was quickly capitalised on to become Starmer’s Reichstag Fire moment.
1/ A silly mistake became ‘misinformation’, and was used to bring in a crackdown on social media that was surely already planned.
2/ The UK government and the media introduced ‘Islamophobia’ into the mix in order to further justify the crackdown. (And maybe future legislation.)
3/ Attributing the riots to the initial misidentification of the killer allowed the government to avoid the real cause of the riots – uncontrolled immigration.
Leaving us in a sort of stand-off.
For the time being, a disgruntled white working class has been cowed, but the cause of the anger cannot even be whispered, let alone addressed. Yet we know that when people are backed into a corner, frustrated and angry, they often lash out.
The onus is therefore on the UK government to defuse the situation by reaching out to its own people, to assure them they are not victims of a ‘two-tier’ system, and to at least listen to their concerns.
What they must not do is punch down harder on the white working class, or anyone else expressing dissent. Only dictatorships do that.
♦ end ♦
© Royston Jones 2024
Hi Jaco,I wanted to comment on the Betrayal of the White working class,or to the Sennedd Poor white trash,but I don’t consider myself to be Poor White Trash far from it,Iv’e been penning my grieviances about my ill treatment or betrayal as you so kindly put it for years now,but not one authority member has come back to me with anything that sounds like an apology or admittal of participation or guilt,from early 2000’s I was taken by force by Military factions,Princes William and Harry helping out emergency services at the time to Swansea’s SA1 are of Swansea docks,there air dropped onto waste ground I was forced to crash a celebrity party,Catherine Zeta Jones,her husband Michael Douglas and Nigel Farage,Gok Wan and a C.I.D officer I knew from 2 innocent dates in the Shoreline resort Burry Port from when i was just 16 years old,Nigella Lawson and her husband Charles Sattchi were there too following closely behind me to a limo outside,cutting a long story short,I was taken to a docked ship of illegal immiogrants packed into a room like sardines, I was told to say after someone else knocked on the door and opened it “Wheres the party giving me two bottles of beer top hold in each hand,I was grabbed in and you can imagine the rest,only after the unthinkable happenned who shoule pass me a long word through an open long retangular window but Nigel farage leader of UKIP at the time,well I dont beed to tell you bad thinsg happenned,then on a lataer date i was taken to the J building in Swanseas SA1 area known as The J Shed unit 1a – 1b ,there I was taken before an elderly man in a wheelchair with a tartan blanket on his knees,I thought him to be Joe The icecream Mafia Boss as my mother was always looked after by the Mob as well as Gorseinon Mafia from when she was a young girl,always enjoying winning Fairy and Roase Queen 7 years in a row,in Yr Hendy Carnival Pontardulais,West Glamorgan,I can’t say however that I was looked after the same way,going back to the J Building as I call it,when I had been violated,i came out on deck with Nigel Farage as I asked him to help me out of the narrow rectangular window,there I saw a woman walking,she looed at me and gasped,taking a video of the state of me on her phone,who should come into mview not mlong after by an air ambulance and Prince Harry was the Pilot,I ended up in Morriston hospital Swansea,I refused a morning after pill because I figured that if I dod get pregnant that would be my only proof that I had been taken by force,and indeed i Did get pregnant,no authrorities owuld acknowledge the pregnancy,9 months later I gave birth to quads,the 3 surving black babies were taken to South africa by Prince Harry for safe keeping where he has an orphanage,I dint get to hold them,bear in mind that im a Christain woman with strong views and after a termination when i was a teenager didnt want to go through that again,So being a supporter of protecting life once it’s started I decided that If i was pregnant I would keep the babies,I got huge and couldnt fit behind the wheel of my car,but because I was isolated at the time,I couldn’t even muster up the courage to get a pregnancy test,so my belly started to get back to normal after the births but i had a huge sagging pouch on my abdomen that wasnt there before,then celebrities started being involved,Princes William and Harry and Kate Middleton started visiting regularly with C.I.D officers present,then I learn only today that The Sennedd own the J Shed in Swanseas SA1 are of Swansea docks,and that Eluned Morgan Baroness of Ely is teasing or taking the P of me because of me going on about being abducted to thye U.S by Prince Hary and them putting an all whoite triouser suit on me,so what does Eluned Morgan do she goes public wearing an all pink suit as if to say “We’re in the pink “what are you going to do about it? Im trying my best to get compensated but nobody will taken the case on, Sincerely Wendy Lynne Dunne Ne’e Davies..
Wendy, that is one hell of a story.
Yes indeed, what to do ? The only thing we’ll I’ve tried many things to get heard but my last ditch attempt is to tell the M.O.D ,they can do they’re research and see I’m telling the truth because as bad an experience I went through, I was in the two Princes company, mostly Harry’s, and he’s been staying in Y Graig behind the old Farmers Arms just off top road Accdu Burry Port, I used to drive to lookout near the house I was living in with my family when I was 2 years old, there’s a seating area up there overlooking Burry Port and Pembrey as far as the eye can see, we used to picnic on the grassin the field, compass and all but we didn’t care we were kid’s then, but going back on point, I went there to take a picture of a house to put on a house selling site because I did a Land registry search and nobody owns it,anyway on my way back to Llanelli who should I see in the drivers seat of a large white Gov Sir Gar Carmarthenshire County Council transit van but Prince Harry, with sun glasses on, and I heard in my earpiece him saying to the man he was sitting by , near the traffic lights on Accdu top road ” I could have sworn she saw me ” but I pretended not to, I don’t like surprises, so I just drove past him and home, no word of a lie Jaco, when he’s supposed to be in America or Canada wherever he lives he’s here,unless he has a clone which I strongly suspect also, but moving on, I’m hoping Harry will do the right thing and tell the M.O.D I’m not talking out the top of my hat, so I can at last get compensation for my suffering, as I said I had quads after being violated aboard a ship of illegal immimmigrants, I almost lost my life, I told you I think about the celebrities that gave me a holdall bag with 1 million pounds in it, which I think they do to others too, it must be a running joke, about the holdall bag I mean. The old obligatory holdall bag full of money that nobody gets to spend, anyway I ended up in Morriston hospital Swansea, but on seeing a story about a Gaynor chief of maternity unit in Betsi Cadwalader hospital Bangor north wales, I’ve been thinking it may have been that hospital because it serves Anglesey as well as other places and on that night the two HRH’S were helping out emergency services, and on one occassion Harry and a C.I.D officer from Llanelli named Ewan Evans yook me to Lookout where I used to live in BurryPort among other places and Harry being inquisitive as he is asked me about my time living there, I told him I remember riding on a horse my neighbours horse, Harry asked me ” what was the horses name ” Another Police officer tried to stop me saying because he knows us from when we lived in Burry port, but I blurted out Betsie, I didn’t know it then but Brtsie was his grandmother the Queens pet name from childhood, I wasn’t to know, Harry is very big on Omens,like the house I was defrauded out of well mine and my brothers house SHORMA 31 Church Road Burry Port SA16 0SB, opposite that the road is called Sussex Road, no doubt Harry thinking that’s another omen, my great grandparents were subjects of the empire, they travelled to Penang Straits settlemants Georgetown Malaysia in 1911 with they’re 4 children one of them being my grandmother Lizzie Maud Davies nee Lewis , there they started a Limosene company driving high officials around Malaysia in Morris minor motor cars, that’s where they must’ve met Sir John Anderson Governor later President of Georgetown Malaysia, my bedroom in Shorma was called The Andersons room, because it aas always made up ready for him and his wife to visit, I do love my Mam and stepfather, they were just greedy it has to be said but he did give us a good life, he worked in Wimpey opencast Trimsaran, take home pay £1.200 per month, although he did work 12 hour shifts , bless him now my Mam has died he overdrinks in the Royal Navy pub opposite Andrew Street Llanelli, my Mam.lived him and her her, he made her very happy 😊 only the two of them existed since they met, we came second. But anyway, my father went to St Michaels school Bryn Llanelli, and later Cambridge University, he became a school teacher, left due to apparent sexual misconduct being gay for a time which wasn’t allowed back then similar circumstance to Alan the man who won the war for us name escapes me, so sad how things fall apart because of money or the love of it, but anyway I was hoping to look after my family with the compensation and start a food truck business, I was meant to be well off I think, but my mother had two other children from her first marriage, Kevin and Sally, I love ghem too, but my brother Kevin died boxing day 2019, my dear brother, my sister Sally caught covid looking after my mother and stepfather while my Mam was dying, she caught vovid after my Mam brought it home from Prince Phillip hospital Llanelli, Sally had to be put into an induced coma, twice dhe almost died, I thought my world was falling apart, I’m love my family so much, then there’s my brother Robert his son Sion Davies is now a Conservative Councillor for Elli Ward Llanelli, hexaas a child star on ” Are you smarter than a ten year old with Noel Edmonds and appearing in Casualty with Danny Dyer as Marcus the thug, and appearing in Enid the movie either Helena Bonham Carter, I think this is how all the bad treatment started, when I was just 7 years old, me and my brother who was 6 years old were ill in the same bed, we both had delirium, the doctor diagnosed us as having delirium, then in the night trying to find my pillow not knowing which way was up or down I grabbed my brothers extremities by accident and squeezing to see ehat is was I had in my hand, all innocent, what else could it be? But I think it’s been blown out of all proportion, as these things do,but looking ahead, I’m hopeful that I will be compensated for my ill treatment, what do you think Jaco? BTW , I bought uou z coffee ☕️ on here the other day, thankyou for revealing truths hidden by people high up, Sincerely W.L.Dunne
One more thing to add, notice thectwo pictures I’ve sent you of me, one taken in 2022, I have a very noticeable bump on my nose after my husband then boyfriend broke it when I was a teenager. Then the other picture taken recently with no bump, I’ve had a nose job whilst under duress, I remember having it done, no surg, they just fixed it, I remember them giving me a mirror to look at it, and not long before that Donald Trump was talking to me via sattelite connection with Llanelli C.I.D unit and Military Police present and he said to me ” You wanna nose job ? ” and I had one, no bump anymore, thought I’d tell you, weird things been happening since the HRH’S have been calling. I’m just greatful to be alive but pray that they won’t harm my daughters sons and grandchildren snd the children I’ve bourne under duress, I’m a humanitarian, I forgot to mention that the chief of the maternity unit at Betsie Cadwalader hospital Bangor north wales, this Gaynor woman was overpaid triple her wage, over a 4 month period, and a report by an audit team revealed 1 million pounds too.much in the coffers at the end of the Investigation, that’s the amount of money that was in the holdall bag at the hospital, some was taken into safe keeping, as I said, but funny how accounts are too much instead of too little, that’s weird, Sincerely W.L.Dunne
When all said and done,we need to understand our justice system more and find out exactly what powers the Police have and Indeed what powers the Royal family have in order for them to interfere in our lives like they have been,Prince Harry aka Duke of Sussex goes around the world killing people thats obvious and Iv’e been told to say “I haven#’t seen anyhting” who would beleive little ol me anyway,I’m writing this but at the same time worried a little as I have to drive to Carmarthen shortly to take my daughter in law to a hospital appointment,they bumped Diana off or so they made us beleive,Harry took me to see his mother Diana around 2016,because I cried about her death under duress,he said to a local C.I.D officer and I quote “I’m going to tell her” then he took me to see her,shes living securely with aides around her,a little older but still slim and smart,theres a swimming pool where she lives,various rooms,she is taken places covertly,not as difficult as it seems,look at the aircraft the Royal family have at theyre disposal,the rich friends contacts,just because she (Diana) is not in the public eye does not mean she’s dead,.She has a scar on her forehead,she even asked me if i minede her seeing a certain C.I.D officer I knew from childhood,I replied Nop,she replied back “Your the nicest person they’ve brought nto see me , my savior she called me becauase I wrote on Facebook that she’s alive,but mine is a vpice crying out in the wilderness,Harry aka Duke of Sussex took me to France by R.A.F aircraft from Pembrey Sands to a recording studio where Christine and the Queens were recording the song “People Iv’e been sad” I was put in front of a microphone and sang along the best i could to the song I didn’t know,I beleivfge the gestures and movements i made in that recording studio were used for Chritine and the Queens video, – Notice in the video the words “It’s true that people have been conned” conned about what ? conned about Diana dying in short she didn’t die,I was under duress true but it was her, and she’s nearby,there’s no proof that she did die like the JFK assasination,and it has been done before,people locked in towers etc,she Diana is very much alive,Harry tells those whom he wants to know,a friend on Facebook messaged me after I wrote on Facebook that Diana was alive,she replied “I was worried that you may think I think your mad” I replied No worries,I mean think of it,she can go to Richard Bransons Island Necker Island,I told Sir Alex Ferguson and he replied ” Tell us something we don’t know” people know,in short we’ve all been conned by the mighty Establishment and at this point,I dont think snyone would care of it did come out publicly,there’s gagging order on the press,they dont want to be sued but I have told them,It’ll never come out publicly,even if someone put ot up on TIKTOK or Facebook,they would just say “What an amazing lookalike”.. Dianas hurse that drove through the streets of London to her resting place had the numberplate ending in the letters MRK,David Dimbleby covered the fact up by saying Mark of Respect,and why was the coffin lined with Lead? because sattelites could see if she was in the coffin from space,Harry took me to see her grave,her headstone looos like an essay,he took me there by rowboat,I couln’t kneel to see the grave more closely Harry asked me “What are you thinking?” I replied “Injustice” there is a telltale sign that Diana is not in the coffin,Harry smirked when walking behind her with William and his father Charles,they knew she wasn’t dead,just dead to the world,she still exists…but probably dosent have a national insurance number,shes well lookled after tyou can be sure though,Prince Harry is around to make sure of that,when people think he’s in Claifornia He’s not he’s nearby his mother making sure she’s okay,I’m just telling you the truth as i know it,may as well because it’ll never be news..
Now the Crachach Taliban want to dissociate Nghymru with the Commonwealth
Of course Wales is a part of the state which ruled the Empire. But we ourselves have been colonised plenty. If someone is going to attempt to divvy this up into goodies and baddies, what about quislings and collaborators in other colonised nations who toed the imperial line for personal gain? What about the work gained by locals in building railways etc?
Read elsewhere – ” A man accused of spreading the lie that the Southport killer was a Muslim asylum seeker has been charged in Pakistan with cyber terrorism.” So the security apparatus of Pakistan, possibly assisted by that of UK have traced this suspect. How does an Islamic asylum seeker fit into the preferred narrative of UK MSM that all the trouble stemmed from “bad actors” on the “far right” of the political spectrum ? More grade A bollox from various agencies and influencers operating within and around Big government and the media.
Yes, I saw that. Very odd.
Dedicated to Prime Minister Keir Starmer and First Minister Eluned Morgan on their fleeting visit to Brechfa where they blatantly talked about exploiting Wales’ resources :-
There’s a meta-ness to your Simpsons synopsis too, with Apu and people being bullied into things by a baying mob. I don’t know if you’re aware but Hank Azaria who played him, hasn’t done so for some years now, because he’s white. Dr Hibbert, Carl and that black copper who’s subordinate to Chief Wiggum have all been recast with ‘POC’. Groundskeeper Willie still has Dan Castellaneta, an American playing him though.
You can throw in the Woke Capitalists into that mix of Far Leftists and Metro Elites. Facebook, Google et al. X being an erstwhile member when it identified as Twitter. Academia can probably be bundled in by and large also, more so in the states than here I’d guess.
Nothing to disagree with here, in fact, none other than one of the first commenters on Twitter said all that was needed to say about this article. Of course, it will attract the liberal detractors, already one can see that in these comments but, for me, this article is near damned perfect as a summation of where we are today, from where we were 35+ years ago! As someone who was already a mature adult back then, our descent into globalism has been alarming!
As Reagan so rightly said, Democracy can be lost in a generation or less, a perfectly perceptive comment we see coming true in front of our own modern eyes!
John F Kennedy was preceded as president by Eisenhower. In his farewell speech in January 1961, as he handed over to JFK, Ike warned, ” . . . guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence . . . by the military-industrial complex”.
The military-industrial complex is almost the same thing as the deep state, and Globalism is not much more than the deep state taken beyond the USA.
Once the first generation of politicians and diplomats delegated to the U.N passed into history their successor generations became more aware of how “relationships” could be developed and managed to yield power and especially influence. A slow creeping process that gathered momentum with some acceleration after major events like the demise of the Iron Curtain. Then came the Gulf War, interference by emboldened NATO/UN in the Balkans, followed by the disasterous adventures into Afghanistan and Iraq. Concept of deep state appeals to influential meddlers like Soros and Gates, but the world remains divided because others too think that their world view should be supreme. It ain’t going to end well.
Absolutely. Prophetic words indeed. It reminded me of a quote from Bill Clinton talking to Canadian Minister Paul Hellyer. Clinton had promised to him he would unearth, all and any information held by the USA on the question of Aliens/UFO’s but, was told by the CIA Chief (Woolsey) that “Not even a President has that kind of security clearance” Quite stunning really, and all part of the Deep State apparatus! Yet Russia was the problem?
If a president doesn’t have that kind of clearance, then who does?
so Sir 2-Tier Stalin visits cardiff corruption bay today for our new barrenness to swoon overhim.
He’s come to talk all things Green [free clean NZ energy]. Wonder where his swivel eyes puppet Red Millibrain is……
My God those 2 are going to bankrupt this country, because they have been hypnotized by the NZ coolaid……..
Check out the many true Scientists that arent in the paymaster of ‘who pays for their research’.
Check out Robert Darwall…… on NZ and the Totalitarian roots of Environmentalism….
We’ll all be moving back into caves if NZ is pulled off.
I was looking up Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru Ltd just NOW.
Operated by one guy its impossible to find anything on and a WAG swiveleyedloon brianwashed by climate emeregency boll@@@
Interesting looking at Companies House on the company….. they have £0 in the bank.
Wonder where the money is going to be siphoned off from to feed this bottomless green stomach ????
The guy who might appear to be running Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru is in fact a civil servant. Here he is. So it’s really owned and run buy the ‘Welsh Government’. Which means we’re all in for a bonanza . . . or maybe not.
I have been trying to obtain a copy of the business case for establishing Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru for almost two years now. It will be time for another reminder soon !
check out Company House….. in their Bank Account £0
Two things have cheered me up tonight….the first being on the news that 3 Council members from Torfaen have changed parties and become Reform members…incidentally I hadn’t realised just how well Reform had done overall in Wales in the UK elections, and the second being that two of the young delivery drivers I’ve chatted to recently think Trump is a good bloke with sound policies..they are both Gen Z…I think. I have a sneaking feeling that Wales can lead the comeback.
Reform did very well, considering it’s run on a shoestring and the media tried to blank it out. Some wanted us to believe there’d been a Labour landslide, but the Labour vote was down, their percentage of the vote was down, and the turnout was down. Labour may have hit its high-water mark. Whether it survives in government until 2029 is a moot point. It certainly can’t afford any by-elections.
Trump’s not everybody’s cup of tea, and sometimes he annoys me. But then I remember who and what he’s up against, and I realise he must be supported.
“Reform did very well” this is the portion of the electorate ignored by the “Main” Parties.
What they say resonates with a very large part of the population.
However, your comment of:
“Cracks appeared in the 1980s, with Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the USA, both of whom enjoyed working class support. Then came flirtations with UKIP and the Brexit Party; the fall in trade union membership; before finally, and fatally, voting for Brexit in 2016.”
Makes a near 40 year leap and shows up your Nationalist credentials
‘Makes a near 40 year leap and shows up your Nationalist credentials’. Please explain.
FPTP for you. No incentive for the Uniparty to implement a proportional system in the parliament that has full sovereignty. Although there is a case to be made that any hypothetical ruling coalition of 7 parties would have the executive capacity of a coop full of headless chickens.
But Labour did so PR in both Scotland and Wales. Telling us the problem – whatever it is – cannot be the system itself. So someone has to explain why a system that’s deemed fit for Scotland and Wales is unsuited for England.
My guess would be the hubris (justified in Wales) of belief in a built-in permanent power base regardless of the electoral system, coupled with the ability to grandstand on how much more democratic the devolved assemblies are and how they do things differently, to justify the existence of the project which they assumed would always pay them dividends.
I accept that Labour got enthusiastic for devolution because 18 years of Tory rule made them think that Labour-controlled Scotland and Wales could serve as sniping positions when the Tories were back in power. I even remember Labour supporters in the south giving the game away by arguing that now that Labour was in power in London devolution was not needed.
But whatever the motives, it becomes difficult for a political party pushing the unity of the UK to argue that England is so very different that it cannot have PR.
Their other ‘bit’ is ‘Radical Federalism’ isn’t it? I doubt there exists a federal state on the face of the earth where one of the Provinces/Cantons/Länder is five times the size of the other three combined, and I cannot conceive of how such a setup could function.
Let’s hope trump does get in in November otherwise Iran will let loose on Israel through it’s terrorist groups, with the support of the far left in this country and imported muslim population.
I had to think about allowing this comment. But most leftists and Muslims in the UK will support attacks on Israel. They do now.
Specifically white working class males but the left just won’t have it. Yes the riots were wrong but even trying to have a proper discussion about controlled immigration (illegal and otherwise) you’re shouted down with a barage of ‘fascist scum’ accusations. The reporting in the guardian was appalling, strange though they never allow a comments section on their articles. Most are too long to read where the truth is twisted into unrecognisable shapes.
I agree that rioting achieves nothing, not for white people anyway. But the real problem we have now is a political class that refuses to debate the issue. So where do we go from here? And where is Starmer? Has he been seen recently? Has he said anything?
Popped to Cardiff today apparently. Visiting Eluned so he could have a listen to the content of her new echo chamber. Reckons she’s going to drag it round the country for a month listening. Then formulate some radical policies, or policies that appeal to radicals. Same old, same old crap. Give us a month or two and we’ll be begging Starmer to send that muppet Jo Stevens down the Bay for a spot of direct rule !
He’d have to be desperate to consult Corruption Bay.
He likes to humour the devolved regimes especially the permanent Labour regime in the Bay. Whether he ever listens or retains anything is an entirely different matter. Eluned’s display of comradely body language mildly reminiscent of E.Europe when old Brezshnev or Kosigyn dropped in for a cuppa.
Good comparison. More valid mow than it might have been a month ago.
A month or more ago Starmer’s dilemma was simply that posing with VG was like being in the company of a late 20th century 3rd world dictator busy filling his off shore accounts. UK P.M’s used to deal with blokes like that but kept it all tucked away discreetly.
He’s been in N.Ireland today saying that the riots were ‘undoubtedly racist’. No mention of the stabbings, murder of three little girls or genuine concerns about uncontrolled immigration.
He probably thinks using terms like ‘racist’ and far-right’ means he doesn’t have to address the real issues. He’s wrong.
My take is that these populist uprisings are never an ex nihilo event, they only ever take place as a reaction to an injustice, a grievance, or an unwanted change forced-upon. The IRA obviously committed some despicable acts but to frame them as simply ‘the baddies’ is a facile approach to understanding why they came about in the first place. Ditto, Hamas.
Unbelievably even the Daily Mail has framed them as mere thugs out to cause trouble.
The way the media united, even using the same terms, was startling. And revealing. It tells me how important to the Globalist project immigration really is.
As Jac, probably unintentionally, points outs most of the problems of the world originate in the USA. The UK is probably more prone to American influence than anywhere else as the ‘Brits’ desperately try to hang on to some sort of global influence after the destruction of their empire. So from Little Britain the world does indeed seem a desperate place.
Everybody else on the planet has a much more objective attitude. Organisations such as the EU, ASEAN, BRICS etc were set up precisely to counter US influence. The Euro currency, for example, rescued European countries from the insidious grip of the mighty petrodollar and is now the second most important currency in the world. Other countries are now following and actively pursuing a policy of dedollarisation.
While it is true that the white working class is under attack in the UK it is not from the people that Jac tries to implicate. The enemies of the workers are, as they always have been, the monied elite of the ‘Establishment’; who have always treated the common folk as disposable assets. Blaming anybody else is just a classic attempt at political misdirection, with a piquant of xenophobia for the terminally guillible – Brexit being a prime example.
Voting to destroy your own economy to protect the off-shore bank accounts of the 1% achieved nothing for the people – except make you a global laughing stock. Perhaps this is another example of what Jac means by globalisation ?
The whole anti-socialist thing is, of course, a spin-off from the USA, where socialism is despised – just in case the working classes get access to free services such as healthcare etc and destroy capitalist cash flows.
Luckily for the planet, the 95% of us who don’t live in the USA, or its vassal puppy dog ally, are enthusiastic socialists. The recent elections in France, for example, have shown, once again, how the socialists, when united, can drive the political right back into the shadows where they belong.
Even in America it appears that their next president will be Kamala Harris, who is definitely seen as more socialist than most of her recent predecessors. And while Trump and his acolytes whine about how unfair it all is you need to remember that when Trump got elected in 2016 he actually got 3 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton – it was the collegiate system that saved him. In 2020 he lost to Biden by 7 million votes.
So for most of us the future is probably a lot better than Jac’s precis of every conspiracy theory on YouTube would suggest. ( Apologies to the Lizard People and Flat-Earthers who apparently missed out)
Ifor, Ifor. What I suggested was that the Globalist system could be seen as having evolved from the deep state system in the US. (Or certainly sharing certain characteristics.) I did not say, nor would I ever suggest that, ‘most of the problems of the world originate in the USA’. Nor would I suggest that most Americans should be judged by the actions of the deep state.
This seems to be where we differ. You make sweeping generalisations whereas I try to analyse, to see what’s what, make sense of it all. Here’s a gem from your comment. ‘Luckily for the planet, the 95% of us who don’t live in the USA, or its vassal puppy dog ally, are enthusiastic socialists’. You don’t really believe that, surely? Maybe you do, because other things you wrote suggest you’re still fighting a class war. ‘The enemies of the workers are, as they always have been, the monied elite of the ‘Establishment”. OK . . . so who’s currently sending to prison working class people from run-down towns and cities in northern England?
Conspiracy theories on YouTube? JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone? Covid was exactly what we were told it was and there were no problems with the vaccines? And I would certainly never mention ‘Lizard People and Flat-Earthers’! Really, Ifor, you can do better.
You mean the lizard people that live underground and steal babies aren’t true? What will Trump save us from?
This is getting very, very silly.
Well you started it! Ifor isn’t far wrong in saying that your piece contains just about every current conspiracy theory. Perhaps it’s not such a wise idea to read too much of Big G’s Blog? If you’re going to write stuff that’s way over to the far side, then expect silly responses.
The working class yobs agitated by the far-right, encouraged by Yaxley-Lennon and Musk rioted, attacked mosques and private property indiscriminately and deserve the heavy sentencing they are getting. Racially motivated act such as those deserve a heavy punishment. As for the initial stirring of the pot, the ‘mistake’ you claim happened was far from that, but a deliberately calculated move to stir up racial hatred. The police didn’t release any details as to who the attacker was, nor his background, because, as a minor, (he is 17 years old) his identity was protected. So some piece of right-wing scum decides it’s got to be a Muslim, and decides to post that, and as a result a bunch of knuckle draggers decide to riot in Southport, and in several other places.
Yes, there were counter protests – without anyone to counter protest against, because the far-right were too scared to turn up, and the one place a few of the sad idiots did turn up, they were surrounded by police for their own protection. One of the reasons we didn’t see similar riots in Wales is that we keep our fascists fragmented – ever seen what happens when your friends on the far right attempt to have a rally in Swansea? That’s right, a broad spectrum of left groups and other anti-racists and anti-fascists turn up in vast numbers that reminds the fash they’s best stay at home and not bother anyone.
The Voice of Wales announced a vigil outside the Senedd in Cardiff Bay, but about a day and a half later, it was cancelled, as they obviously realised that a lot of people who usually go to Swansea to have a rally against the fascists also know where Cardiff Bay and the Senedd are.
Yes, the working class, (all of it, not just those with white skins) are having a hard time of it, so are the middle class, and I don’t think that Starmer & Co are doing anything like enough to change things, but one thing I am absolutely 100% certain of is that a few desperate people risking their lives crossing the English Channel in rubber boats are not the cause of our problems. I also know who the problematic people are, it’s the very rich, people like Trump, Musk and others who have seen their wealth increase massively in the past 50 years or so, it is they who are responsible.
If you want to see some sense spoken, I recommend watching a few Gary Stevenson videos on YouTube. I don’t agree with him 100%. but on the taxation issue and his analysis of the underlying problems, he’s spot on.
Now all we have to do is to make Reform UK’s life a bit difficult here in Wales, so that they don’t do well in the next Senedd elections. Shouldn’t be too hard, they’re likely to mess it up for themselves, but there’s no harm in exposing them for what they are; just a slightly more palatable version of UKIP/VoW or any other crypto-fascist group.
Please identify the ‘conspiracy theories’ to which you refer.
As for Big G, he’s very unwell. I don’t think he’s posted anything on his blog for a while. But if it assuages the guilt you should be feeling, then yes, I did speak with him a couple of months ago.
“The working class yobs . . . ” is how you open your second paragraph. It seems to bear out what I’m saying.
Were mosques really attacked? No doubt you can provide the details. Certainly, Muslims and police put out reports of mosques being ‘threatened’ which then excused mobs forming.
“I don’t think that Starmer & Co are doing anything like enough to change things“. God Almighty! how far do you want these lunatics to go?
“ . . . a few desperate people risking their lives crossing the English Channel in rubber boats“. Do you really believe that all the healthy young men under no threat in their own country (unless they’re wanted for criminal offences) are ‘desperate’?
“I also know who the problematic people are, it’s the very rich, people like Trump, Musk and others“. Revealing that you name only Trump and Musk. What about Gates, Zuckerberg, Fink?
More than once in your reply you talk of confronting or seeing off the far-right. Making me suspect you’re one of those intellectually stunted specimens who likes to put on a mask and God knows what else then pretend he’s defending democracy. In truth, YOU are the real threat.
Hijacking working class aspirations to serve some other purpose may be part of the scam being perpetrated by the manipulators who stirred trouble in the aftermath of the Southport killings. You give credence to that by referring to “working class yobs” when those mobs probably included a hefty slice of middle class types whose affiliations with various football hooligan crews gave them an appetite for a spot of violence especially against the police and “minorities”. Yobs are Yobs and don’t need further qualification by class or status, unless of course they are ex Eton or minor royals.
Idling in government while their cronies in big business do well out of price fixing and other scams is not a good look for our new UK regime. Talking big and tough about controlling immigration while adopting a variant of the business as usual stance of their predecessors does nothing to reassure our working class of all ethnicities that they will ever progress up waiting lists for housing or other key services. Bold statements about housing when no regime of the last 40 years has seen fit to drive skills training across a range of trades and sectors leaves us with a residue of ill equipped people who will need a lot more rehab training to get to grips with the scale of the real challenge ahead.
You may notice that I do not mention “far right” or indeed “far left”. These are useless meaningless terms in the context of the convoluted mess we are in today. People who identify as either are generally not helpful to any debate as they bring their full set of prejudices and very little insight. Sadly our media rely far too much on these lazy descriptions as they crave succinct phrases to describe anything that moves.
I see no evidence of ‘two tier’ policing in Dyfed Powys. When Roger Hallam the leader of Just Stop Oil protests on the M25 he applied for bail and stated is residential abode in Walworth, London. Yet the BBC and Wales say he’s from Llandeilo, after he bought a second home, a rather run down smallholding. Intel provided. In July he was jailed for 5 years. I trust that Cyngor Sir Gar will be ensuring second home premium on council tax, the arrears, will be obtained. Similarly, there’s been some convictions of ‘far-right’ pundits for inciting racial hatred where the offender was traced to mams holiday cottage in darkest Ceredigion. Similar harsh sentence imposed. If you think there has been ‘two tier’ policing in Wales, then you should provide examples. In fact it’s the leadership in Dyfed-Powys that provides an exemplary example of why policing should be devolved to the competence we have in our own country.
I’m not talking about Dyfed Powys. I’m referring to England, which is where the riots have taken place, and where the two-tier policing and justice system is becoming pretty obvious. Not just now, under Labour, but for a few years.
There have been a number of cases of Christians arrested for silently praying on the pavement (sometimes outside abortion clinics). What crime could they be committing? Yet Muslims can close down streets, inconveniencing many people, and there are never arrests. Explain.
‘Hate speech’ is to be re-defined and enforced more rigorously. But we all know it will not be enforced even-handedly. For months we’ve seen masked mobs supporting terrorist organisation Hamas and demanding the deaths of Jews. But there’ve been no arrests. Absolutely none. Explain.
Public Order Act 2023 allows for a 150m zone of an abortion clinic, this includes ‘pavement praying’ regardless of religion of participant. As regards “Muslims can close down streets” there were some fake claims circulating on social media. Only two true ones. Both in London. A homosexual being abused walking down the street and an anti-Jewish chant on the tube. Both led to arrests and stiff prison sentences. Also, in November 2023 there was a pro-Palestinian protest in London and over 100 were arrested for various offences. You do realise that everything that pops up on your phone is not the truth?
I didn’t know about that law, but bloody hell! What other establishments have such legislative protection? And why abortion clinics?
The only time the authorities have taken action against crimes being committed by certain groups is when it’s become impossible to ignore. Or when the public mood builds and those involved can no longer be ignored.
As for my phone, one video showed cars with Palestine flags on them, in a Jewish neighbourhood in London, with the cars’ occupants shouting ‘Kill the Jews, rape their daughters!’. But no arrests were made. We’ve seen the video from Manchester airport of two thugs breaking a policewoman’s nose. Not only have they not been charged, but they are giving press conferences. There was the live broadcast of a Sky reporter being menaced by a mob in Birmingham – have there been arrests? We are told that masks are illegal, and wearing them is a criminal offence, but it seems certain groups are always masked on their marches and demos – but nothing is done. I could go on.
I think I’m smart enough to distinguish bullshit and propaganda from the real deal. Which is which I don’t rely on the mainstream media.
The Manchester airport thugs Muhammad Amaad and Fahir Amaaz have been bailed. They may well appear in court to answer charges at a later date. The delay is due to evident unprofessional conduct by the arresting officers and all are under investigation by the CPS to define what offences occurred as no doubt there will contrasting plea bargains of some kind.
I would have thought those are two separate matters, that should be dealt with separately. The assault on the police came first, and the evidence is there.
It is never two separate matters. One of the first questions in court from the defence of a police officer is “What prompted your presence at the scene?”. This is material to the case. Such matters are common. Often leads to the CPS dropping what appears open and shut cases. It’s due to questions on how the police evidence arrived at a charge. Without police involvement it is just a ‘mele’.
Whatever the police might have done came after the assault by those brothers, which was captured on CCTV. So it’s not a question of police evidence. There is no way the CPS can drop the charges. Certainly, if the police subsequently did wrong, then charge them with that offence.
CPS can apply more charges or drop them as new evidence emerges. Facts can emerge affecting prosecution not be in the public interest, or material changes in the chances of a successful prosecution. Applies each and to every case which the CPS takes to the crown.
That much is obvious! The mainstream media has its shortcomings, but it’s clearly not as wrong as your sources seem to be. I mean, using X as a source of ‘news’? Anyone who thinks Trump, or Musk or Farage are okay people has some pretty serious issues going on.
It’s not hard to see why abortion clinics have these protections really is it, given they are a literal juxtaposition of a highly contentious issue, socially, politically and religiously, which has spilled over into acts of violence and terrorism in places, with the fact that by the very nature of their services, those accessing them must do so in person, and at their most vulnerable.
But should that protection extend to lone women silently praying? And if so, then abortion clinics are being protected against Christian prayer. Which admits the existence, and power, of a supreme deity.
I comment as an agnostic, former atheist, so therefore someone who is far more sympathetic to religion and its practices than I have been in the past. I also consider abortion of anything remotely resembling a fully-formed infant a grisly and gut-wrenching business. I find the Left’s cheerful, hand-waving endorsement of abortion as some beautiful celebratory emancipation bizarre and grotesque. It is an important right, but not one to be so flippant about. It should be placed in the category of involuntary psychiatric holds, or war-declaring powers; important, but only invoked as necessary evils.
Whether you believe prayer works or not, it is undeniable that it can project a powerful sentiment. That sentiment can be taken positively when someone tells you they will be praying for you through a hardship. It can be taken very passive-aggressively and intrusively when someone has decided to do so in person, within eyeshot of your entry to undertake the most difficultly made and guilt-ridden decision of your life.
At the end of the day it doesn’t matter whether prayer works or not. It’s not really about prayer or religion. This legislation is further testimony to the influence exerted over politicians by fanatical pressure groups.
I don’t think having an exclusion zone around abortion clinics is remotely fanatical, it’s really quite sensible and sensitive. The people could be praying, loitering or checking their watches but it’s going to do nothing but make those visiting there uncomfortable at a most vulnerable time. They’re free to pray or protest literally anywhere else you can think of, and prayer’s functionality, as I understand it, doesn’t require physical presence at a location to improve efficacy.
Disagree. There has to be a threat of some kind, otherwise someone walking past or stopping to do up a shoelace could be arrested.
Is he the guy who plotted, but didn’t actually do anything?
Surely the rioters were just frustrated Brexit supporters, who had been promised unicorn filled sunlit uplands by Nige and Boris and were p*sed off they didn’t have them now they had “takin are country back”. Ten names Tommeh then jumped at the chance to cause trouble
The “white working class” have been abused as collateral damage in Boris’ urge to get to No10 (all driven by his school playground spat with “just call me Dave”)
Nige gets to continue his Hitler fixation and is dreaming of 1933
People morally prepared to destroy public property think they now have a chance to get away with it, and think they are fighting a culture war (well, burning now a library, maybe they are, but a food bank?)
And the social media based “far right”, who have been calling for civil war for the past decade (maybe more), get a healthy cheque from their paymasters (whoever they are), who ultimately just want market volatility to enrich themselves. They did very nicely out of Brexit and now they want more
Maybe these “globalists” you recognise are backing the “far right”?
‘Ten names Tommeh’, Farage has a Hitler fixation, dreaming of 1933!
I really expected better, Jonathan.