Nathan Gill: An Update

Knowing how many of you are gleefully anticipating the arrest of avidly following the exciting career of our new MEP, Nathan Gill, I thought I’d give you a wee update. For those arriving late to the feast let me explain that Nathan Lee Gill is a ‘businessman’ (of sorts) who was elected to the European Parliament on May 22 to represent Wales and the United Kingdom Independence Party (Ukip).

I have dealt with Gill previously in these posts:

1/ Wales Euro Elections 2014: Runners & Riders. May 15

2/ Nathan Gill, Ukip No 1 in Wales. May 19

3/ Euro Elections: Picking Through The Bones. May 27

4/ Nathan Gill, Ukip MEP, Another Dishonest Politician? June 2

5/ Nathan Gill: It Just Gets Worse. June 7

6/ Nathan Gill: The Biblical Backstory (Book of Nathan). June 15

7/ Miscellany: MEWN, Oxbridge, Nathan Gill. June 19

8/ Nathan Gill, Family Man. June 26

9/ Nathan Gill MEP: Exporter, Friend of Ghana. July 11

Since writing the last of those posts there have been developments and I have received further information, which I shall now share with you.


I have reported Gill to H. M. Revenue and Customs, in a letter mailed on July 7th. I did this because I sincerely believe that Gill has, over many years, defrauded the tax authorities through operating a number of cash-in-hand enterprises; either alone, or in partnership with others. It could even be that some of the enterprises in which he was engaged were of a nature that made it impossible to declare earnings without admitting to unlawful activities.


More information has been received from my original informant since I wrote to HMRC. The first talked of Gill buying a new Citröen C5 in 2008, which was paid for with cash. Even then it would have been difficult to get the big Citröen for less than £16,000, even paying in cash. I was also told that Gill’s brother-in-law, Brian Lynn Quilter, had paid “mainly with cash” for a Lotus Elise sports car. Depending on the specification, Quilter’s car Humveecould have cost more than Gill’s C5.

My informant also talks of two classic cars used for weddings, and “a shop in the village where he lives doing wedding videos”. Does he mean Llangefni? Can readers up there rack their memories for such an enterprise. A Humvee may have been involved, one with a big TV screen in the back.

The Humvee also clears up one of the (many) mysteries in Gill’s past. In earlier posts I mentioned, among the companies with which Gill has been associated, Humview Ltd, Incorporated on March 16, 2008 and finally struck off on May 30, 2009. During its brief existence it had just three directors: Gill, his wife, Jana, and a Richard Bruce Worsey, who resigned eight days before the end, and may also be a resident of Anglesey. My informant states that the Humvee cost £26,000, but does not say if this was also paid for with readies. But knowing Nathan Gill . . .

My informant also referred back to Guy Fawkes’ Night in 2001 (refresh your memory here). It appears that the church in Hull was a Grade II listed building. Gill applied for planning permission. He was refused. There was a “mysterious fire” which Gill blamed on kids throwing fireworks. (Why am I deafened by alarm bells ringing!)

Finally, we have further evidence of what a believer Gill is in international trade. (Read about the Ghana connection.) For I am told that Gill and Quilter made a number of trips to China, and – wait for it! – were accompanied on these trips by large amounts of folding. Quite what was bought, my informant does not know, not being privy to the details of these oriental excursions; but he is in no doubt that the gruesome twosome were “avoiding duty”. Shome mishtake, shurely!


Moving on, as they say, I am indebted to another correspondent for informing me that he has reported Nathan Gill to the Electoral Commission, arguing that Gill is in breach of Section 106 of the Representaion of the People Act. Rather than me try to explain what I might not properly understand, I shall quote directly from the correspondence I received, which I assume to be a copy of what was sent to the Electoral Commission.

Gill RPA

The point being, of course, that from 2009 until his election on May 22, 2014, Gill was an adviser to his predecessor as Ukip MEP, John Bufton. So he was not, “a real person with a real job”, he was precisely what he denied being – “a career politician”. Nor was he, at the time these leaflets were written and circulated, a “domiciliary and residential care services professional”, for the only income declared to the European Parliament was that which he received as an “MEP’s assistant”.

It will be interesting to see whether the Electoral Commission has the balls to proceed with this complaint.


John AtkinsonFinally, let me extend thanks to a third person for directing me to Gill’s four UK assistants; they are: Major John Atkinson, Andrew Martin Haigh, Scott George Tuppen and Simon Wall.

The Major lives in Swansea and spent 33 years (1967 – 2000) in the Royal Marines, so presumably he worked his way up through the ranks. He stood for Ukip in the 2011 Assembly elections on the South Wales West regional list. He was second (of four) on the Ukip slate which managed 4.3% of the vote, just ahead of Socialist Labour on 3.3% and the BNP on 3.1%. He may have stood in other elections but I can’t be bothered to check.

Andrew Martin Haigh was Ukip candidate for Delyn in the 2010 general election, when he came home in sixth place, behind the BNP. He seems not to have excited Google since that foray into electoral politics. Haigh has this to say on Friends Reunited: “I live in North Wales and run a small mail order business. I am married to clare a marine biologist who works for the government. In my spare time I write and also play Bass in a 60/70’s rock & roll band.” (My toes are curling for him.)

The company is Vitaplankton, for which he has worked since it was Incorporated in March 2013. On DueDil the business is described as ‘Fish Farrming’ and ‘Marine Aguaculture’. I suppose it’s reasonable to assume, given his wife’s job, that she helps out or advises in Haigh’s business; maybe he has access to facilities Haigh Oxygenor equipment at her place of work, or he makes use of data or contacts that she can provide through her work. But would that be allowed? Haigh currently lives in Llanrug, near Caernarfon, but has previously lived in Menai Bridge. Regular readers will know that Menai Bridge was home to Gill’s parents, and also home to the dump of tyres destined for Ghana. Haigh is of course English.

UPDATE July 25: More information has come to light on Haigh. The mail order business referred to may in fact be Vitalox, which sells a twenty-first-century equivalent of snake oil. Haigh imports oxygen (sic) from Canada that, it is claimed, can cure everything from ingrowing toenails to baldness, plus many more serious conditions. (Read the ‘Oxygen & Cancer’ section.) Though if the oxygen fails (as it presumably will), then the Vitalox website recommends prayer, with a Spirituality page; and wouldn’t you know it – Haigh is a Mormon, like Gill and all his family! The website modestly describes Haigh as a “serial entrepreneur” (for which there is no word in Welsh, incidentally), a description I’m sure Nathan Gill has applied to himself.

UPDATE July 30: Thanks to BC I now have more information on Haigh. Such as the fact that he and his wife have a little sideline in Segways. Also, that this staunch Kipper, hostile to the EU and all its works, recently sought to recruit a Lab technician for Vitaplankton, and as the advert makes clear, “The post is funded under the European Fisheries Fund”.

What is it with these Ukip Mormons; are they all hypocrites, charlatans, crooks and con men?

Scott George Tuppen seems to be yet another Kipper with a head for business. From July 11, 2011 to November 7, 2012 he was a director / company secretary of a firm called Cusu Services Ltd which according to DueDil, has a current book value of -£178,468. Though young Tuppen – for he is but 31 – started in business at the age of 15 with Tuppen and Associates Enterprises Ltd, with big sister Angela holding his hand. This venture lasted from July 31, 1998 to June 21, 2000. Tuppen and Associates was based in Brynna, Pontyclun.

Finally, we come to Simon Wall, another Englishman plaguing Anglesey. Reminding us that in many parts of Wales Ukip is little more than an English club, of the kind that might have been found in earlier times in the White Highlands or some Indian hill stations. English people away from home becoming ever more exaggeratedly English and hostile to the natives.


The net is closing on Gill, and those associated with him. Given his past he was always destined to be yet another embarrassment for the United Kingdom Independence Party. Which will bring nothing but joy to those of us who have come to realise what a deceitful and unprincipled bastard this man is, and yet so representative of Ukip. But before he departs the political stage let him do Wales one service in reminding us why we must be alert to him and his kind, and why we must leave them in no doubt that they are unwelcome in our country.

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Anonymous Powys

Nathan Gill has been told to step down as an MEP by the UKIP ruling NEC via a left from Steve Crowther soon to be gone UKIP Chairman the party thinks as double jobbing means not doing one of the elected jobs properly, the money is irrelevant.

He claims the MEP job is a ‘non’ job if that is the case why does he (we pay for) employ 7 members of staff to help him carry out the non-job or is he doing something else we don’t know about ? Who are these people and what do they do?

Jack Swann

ok you need to check out the undemocratic imposition of a candidate to stand in brecon and radnor. the original democratically selected candidate. being removed by Atkinson, Gill and co on a tissue of lies and untruths.


Just come across this story Daily Post – 15 December 2011.

SWIFT action from Environment Agency Wales officers averted a potentially serious environmental incident near the River Conwy.

Acting on a tip-off, Agency officers discovered over 3,000 waste tyres illegally dumped in a garage in Glan Conwy.

It is believed the dumping took place on the weekend of November 25-27 and officers are appealing for witnesses.

A week later it was reported that two men had been arrested – aged 23 and 35, and had been bailed.

1. This was a few weeks after the Menai Bridge incident.
2. Is this incident connected in any way to the above incident ?
3. Who were the two men – and what happened to them ?

Coincidence or What ???


Regarding the mound of 5000 used tyres, stored illegally at Menai Bridge, the property of Gills parents back in 2011.

This is not some small operation and considerably more tyres than your average small village garage would accumulate with off-book environmental disposal charges. They were not obtained from the ‘big chains’ in the UK as they have their own traceable schemes. I did some enquiries and found that in 2011 there was somewhat of a major tyre disposal crimewave in Northern Ireland operated by criminal gangs. Essentially, these were Orangemen who kept having unfortunate barn fires. They were also circumventing trace by wholesaling used tyres from the UK and transferring them from the north into the Irish Republic by container load, claiming a disposal cost from their environment fund, and then doing a re-export back into the UK. A form of environment charge laundering. So large became this problem, in 2011, the Northern Ireland Assembly set up a special enquiry on the matter and by late 2011 the Gardi/PSNI launched a joint operation. The laundering chain fell apart, with the storage stooges, on both sides of the border, being left with tyre dumps they couldn’t easily explain. Which begs the question – Did the Gill tyre stash come through Holyhead? If so, it was not just the environment crime, but an international fraud.

By the way…here is the man from Wales who was dishing out advise to the NI Assembly and bought his experience from his Zero Waste International symposiums in Pennang, San Francisco, Beaumaris (I kid you not), and Davos.
Does anyone know who he is?


“Cardiff-based Cylch – the Wales Recycling Network – was subject to an investigation from the Welsh Government’s internal audit unit – since completed – and had been in discussions with the Charity Commission (now a full investigation) after it received concerns over loss of funds, which has seen Cylch writing off loans of more than £2m made into two companies.”

“Audited accounts lodged with Companies House from Cylch to the end of March, 2011, show that former business Plastic Sorting Ltd (PSL) received two separate loans from the charity totalling £2.2m. At the time chief executive of Cylch, Mal Williams, was chairman of PSL. Mr Williams earlier this year stood down as chief executive, but remains a trustee of the charity.”


You would imagine that this would be pretty unpopular even amongst the Sais who have moved to Bodelwyddan for their little piece of rural heaven.


Do you know if there’s going to be a fight regarding the Bodelwyddan development of 1700 homes. I listend to the story twice today on Radio Cymru and not once did they mention the population of Bodelwyddan. The plans have been adopted but it still isn’t too late apparently.


Grateful for this important work. I just wish that the only people investigating him weren’t (presumably) unpaid bloggers such as yourself… Do you have any thoughts, I wonder, on when/how it might be possible to improve professional journalism in Wales? For instance, should we all get behind online outfits like the Daily Wales and see if they can be grown to the point that they have the resources for independent investigative journalism? Or just write endless letters to the Mule asking them to get serious… Or is it a lost cause.

Daley Gleephart

The two main groups who pay cash for expensive cars: a) Drug dealers b.) Caravan-dwelling Irish scrap merchants.
He bought a Humvee? Generation Gill!


Return to previous story. How bad are used tyres ? Nigeria 2012

‘Second-hand tyres are killers like HIV/AIDS’ – SON

Very soon there will be no more second hand tyres to buy in Nigeria. Standards Organization of Nigeria have embarked on a mission to get rid of all fairly used tyres being sold in Nigeria and have also stopped the importation of these tyres, because according to them, “second-hand tyres are killers like HIV/AIDS”.

The executives at Ladipo market, the most popular auto market in Lagos, have asked traders in the market to stop selling fairly-used tyres. SON gave the traders until August 17th to get rid of the ‘killer’ tyres of face the wrath of the law.
August 2012


Once again Jac – a great piece of investigative journalism.

The evidence is mounting. The net is closing in…

One failed venture after another, exploitation of poor migrant workers, bunkhouse accomodation, Guy Fawkes bonfires, everything in cash, company liquidations, trading whilst insolvent….

‘No Income Tax, No VAT, No money back, No guarantee.’.

Used Tyres for Africa, Road accident deaths, Mosquitoes, Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever.

EU MEP Declaration mentioning no income from business . Clear Breach of Section 106… etc. etc.

… and the silence is deafening!

No resonse ! No line of defence ! No denial ! Nothing …

Carry on with the excellent work Jac!