The anguished cry goes up from Cemaes to Chepstow, from Talacre to Tenby – ‘Will this ever end!’
The short answer is, I hope it will; but for me to get back to reporting on local flower shows, and telling you what Sharon’s mother wore at the wedding before she got legless and started stripping, there will need to be action from the police and various levels of government.
And while there are encouraging signs, and a growing mountain of evidence, the Williams-Partridge gang remains at liberty.
Even so, you’re assuming that there must have been some developments otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this latest instalment, and indeed there have. Not least a tearful – if unwilling – return to the Radnorshire Arms Hotel for Paul and Rowena Williams.
For anyone joining us for the first time I strongly suggest that you get up to speed with: Weep for Wales, Weep for Wales 2, Weep for Wales 3, Weep for Wales 4, Weep for Wales 5, Weep for Wales 6.
Now read on . . .
And lo, it came to pass that on Friday July 20th Paul and Rowena Williams did return to the Radnorshire Arms Hotel in Presteigne whereto they had been summoned by Powys County Council, and the ‘Welsh’ Government; the former checking on what insults had been inflicted on this listed building and the latter ensuring that the money showered on the Gruesome Twosome for the ‘Rad’ and the Knighton Hotel had been properly spent.

As yet, we don’t know what was said at the meeting (my Russian office is working on it), but things certainly got a bit heated when Paul Williams emerged. There were a few locals waiting for him. He approached one, and demanded, “Who are you, I’ve never seen you in here, have you ever drunk or eaten here, its people like you that forced me to close it down”.
He was clearly not in a good mood. He got particularly belligerent with this one particular local, and ended up belly-bumping him before head-butting him!
The gallery below shows a few scenes from last Friday’s tête-à-tête. Left to right: Paul and Rowena Williams, Paul Williams with the guy he nutted, two suits who arrived at the same time. Assure me they’re not working for the Williams-Partridge gang and I’ll remove them.

From Paul Williams’ demeanour it would be reasonable to assume that the meeting with Powys County Council and the ‘Welsh’ Government did not go well, for him. Good.
Elsewhere, the Mid Wales Journal ran another piece, but the story has now been relegated to page 2. It also carried a reader’s letter pointing out the absurdity of Partridge in last week’s edition attributing the closure of the hotels to the hostility that had built up after their closure. The same arse-backwards logic employed by Paul Williams on Friday.
Ignoring the distraction of the confrontation Paul Williams’ little outburst is interesting, and revealing, on a number of counts.
First, the man being addressed (and then nutted) was a regular drinker and diner at the Radnorshire Arms, but Paul Williams wouldn’t have known that because he was hardly ever there. I suppose when you’ve got a property empire to oversee, hotels to buy (often from yourself at ludicrous prices), and money to launder, you haven’t got much time to shoot the breeze with locals.
Second, Williams admits that he closed these establishments, so the ‘sale’ to Keith Partridge was a sham, as I always suspected. But maybe it’s worse than that because the more I think about it the more convinced I am that there was no intention to ever reopen the Radnorshire Arms or the Knighton Hotel.
The ‘sale’ to Partridge was a ploy to distract attention from Paul and Rowena Williams. And even without Paul Williams’ outburst last Friday, the evidence has always been there, staring us in the face.
Remember the letter staff received from Keith Partridge? It said: “Your employer is still the company, RRL UK Ltd” (Rural Retreats & Leisure UK Ltd). Confirmed by Rowena Williams’ letter of 28 March. (Read both here.)
Yet on 1 April the gang (acting through or in the name of Michael Jones) tried to strike off Rural Retreats & Leisure UK Ltd. So those letters to the staff should have read: ‘We’re telling you you’re employed by RRL UK Ltd – but we’re liquidating the company. Ha, ha!’
As I’ve mentioned before, the strike-off was halted by an objection from a public-spirited individual. Yet the Companies House website makes clear that the gang still wants to strike off this company.

Some might argue that liquidating RRL UK Ltd could be the best option. The Radnorshire, the Knighton and the other properties would then be auctioned off and might be bought by people who want them to be successful.
The flaw in this reasoning is that they might be bought at auction by another Paul Williams. For he himself has bought properties this way; one was the Fronoleu, near Dolgellau, which we looked at in the previous instalment, work started we were told in 2015, and yet it remains an empty shell.
Further evidence that Partridge is simply fronting for Paul and Rowena Williams, is that the letter from heartbroken-to-be-leaving Rowena and ‘new owner’ Partridge were almost certainly written by the same person. The clue is in the bizarre date format “01st February” appearing in both letters.
And of course, with the portfolio including the Radnorshire and the Knighton not being sold to Partridge it means that Team Williams did not receive the £10m Partridge was said to have paid them for those properties.
Yet Paul and Rowena Williams are talking of spending £20m on Plas Glynllifon and £5m or more on Plas Brereton and Plas Tŷ Coch, so where’s the money coming from?
The truth is they have no intention of completing the restoration of Plas Glynllifon. They’ll spend a little money on cosmetic effects, bring in some antiques and other fixtures, but as with so many of their ventures, from the Scottish border to Cornwall, the prize may be the land adjoining Plas Glynllifon.
Which is why I was so concerned to read, “Mansion owners in ‘advanced talks’ to take ownership of Parc Glynllifon country park”.
So I call on Cyngor Gwynedd and Grwp Llandrillo-Menai to tell us exactly what is being discussed, or has been agreed, with regard to handing over land to Paul and Rowena Williams. I can understand the silence, it’s often difficult to talk with egg on your face, but the people of Gwynedd, Powys, and the rest of Wales are entitled to know the truth.

The other element of the scam will be raising money against the asset of Plas Glynllifon. With a building that size, and the land around it, they could hope to raise many millions of pounds in mortgages and loans. And when they took it over in 2016 – fresh from their triumphs in Powys – they were also expecting a few million pounds from the ‘Welsh’ Government and/or Cyngor Gwynedd.
Here are some random and often unrelated facts from a number of sources that nevertheless help to fill out the profile of Paul Williams.
- In the previous instalment I quoted Paul Williams’ Linkedin profile (here in pdf) and his claim to have worked for eleven years for the Royal Mail, handling their property portfolio. Now I’m told this is yet more bullshit. Which raises the question, ‘What was Paul Williams doing before he emerged circa 2001 at Mortimers Cross Inn?’

- I mentioned the Goa connection in Weep for Wales 5, now I hear that Paul Williams’ father has a hotel there, but comes home three or four times a year. I’m also told that if you meet the father you’ll understand why the son is what he is.
- The Badminton Club in Ebbw Vale was bought with cash. The attraction being the one-arm bandits and other gambling allowed at a private club. My source says that Paul and Rowena would travel down to Ebbw Vale regularly to empty the machines. (The income from which could be exaggerated?)
- The Williams’ faithful lapdog Rikki Reynolds, now ‘running’ the Seiont Manor Hotel near Caernarfon, first worked for Paul and Rowena Williams at Mortimers Cross Inn. Later, either at the Knighton Hotel or the Radnorshire Arms, he was sacked for stealing some of the money that was lying around everywhere. Reinstated he is now part of the gang. Rikki is none too bright, a heavy drinker, a drug user, but loyal.
- The Mortimers Cross Inn is also where they made the acquaintance of John Duggan the thieving accountant they have used to hide their crimes for a number of years. Can’t you just imagine the conversations Paul and John might have had of a winter evening around a roaring log fire, with Rikki swaying gently behind the bar!
- The ‘Welsh’ Government has stated in a reply to Kirsty Williams AM that the Knighton Hotel received grants totalling £254,200 and Radnorshire Arms £225,000, but a source insists these figures are wildly inaccurate. The source is convinced that the Knighton alone received over one million pounds, and that Paul Williams used to boast that grants had paid for the place. Did the ‘Welsh’ Government focus on a single funding stream in order to mislead us?
- For let’s not forget that even though Kirsty Williams is the local Lib Dem AM she also props up the minority Labour regime down Cardiff Bay. So she might not want to embarrass her coalition partners. Also worth remembering is that the reply she received came from Dafydd Elis Thomas, former Plaid Cymru AM, who is also helping keep Carwyn Jones and his gang afloat.
- Fronoleu near Dolgellau was bought at auction in 2015 and paid for in cash. Over three hundred thousand pounds. A loan was then taken out against the property in 2018 with Together Commercial Finance Ltd. In the previous instalment I showed you plans that had been drawn up by an architect suggesting that work had started on Fronoleu in 2015. It was a lie, of course. Everything is a lie with Paul Williams. But worse, I’m told that this architect signs off projects funded by the ‘Welsh’ Government, saying that they have been satisfactorily completed. The architect concerned had worked for Paul Williams before Fronoleu, and possibly since.
- But they had no intention of re-opening Fronoleu. It was just a way of laundering £300,000+. (And because it’s money laundering they’ll willingly pay over the odds.) This is how to get rid of dirty money and make more money on what you’ve bought. Money laundering also explains buying property from themselves at greatly inflated prices.

- There was a delivery of new televisions to the Knighton Hotel one day, and even though hawk-eyed Paul Williams was on the premises – they were all stolen!
- Paul Williams dismissed one member of his staff at 11pm on Christmas Eve in a telephone call from an airport where he was about to jet off for three weeks in Egypt!
- One of his staff found a payroll file on a computer used by Paul Williams. Instead of names and numbers staff were identified by insulting descriptions of their physical appearance. I find this really weird, and disturbing.
Anecdotes and hard evidence continues to flow in from those who’ve had the misfortune to be involved with or work for Paul and Rowena Williams. (I used just a fraction of it in the previous section.) All of it helping to build up a character profile for Paul Williams.
To begin with, I’m convinced he’s a pathological liar for whom lies come easier than the truth. You just cannot believe a word he says. Often, he might not even realise that he’s telling lies.
When dealing with authority his strategy is to wear down the enemy by not replying to letters, e-mails and phone messages. Worryingly, this often results in the problem going away. Here’s a good example from Cornwall of how Paul Williams operates.
But if he is pinned down then he will agree to a meeting – but not turn up. Or agree to make a payment and not do so until he’s threatened with bailiffs or prosecution. With tradesmen and suppliers to whom he owes money he either ignores them or he threatens them with violence.
A number of people who’ve worked for Paul Williams tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, and attributed his lack of empathy to autism, before realising he’s just a complete cunt.
He likes to go to the limit, he likes to see how much he can get away with. It’s brinkmanship. He’s a gambler, a risk-taker. He might even get a rush from it.
He certainly enjoys cutting corners, cheating, putting one over on people, whether it’s his employees, the UK government, the ‘Welsh’ Government, local authorities, banks, tradesmen, suppliers, even taxi drivers delivering him home drunk.
I introduce the taxi driver because of a story I’ve been told about Paul, Rowena and Rikki Reynolds. A while ago a taxi delivered them to Seiont Manor and the taxi driver had to struggle to get his money because Paul Williams haggled over a £15 taxi fare!
Some might view Paul Williams as a likeable rogue for taking on public officials, banks and others, but when you learn of the little people he has hurt, humiliated and robbed, you realise he’s just a piece of shit.
A number of people over the years have had unhappy experiences with Paul and Rowena Williams. I’m already receiving information from many sources, but I suspect there are others who are no longer in Wales who could also provide information.
So I’d like to hear from Dan Pricop, Phil Higgerson, Mark McNicol and Paul Field. Get in touch with me at But the offer is open to anybody and everybody who will help to get this man and his associates their just desserts.
The montage below shows, in the big picture, Paul Williams’ sister Debra Yvonne Oswald with her husband Stuart. Top right is Keith Partridge. Bottom right Sukhbinder Singh Heer, who is the other director of Leisure & Development Ltd along with Partridge and Williams. Quite what he brings to the party is yet to be established.

You’ll note that Part(d)ridge and Heer became directors of Leisure & Development Ltd on 1 February 2018, which is the date Partridge is supposed to have taken over the Radnorshire Arms Hotel, the Knighton Hotel and other properties. But in both letters we’ve seen, staff are told they still work for Rural Retreats & Leisure UK Ltd, of which Partridge and Heer are not directors.
Has somebody slipped up, got confused with similarly named companies?
UPDATE 24.07.2018: There seems to have been a belated and rather clumsy attempt to resolve the anomaly of Paul Williams remaining a director of Leisure & Development Ltd following the alleged takeover by Partridge. Documents dated last Saturday (21.07.2018) but received at Companies House today (24.07.2018) tell us that Paul Williams has resigned as director. Also, that 10,000 shares in the company have been transferred from Plas Glynllifon Ltd to Partridge.
Which is just paperwork, designed to deceive. For I guarantee that no properties have been transferred from Paul and Rowena Williams to Partridge.
As I say, this is primarily a money laundering operation. The only question is whether Paul Williams is laundering money for others or for himself and his extended family. Maybe it’s a bit of both. We can add mortgage fraud and other crimes to the mix.
Properties are bought at auction, paid for with cash, or people in difficulty with their mortgage are ‘helped’ . . . before being elbowed out. Those properties, and nearby land, are then used to raise loans, sold to Williams companies at absurdly inflated prices, which then means they can take out more loans.
So dirty money is successfully laundered and more money is raised through loans against properties they have no real interest in, but it also means a growing mountain of debt, unless of course Together Commercial Finance Ltd is part of this scam.
Whatever the answer, if I was a business partner of Williams I’d be pissed off with him for attracting a lot of unnecessary attention. All he had to do was keep the Radnorshire Arms and the Knighton Hotel open and I would never have heard of Paul Steven Williams.
But then, I’ve described the sort of ‘fuck-’em-all‘ man he is, and because he thinks he’s smarter than everybody else, he’s become over-confident, and when you’re over-confident you make mistakes.
In Swansea, we call this hubris.
♦ end ♦
One arrogant twat
Have you seen today’s Daily Post (17/09/18)? Extremely interesting read!
As I ask in the tweet I’ve just put out – if Paul and Rowena Williams can’t find the £1.5m needed to buy Plas Brereton and Plas Glynllifon (or less, if we deduct the deposit they’re supposed to have paid) where will they get the £20m needed to renovate Plas Glynllifon?
The Daily Post has been plugging these crooks, acting as their mouthpiece, for the past few years, and now it’s coming back to bite them. But of course, they’ll never admit they got it wrong.
It’s a sad reflection on the state of the ‘Welsh media’ that nobody asked the awkward questions that could have exposed these crooks a lot sooner.
I have met RR when I did a trial shift i Seiont Manor back in May! Still waiting for feedback as to how I did and not a mention of pay!! Pure shambles and have doubted the viability of their plans for Plas Brereton!! Scandalous!! 😡
the grant money they were issued for Plas Glynllifon was used to buy Seiont Manor.
Now the company has had a rebrand pay slips for seiont say the company name but money is paid into accounts by Paul Williams directly.
no grant money recieved for glynllifon
Thank you, Noel. I know you’re impartial.
This sad story doesn’t get any clearer! I can’t help thinking that someone is running rings around Welsh Assembly, various Councils and H.M.R.C. Can anyone tell me how this can happen, please?
It can happen because Wales is run by politicians who not only have no understanding of commerce and business but in many cases are hostile to business and ‘filthy capitalism, innit’.
But they must be seen be doing something which means that any crook can sidle up with a back-of-a-fag-packet ‘project’ and be showered with money. Public money. Your money. My money.
I am currently working on the next instalment. It will probably be out on Monday.
It seems that Leisure and Development Ltd are in administration. RSM Restructuring in Birmingham are listed as joint adminstrators.
Are you sure, because I’m getting conflicting reports about which company has been wound up? And of course it could be more than one.
The notice on the door of the Radnorshire Arms says “Leisure and Development Ltd in Administration”
That’s this company.
Aztec Asset Assured signs in Castle Inn Wigmore also….
A company called Aztec Asset Assured are at the Knighton hotel now, putting up signs and messing with the locks. Had a quick look online and they specialise in insolvency security.
Very interesting! Thanks for that. That obviously explains the recent clear-out.
The cofis are getting concerned as work is commencing at Plas Brereton, lights on at night,diggers outside and the grounds being tidied up. Does this mean that they have had their way with the council regarding planning? It would be just the sort of thing they would do to please incomers with very suspicious backgrounds.
A very worried cofi
I’m getting worried too by the silence from both the council and Coleg Llandrillo-Menai re Plas Glynllifon. They know the kind of people they’re dealing with so they should be doing everything in their power to stop them doing anything.
But as for Plas Brereton, I wouldn’t yet blame the council because Paul Williams has form when it comes to doing things without planning permission and then saying, ‘What are you going to do about it?’ Which usually results in retrospective planning permission. That said, if all he’s doing is tidying up the grounds then there’s no real problem.
I use many taxis in the local area, and this could be one of many evenings, I have herd a few story’s from a couple of drivers regarding the Williams and Rikki, all ending in the same story – pissed up, un-business like and haggling to pay.
Whilst reading today’sDaily Post I came across a picture of Mr &Mrs Williams,the new owners of Plas Glynllifon.I recognised them as the rather loud couple that were dining at the very expensive Gun Room, Plas Dinas,the former home of the late Lord Snowdon, a few weeks ago.Could this be the night they had an arguement with the taxi driver who drove them to Seiont Manor which they also own and where they were spending the night?Maybe they were a bit short of cash after their rather expensive meal!
A local eavesdropper
There is a good chance it was this night as i know the driver. They refused to pay the total and they threw a load of change at him
The guy on the right also works for WG in the tourism sector team.
Brychan, you raise an interesting point about the plaque on the door and the “Man from the Ministry”.
In January 2012, Paul Williams, The Radnorshire Arms Hotel, applied for planning permission for 2 ancillary holiday lodges on a piece of ground outside Presteigne. In this application he claims that Visit Wales came on an advisory visit to The Rad. If that is true, at the time of the “visit” The Rad may have been rated because 2011 was the last rating according to Visit Wales. But it is clear that neither the advisor or rating assessors bothered to check the AA plaque!
But was there ever actually a visit from an advisor? Paul’s second, and successful attempt, for the lodges planning permission includes the “advisory letter”. I was struck that it is not headed with any Visit Wales logo or address and is not dated. Mr Williams is the the only named owner of The Rad in this letter. What of front woman Rowena?
The tone of the “advisory” is that Mr Williams wants to upgrade to 4 star accommodation but, don’t be shocked, this is because 4 star ambition is needed to get the grant funding. He must have been so disappointed that after the partial handout and subsequent hard work somewhere he only managed to downgrade his invalid star rating.
The planning application states that without 2 lodges built outside of Presteigne town The Rad will become unviable, despite the hotel apparently accommodating 8000 visitors p.a. As the lodges are yet to be built perhaps the head butted Presteigne resident can feel a little less guilty, it’s not entirely his fault that PW has had to shut the hotels.
Sarah, i can assure you the man assaulted does not feel guilty. I would also point out that “the Lodges” are on a site bought for peanuts (old log yard) and permission was given for holiday use. The site is currently for sale for a predictably gross amount. As they are situated out of town and about as far from the Rad as you can get without being in Herefordshire, I cannot see how their use could be tied to the Hotel-and yes I have managed to get my hair back under control1
Since the sum of “subsidy” money for the Powys hotels was revealed I have wondered if The Rad’s funds, if not gone into personal pockets, were diverted to Knighton. (Knighton Hotel superficially better than The Rad). What we don’t seem to know is whether the funds were for material improvements to buildings or for fittings and staff training as a planning application document I found suggests. If for fittings and you sell the business who should they belong to?
As you suggest, it is doubtful the “Welsh” Gov are being thorough. These buildings are mostly listed so WG should also be looking into CADW funding. Perhaps the Auditor should be contacted, both for investigation of WG funding and Local Council funding. He has at least exposed NRW timber sales irregularities.
I don’t have much hope that this will end happily for the public purse. Even if you get your wish that they enjoy a stint “away” it’ll be at public expense!
Sarah, you question whether the “Welsh” government are being thorough in oversight. Here’s your answer.
As well as the star rating the Welsh Government also administer the Visit Wales Walkers Welcome Award and the Visit Wales Cyclers Welcome Award. All were displayed illegally at the Rad.
They were not registered on the Visit Wales schemes for stars or awards, for over 15 years. This discrepancy only surfaced after a poor online rating was made on TripAdvisor by an aggrieved customer. They were convicted of misusing tourism logos in breach of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations. A case bought by Powys County Council Trading Standards. Paul Williams fined £1,250 and ordered to pay £4,250 costs at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court.
When the “Man from the Ministry” went round to dish out the grants he didn’t even check the yellow plaque on the front door.
What I find amazing about ANY project the Welsh Government invests in is how little background verification is done. This doesn’t just involve basic checks on the ‘right and proper’ people to who to do business with, as in this case, but also how robust, ethical, and economically sustainable any given enterprise is. I have previously done this in the private sector (joint ventures) for many years, everything from small scale engineering, to parts of multi-billion pound construction.
Grants are handed out with the strap line of how many jobs are created, almost always jobs that never materialise. Thing is, if it was a private investment you’d know in advance what payroll burden is anticipated, in some cases down to each man-hour of each role. I never see any such detail in WG sponsored investments. Just an exaggerated promise a politician might want to hear to use as a soundbite.
In a commercial joint investment not only are there projections on returns for capital employed, but also variance analysis of different options (doing nothing is always an option). Such projections are qualified by risk. Risk can be mitigated by time, pre-determined milestones, cash draw-down schedules as well as primacy arrangements on secuirities on assets or share dilution in the primary holding. The best example of how to ‘cover’ your capital employed can be seen when Ryan Air design contracts for Boeing. If the plane isn’t delivered on time, they get to lease it at reducing rates, and building planes is fraught with delays, so they get planes cheaper and the risk is shifted to the global monolith, who offset any losses elsewhere.
Wales is littered with empty buildings where a supported enterprise has fluttered about for a few years before liquidating. The problem is not so much to do with the enterprise itself, but the incentives in place to continue the activity for which the original financial support was granted. Classic examples are high end fashion which relocates to Malaysia, product advancement like flat screen televisions produced elsewhere eclispising the supported enterprise, and lack of domestic output levee on contracts (shilling on the litre) common in oil but absent in stuff like milk.
Look at the people that are appointed onto corporate governance, whether it be Natural Resources or Airport, or tourist enterprises. It’s stuffed with acolytes with degrees in history and socal work. CVs listing third sector, achademia and politics. Not an engineer or real business person to be found. How can these people even begin to design good corporate oversight?
Off topic question….
Why did the Radio Cymru list a long career of their new editor, Rhuanedd Richards, but omit in to report that her last role was at Deryn Consulting? Does not bode well if a journalist has doctored an article about one of their own, who’s now destined to be editor of any future broadcast. They should report all the facts. It’s what’s missing that often tells the story.
Her first act should be to come clean.
We get in this mess, Brychan, because Wales is managed by politicians and civil servants who fear a successful Welsh economy. This leaves them in the position where ‘supporting business’ means throwing money at crooks like this, building up a vast third sector, and encouraging into Wales anything that can be misrepresented as ‘inward investment’, be it Bore Grylls or nuclear waste.
Chances of WG not sweeping this under the carpet, and Team Williams copping a fresh set of grants?
Zero, I would hope. Don’t tell us they’re in line for more money!
The danger here is that like the vile Donald Trump, the public may become inured to the sins of the execrable Williams gang. The powers that be are acting like stunned seals, and the media, in particular the Daily Post, are simply not doing their job. SOMEBODY GET A GRIP ON THIS CAN OF WORMS!, We’ve simply had enough of these vile people polluting our area.
I shall give officialdom the benefit of the doubt and assume that wheels are in motion. Other than a signed confession – which they won’t get from Paul Williams – I can’t think what more they need.
That said, there’s still nothing stopping Cyngor Gwynedd and Coleg Llandrillo-Menai reassuring us that they haven’t done anything silly.
Purchasing property is a favourite method of laundering money due to the fact that it is one area where people of ordinary wealth can conduct high value transactions without raising suspicion.
I think it’s fair to say that, as a result of investigations conducted by supporters of this blog, a number of players in the Williams property dealings have been uncovered which have already been convicted of various offences of theft, fraud and menaces. This is prior or concurrent to the events detailed in the seven chapter investigation.
Under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 the solicitors who have conducted conveyance on the various Williams properties, along with others who have a contractual arrangement like Coleg Menai, Cyngor Gwynedd and the Welsh Government, are under a legal obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure that monies are not used by criminals for the purpose of laundering money earned through illegal activities.
It might be wise for (a) the Law Officers who have responsibility for counsel and are instructed on behalf of the Welsh Government to investigate any transactions which they themselves, have entered into, (b) an investigation be initiated by the Serious Fraud Office into the veracity of the property transactions that have already taken place.
It was interesting to hear about the tête-à-tête at the Radnorshire Arms last week. It appears that Paul Williams nutted a bystander. His behaviour is likely to make an easy arrest for Gog Plod. They have more experience detaining suspects for public order offences than the Proceeds of Crime Act. That interview can take place in the custody suite over a tikka masala consumed with a cardboard spoon, wearing a paper suit (XXL).
Cunt he may be, but he’s a silly one.
After all you’ve exposed about Williams, Jac, like you I’ve no idea what his real motivation can be, other than playing Lord of the Manor and messing up ordinary people’s lives. Viz Nathan in Parc Glynllifon. It seems clear that he has no business plans even remotely in place. To run the Plas at Glynllifon as a successful, money making hotel and leisure complex just isn’t feasible, given the amount of capital investment required. And it would require managerial expertise far beyond our Paul and his Merry Mates could possibly muster. Even Alex Polizzi would balk at the task.
And now the bandwagon is rolling to Plas Breriton. What the Devil are they playing at?.
The Planners should by now be doing their job, ensuring that Caernarfon doesn’t play host to a lot of semi derelict shells such as we’ve witnessed in Cornwall, Mid Wales and Dolgellau. Their wish washy approach to a man who loves to flout rules to date is hardly inspiring.
This is why I’m increasingly concerned by the silence from Cyngor Gwynedd and the Coleg. Are they waiting for someone else to move first?
“Bizarre date format “01st February” in both letters”
In addition to investigative journalist I think we have to add forensic scientist to your list of qualifications. Excellent work Jac. Head butting locals in the presence of officials not a clever move.
It’s a format I’ve never seen before. Either it’s 01.02.2018, 1st of February 2018, or February 1st 2018.
“Who are you, I’ve never seen you in here, have you ever drunk or eaten here, its people like you that forced me to close it down”.
Funny that Paul, because your little bitch Rikki Reynolds told all your staff at Seiont Manor Hotel that you closed down the hotels so Ro would spend time with the kids.
And then you replaced me and the boys with a cheaper option.
Bullshit after bullshit, dont drop the soap you vile cunt.
No matter how he might describe himself – hotelier, property tycoon – the bottom line is that Paul Williams is a bullshitter. Which might be fine, I’ve known lots of harmless bullshitters who can be quite amusing. But Williams steals money and wrecks lives. He’s got to be put away.
Going from left to right the first besuited gentleman works for Croeso Cymru in the Welsh Government. His name is Lawrence Manley.
I thought he might be. He doesn’t look the type who’d willingly associate with Williams.
Don’t worry ,Jac. We Cofis have the co*t nailed. He may think we’re a load of thick peasants, but he’s crossing the wrong people now. Bastad chiclid wir !