I know I promised a few Senedd election previews, but I’ve already had a gutsful of politics, politicians and elections.
When the First Minister can say, in an interview with the self-styled ‘National Newspaper of Wales’, and get away with: “We live in an inter-dependent world. I am interested in the future for Wales in which we are connected to other places not cut off from them”, then politics is reduced to bullshit sound-bites.
If Drakeford is right, then Estonia was better ‘connected’ with the outside world when it was part of the Soviet Union. Which is palpable bollocks. And if he knew the meaning of ‘inter-dependent’ then he might have kept his mouth shut altogether.
This post is prompted by the treatment recently meted out to Dr Dilys Davies by a clique of mainly young and immature people that has resulted in Dr Davies being suspended from the Central Committee of Yes Cymru.
Though I suppose this really started in September 2019, when Dr Davies, lifelong patriot, respected clinical psychologist, and owner of a couple of establishments in Ceredigion, came under attack from those who haunt Welsh social media and cause such disruption in political circles.
Here’s a pdf version of the 2019 letter of complaint demanding that Dr Davies be removed from the Central Committee of Yes Cymru. I’m not sure who submitted this complaint . . . but I could have a good guess!
Dr Davies’ ‘crime’ was to quote feminist Germaine Greer. For those mercifully unfamiliar with this territory, Dr Greer is regarded as a transphobe by the zealots of the trans movement for believing – like 99% of the population – that someone with a penis and testicles is a man. And even after surgery is not fully a woman because they did not experience puberty, periods, childbirth, the menopause.
As I say, the heinous crime of quoting Germaine Greer was given as the ostensible reason for the attacks on Dilys Davies in the autumn of 2019. But I have my doubts.
Let’s refresh our memories a little more.
Just over a month before the campaign against Dr Davies began it was announced that, following a number of attacks by vandals, Dr Davies had bought the ‘Cofiwch Dryweryn’ memorial wall, on the A487 near Llanrhystud.
Now it would be easy to think that Dilys Davies’s initiative would be universally welcomed in the nationalist community, but no. For we’ve heard rumblings about ‘millionaires from London’, ‘private property’ (evil!), and other mutterings of the kind we hear from juveniles railing against ‘the system’.
Looking back, I can’t help but wonder if buying the Tryweryn wall – and perhaps just being successful – was what prompted the attacks that followed. It was an echo of old-fashioned socialist jealousy.
Those attacks on Dr Dilys Davies in 2019 were savage and very personal. Fortunately, many people rallied to her defence. Although shaken, and despite closing her Twitter account, Dilys stayed with Yes Cymru and the wider movement.
The complaints in 2019 were dismissed and her attackers, like cockroaches exposed to light, scuttled for cover.
Many hoped that that was the end of the matter. Having had some experience of these creatures myself, I was less sanguine.
You can read my account of the events of September 2019 in Misogyny? Bullying? Depends who’s doing it.
Aled Gwyn Williams of Maesteg is regarded as something of a doyen among non-binaries, keyboard revolutionaries and the Woke. One of his admirers, the next mayor of Bangor, thinks Aled is the very embodiment of Indy Wales.
Perhaps, one day, there’ll be a statue of Aled (and Teifi) in Corwen, towering over the equestrian statue of Owain Glyndŵr. But I doubt it.
Aled was in the van of the attacks on Dr Davies back in 2019. Rather than giving it up, it now looks as if the attackers licked their wounds and waited for another opportunity.
It was not long in coming, and was probably engineered. Let me explain.
Over the Easter holiday Aled took himself down west. As I’ve said, Dr Davies has a couple of small businesses there, in Tresaith and Llangrannog, just small outlets employing a few local people. She bought them to save them falling into the wrong hands.
I don’t follow AGW on Twitter or anywhere else. I only know what he gets up to when people draw my attention to something particularly stupid or offensive.
While in Ceredigion Williams took photos of the homage to the ‘Cofiwch Dryweryn’ wall painted at both of Dr Davies’ premises. These photos were put out on social media. (I’m told the children are his niece and nephew.)

Even though I believe one is judged by the company one keeps, in this case you’ll see that I have sought to protect the identities of the innocent.
Given his previous attacks on her Dr Davies understandably interpreted Williams turning up at both her properties in Ceredigion as harassment. Who wouldn’t? She tweeted on March 30 that he and his “hate filled little band” were banned from her premises.
His visit strikes me as downright creepy. Maybe that’s because every time I see an image of Aled Gwyn William I see a bald Norman Bates, with a collie. And he does still live with his mam.
Inevitably, Williams’ clique took up his cause. Though some of the responses in the panel below are strange. For example, Jamie Akerman criticises Dr Davies for “stirring up all this crap again”.
Just think about it, Jamie. It was Aled Gwyn Williams’ unnecessary and deliberately provocative visit to Dr Davies’s properties that stirred things up again.

Though being the fair-minded old bugger I am, I’m open to other explanations for Aled Gwyn Williams travelling a considerable distance to businesses owned by a woman he had so recently vilified. And to make sure she knew he was there.
Things then seemed to fall quiet. Or at least, no one sent me anything. Until I received the tweet below, AGW responding to a young lad who had made a formal complaint to Yes Cymru about the behaviour of Dr Dilys Davies on Twitter.
Williams’ reaction is typical. He seems to have trouble with heterosexual and well-balanced women. ‘Fuck off’ seems to be his stock response to those that challenge him.
This was not the only complaint lodged with Yes Cymru against Dr Davies. The other came from ‘Elinor’ of Splott, though not originally from Cardiff.
Here’s the complaint from ‘Elinor’, and the response from Yes Cymru, plus the other complaint I mentioned, this addressed to ‘Jess’.
Though I’m told that the Central Committee decided to suspend Dr Dilys Davies without even reading the letters. Reminiscent of a Stalin-era show trial.

Jessica is @JessicaRHarvey0 the Diversity and Inclusion Officer of Yes Cymru. Until a few days ago she was also a member of Plaid Pride, but resigned because it – Plaid Cymru? Plaid Pride? – ‘silences’ trans voices.
Well, you could have fooled me.
So, we know that Jess – a transsexual herself – ‘advised’ the Yes Cymru Central Committee on the complaints about alleged transphobia from people she almost certainly knew. And whose complaints had been prompted by what happened between their hero and guru, Aled Gwyn Williams (another member of the circle), and Dr Dilys Davies.
Let’s look at these two complaints in as much detail as they merit.
The first, from ‘Elinor’, is vague in the extreme, it harks back to “last year” (actually 2019), uses the ogress Germaine Greer to pad things out, while suggesting that Aled Gwyn Williams has been banned from THE Tryweryn wall, near Llanrhystud.
He has not been banned from that famous memorial, but even if he had, that would not be grounds for Yes Cymru to suspend Dr Dilys Davies. It would have nothing to do with Yes Cymru.
The second complaint, from the silly boy I mentioned earlier, is even more vague in its allegations. And he also thinks AGW has been banned from THE Tryweryn wall.
The Central Committee of Yes Cymru should have thrown out both of these absurd complaints. Or at least read them. Dr Davies should be reinstated as a member of the Central Committee.
I’m told that Dr Davies’ place on the Central Committee may be already filled. For Rachel Sara Cooze of Undod was among those invited to apply for the vacancy. And she has allies on the committee.

“Ousting DD is the beginning and not the end of reforming this org”, she says. But wait! Dr Davies is only suspended, she might appeal.
Which will do her no good because the hard left – through those who believe Wales is full of fascists, racists, homophobes, transphobes and God knows what else – has captured Yes Cymru.
After learning she was to appear on this blog Rachel Cooze contacted people on Sunday evening with the messages you see below. There was even a tailored message for women! (Isn’t that sexist?) Done from what looked like a new 0 – 0 account, but she claimed it was an old account re-activated.
After I challenged her certain tweets were deleted.

The message on the right came from someone who tracked the account. (I know nothing of such technical matters.)
I have been advised to take legal advice about this and other messages put out by a very offensive woman.
With elections to Yes Cymru’s Central Committee approaching Aled Gwyn Williams travelled to Ceredigion to re-ignite the spat with Dr Dilys Davies so that his acolytes could demand her removal. She could then be replaced by someone more to their liking, possibly Rachel Cooze of Undod.
The hard left in the West can no longer pretend to be the voice of ‘the workers’, and so it has abandoned any pretence of popular support. As one questioner put it recently, “Why is it called the Socialist Workers Party when there are no workers in it?”
You know what – there never were!
The hard left has come to realise that few people in Western societies will buy into bread queues and secret police, so the only way to promote its agenda is to adopt issues, from climate change – Extinction Rebellion is a Marxist organisation – to ishoos du jour such as sexual identification, race, etc.
Painting the world black and white saves the blinkered from having to confront the complexities and nuances of the real world.
Another tactic is to infiltrate political parties. Which is what happened to the Labour Party under Corbyn (though not so much in Wales), and more recently to the Democrats in the USA.
This strategy for the twenty-first century explains the link-up in the USA between Antifa and Black Lives Matter. It also explains the hard left’s ambivalence towards Islamic terrorism. What the French perceptively call Islamo-gauchisme.
In short, anything that might undermine or cause friction in Western societies will be supported by the hard left.
Given that the hard left has no hope of infiltrating the Conservative Party, has lost the Labour Party, and the Lib Dems aren’t worth the effort, here in Wales Plaid Cymru has been the target.
And, by extension, the movement for independence represented by Yes Cymru.
One recent hard left recruit to the cause of Welsh independence was quite open in his support for the terrorists guilty of the Charlie Hebdo atrocity. He also made an interesting remark about people like him swinging behind the indy movement since Corbyn was ousted.
He concludes by admitting that he was previously banned from Twitter for talking about or threatening to throw acid in people’s faces.

I ask you, what cause is not enhanced – nay, enriched! – by recruits like this! Incidentally, if anybody’s interested, I can name ‘Italian cool runnings reboot’. He thinks of himself as a musician.
Someone else we see in the image above is ‘BVB’, who is another recent recruit to the cause and is most definitely a representative of the hard left. From his tweets I get the impression he doesn’t know a lot about Wales, its history, or its politics.
He’s clearly another of those for whom socialism is more important than Wales. Attaching himself to the cause of independence was done solely because he sees indy as a vehicle for his socialism. And perhaps because the indy movement accepts or condones his regular threats of violence and mayhem.

It should go without saying that BVB is another of Aled Gwyn Williams’ allies. They’re in regular contact on social media.
Someone else BVB is in contact with is the woman who may soon be on Yes Cymru’s Central Committee. For on Saturday Rachel Cooze sent him a lovely tweet for his birthday. Ahhh! It seems she has no problem with this man’s regular threats of violence. In fact, that seems to be what attracts her!
Yesterday, with the deadline to publication of this article approaching, I was receiving reports from all over the country of panic setting in among those who feared they might get a mention. Even our hero with the axe!
Let me put you straight, ‘BVB’. I’m mentioning you because you have threatened physical violence against me – did you forget? – and for this and other reasons you seem to be a rather dangerous individual. An embarrassment to the independence movement. People should be warned.
As for being being ‘reported’, some might think that posing with an axe and threatening “chaos and violence” were good reasons for reporting anyone.
You’ll note that at the bottom of the image above is a message from the person who sent it. I have been humbled these past few days by the amount of information I’ve received, most of it from people I don’t know.
Not only is this support hugely encouraging, but it also tells me there are many people out there very unhappy with the direction of travel in Plaid Cymru, Yes Cymru, and other organisations.
Those I’m writing about are nowhere near as popular as they like to think.
STOP PRESS: Brought to my attention last night were these tweets from some character in Wrecsam. I have no idea who he is, but it should go without saying that he was soon congratulated by ‘BVB’.
There are people now on the hard left in Wales, promoting independence, who come across as both more violent and more intolerant than their counterparts on the far right. Quite frankly, some of them sound absolutely insane.
Oh, I almost forgot . . . Aled Gwyn Williams also agreed that I should die.
UPDATE 28.04.2021: When I wrote the article I was unaware of another recent officer appointment at Yes Cymru, that of Campaigns Officer.
The person appointed was Harriet Protheroe-Soltani, formerly Harriet Protheroe-Davis of Momentum, the hard left group that supported Corbyn and very nearly wrecked the Labour Party.
It’s clear that Harriet wants a coalition between Labour and Plaid Cymru, in which she wants a cabinet post for Leanne Wood, former hard left leader of Plaid Cymru. Minister for Gulags, perhaps? Or maybe she’ll get the ‘re-education’ portfolio. Food rationing?
I’m sure some people will still deny that there’s a hard left takeover underway. Probably the ones making the takeover. And of course, those who support it.
One of the more unpleasant contributions to the latest attack on Dilys Davies was what you see below, which Aled Gwyn Williams thought was excellent.
This, I’m given to understand, is the ‘Elinor’ who made the complaint against Dr Davies to Yes Cymru.
When you see childish nonsense like this you think the national movement is in a bad place, populated by sybaritic freaks forever putting out selfies on social media. But I remain optimistic, there are good people out there; they just need to be encouraged to speak out.
Why do I regard those I’m writing about as a threat to the cause of Welsh independence?
Well, for a start, they’re a gift to the BritNats, the media, and our other enemies.
Perhaps more important, think of some of the people you’ve just read about – who might they attract to the independence movement? More like themselves? And how many more people would that turn away from independence?
We are in this mess largely due to weak leadership in both Plaid Cymru and Yes Cymru. Leaderships that have behaved like the conservatives and the industrialists during Hitler’s rise – ‘Don’t you worry, we can control these people’.
Then it was too late.
Though in the case of Plaid Cymru, under the leadership of Leanne Wood these extremists were welcomed. Since replacing her, figurehead leader Adam Price has refused to confront them. The picture is similar in Yes Cymru.
Between them they opened the door to extremists claiming to be intolerant of intolerance. (That is, divergent views.) Which is a great system . . . especially when you and your gang get to decide what qualifies as ‘intolerance’. Also, who is a ‘fascist’, a ‘transphobe’, etc.
There is now a hard left bloc extending from the Corbynite fringe of the Labour Party through Undod to Plaid Cymru (especially Plaid Ifanc), Yes Cymru, and even Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg!
There are others who are unattached to any political party or group, just loose cannons who join in the feeding frenzy when a target is identified.
There are individuals who belong to two, three, or even four of these groups. At the moment, many of them are out canvassing for Plaid Cymru.
Because of their extremism, and the unattractiveness of what they offer, they would be rejected by the great majority of Welsh people if they operated openly, under their own banner. So they infiltrate other groups, as the hard left has always done.
True to form, they justify their takeover of Yes Cymru – and this was mentioned in both complaints against Dr Davies – on grounds of ‘inclusivity’. That is, welcoming members of self-identifying minorities.
Taken too far this results in a dictatorship of minorities that, even combined, form only a fraction of the Welsh population. Because when the sign goes up, ‘Only members of oppressed minorities need apply’, inclusivity becomes exclusivity. This is the risk Yes Cymru is running.
And Wales, Welsh independence, Welsh nationhood, will all take a back seat to the promotion of socialism through the trojan horse of Wokeism.
I suggest we look to Scotland for inspiration, and to think-tank Common Weal. Their hash tag says a lot with #AllOfUsFirst. Here’s a recent tweet by Dr Craig Dalziel.
“Future neutral” is something I can relate to. And I suggest that most Welsh people would find this ‘blank canvas’ approach to independence far more attractive than the promise of a socialist dystopia controlled by axe-wielding and acid-throwing extremists urging violence against those who dare contradict them.
Staying in Scotland for a moment – and I wish I was there now! – the new Alba Party is also making sensible noises, especially on women’s rights.
ALBA believes women have the right to maintain their sex
based protections as set out in the Equality Act 2010. These
include female only spaces such as changing rooms, hospital
wards, sanitary and sleeping accommodation, refuges, hostels
and prisons.
ALBA believes women have the right to refuse consent to
males in single sex spaces or males delivering intimate
services to females such as washing, dressing and counselling.
ALBA believes women have the right to single sex sports to
ensure fairness and safety at all levels of competition.
ALBA believes women have the right to organise themselves
according to their sex class across a range of cultural, leisure,
educational and political activities.
More people in Wales need to start talking common sense like this.
No doubt those I’ve discussed here would dismiss Common Weal and Alba as ‘fascist’, ‘transphobic’, ‘racist’, etc. Because that’s how they operate – they don’t debate anything, they gang up on their opponents, vilify them, shout them down, and hope to intimidate them into silence.
It happens to me, regularly. (Though obviously not the silencing bit.)
I get attacked by those who appear here for being conservative, or worse. Yes, I am a socially conservative patriot, I’m married, I’ve paid off my mortgage, I have children and grandchildren, I watch too much football on TV, maybe I drink too much Malbec . . .
But I am more representative of the Welsh population than those who attack me. And I bet that I am more representative of the Welsh people than the Central Committee of Yes Cymru.
If Yes Cymru is not representative of the nation, and if it is not ‘future neutral’ in relation to independence, then perhaps another organisation is needed. One that offers our people the kind of genuinely inclusive, ‘fresh start’ vision that many more of them will find attractive.
♦ end ♦