Green Man, Red Herring?

When someone drew my attention to the Green Man festival being gifted a farm by the so-called ‘Welsh Government’ I thought to myself, “I’m sure I’ve written about those buggers recently”; but no, I was thinking of the Green Gathering.

There are just so many using the ‘Green’ label, desperately trying to look enviro-virtuous! Bullshit, most of the time.

For those who may not recall it, the Green Gathering featured last September in Invasion of the Enviroshysters (PG), scroll down to the relevant section.

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The more recent story I’m referring to appeared last Friday on the BBC Wales website. A strange piece in many ways. For a start, why would the ‘Welsh Government’ buy a farm and then hand it over to people running a music event?

As is so often the case in these investigations, one thing leads to another. And that’s what happened here.


As you’ve seen from the link above, the story begins with, Gilestone farm, near Talybont-on-Usk. The property can be found on the map below, with the farm name highlighted in the centre.

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To understand what’s happening now, and the anger it’s causing, we need to step back a bit, some 17 years.

And let’s introduce Geraint John Thomas, whose family has farmed in the Talybont area for centuries, maybe a millennium. He owned Gilestone Farm.

I won’t go into too much detail, partly because I may be meeting up with Geraint and his wife Chris early next week. But enough has already emerged to put out what you’re about to read.

Which will make any Part 2 I produce a kind of prequel. (Just think Godfather.)

Another reason for doing it this way is that my digging has unearthed intriguing links that may help us understand what’s happened at Gilestone.

Anyway, let’s sketch in the background. The problems began with planning permission granted by the Brecon Beacons National Park planning department in 2005 for caravans and camping at Gilestone farm.

By 2007 it had become clear that the BBNP, or certain individuals, had screwed up rather badly. (Which might explain the record being scrubbed, for I could find nothing on the BBNP website relating to that planning case.)

This report from 2008 tells that the planning department was by then, effectively, in special measures.

By 2010 we are reading that a High Court judge had quashed the original planning consent and, following very expensive litigation, the owners of Gilestone Farm found themselves with little alternative but to sell up.

This report from September 2018 tells us that Geraint and Chris Thomas, with their 5 children, have started afresh near Aberaeron. And being the grafters they are, they’ve made a success of their new ventures.

Then, just a year ago, their story was updated by WalesOnline. They’re obviously prospering . . . which is not always popular in socialist Wales.

But then, last Friday, all the bad memories were brought back with the report I linked to earlier. Though what I found odd was that neither the ‘Welsh Government’ nor the Green Man was prepared to talk to the media, so who leaked the story?

After reading that report, Christine Thomas put out a piece on her Facebook page, from which I reproduce the extract below.

   “We had sheds burnt down, we were banned from local shops and pubs, the children were bullied every day in school- it was horrific
     All because we had planning for a caravan park, and the locals did not want valleys people there
     The welsh government were instrumental in what happened to us-


The man who bought Gilestone Farm from Geraint and Chris Thomas was Charles William Weston, who made the purchase in the name of Sharpness and Severn Transport Ltd, which has been renamed – rather modestly – CWW Farming Ltd.

I had trouble figuring out exactly what Weston owned at Gilestone because the property seems to have been broken up into a number of different titles. There is even an instance of the same title number relating to different sections of the overall holding.

These are the titles I found, and here’s a pdf version with working links. (Click on the title number.)

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Weston now seems to have betaken himself in the general direction of the City of my Dreams; specifically, the area around Crai.

Though he maintains a couple of companies containing the “Gilestone” name, such as Gilestone Leisure Ltd, Incorporated 02.12.2014, and Gilestone Glamping Ltd (Inc 02.12.2019).

To keep himself busy, Weston has also joined the recently-formed Beacons Water Group CIC (BWG). An interesting outfit this, which you’ll be reading more about.

There are six directors. Four have surnames we’d expect to find in a Welsh farmers’ organisation, the other two are Weston, and Anthony Hugh Martineau. The latter lives on a farm and is also Head of Sustainability at Map of Ag.

Another member is Richard James Roderick, chairman of the Brecon and Radnor branch of the National Farmers Union (NFU).

The BWG  is generally described as a “farmer-led” group set up to guarantee water quality in the area. And who could argue with that? As ever, the truth is rather more complex. Let’s start with this extract from the BWG 2021 accounts.

We learn the inspiration for the Beacons Water Group came from Dŵr Cymru / Welsh Water, following a visit made to the Catskills region of New York state. The Catskills form the northern end of the Appalachian mountain chain.

The ‘BBMC’ referred to is Brecon Beacons Mega Catchment. Click to open enlarged in separate tab.

The Catskills initiative is called the Watershed Agricultural Council (WAC) and is controlled to some extent, and funded, by New York City – to which the area supplies water – and the US federal government.

Revealingly, perhaps, the internet address for WAC is

Though on reading about the WAC, the question that formed in the old Jac noggin was, “How did Dŵr Cymru even learn about this initiative so far away?”

The panel above goes some way towards answering that question by mentioning two trans-Atlantic visits. The first was in March 2018, when a group from the WAC visited Wales. As we see from the Dŵr Cymru tweet below, retweeted by the WAC.

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Then, in October 2019, a contingent from Dŵr Cymru reciprocated with a visit to the Catskills. But I could find no mention of this on the WAC Twitter account.

UPDATE 23.06.2022: Here’s a report of the visit by Dŵr Cymru accompanied by some Powys farmers.

Though what you see below from around the time of the Dŵr Cymru visit may put us on the path to enlightenment.

Click to open enlarged in separate tab.

The Bard College mentioned in the tweet is a Woke-Left institution in New York State favoured and funded by George Soros. The Manipulative Magyar’s influence in Wales is often channelled through Black Mountains College in Talgarth.

That’s right! – just a few miles from Gilestone Farm.

In One Planet, Future Generations & George Soros (June 2019) I explained that there are clear connections between Soros and Black Mountains College.

BMC Chief Executive Ben Rawlence worked for Soros’s Open Society Foundations, also Human Rights Watch, a body that has seen much Soros funding.

BMC Trustee Dr William Herbert Newton Smith was, as the BMC website tells us: ” . . . for 20 years head of George Soros’s higher education programme, establishing over 20 universities around the world.”

These included the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Until my mate, Vik, gave them the bum’s rush.

Among the BMC ‘advisors’, along with Sophie Howe, Jane Davidson, and other Labour deadbeats, we find “Hugh Martineau Sustainable Agriculture Consultant”.

Yup, the same Martineau we saw earlier at the “farmer-led” Beacons Water Group.

Martineau is clearly well in with the Corruption Bay establishment. Here we see him being promoted by the ‘Welsh Government’s Wales Rural Network. Though what a chilling phrase “farming newcomers” is. Just think about it.

Hugh Martineau is on the right, local NFU chairman, Richard Roderick, is on the left. Click to open enlarged in separate tab

If we were talking about young Welsh people from farming backgrounds they’d already know more than Martineau. Which means that the headline can only refer to those, almost certainly from outside of Wales, buying Welsh farms.

Or taking on Welsh farms someone else has bought for them?

The link between Black Mountains College, Bard College, and George Soros, was recently strengthened through the Open Society University Network (OSUN).

Soros unveiled OSUN at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2020. Read this article. This really is Orwell’s Ministry of Truth. We have arrived in 1984.

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If we turn to Black Mountains College most recent accounts (page 4, under ‘Operations’) we read: “BMC was inducted into the global Open Society University Network (OSUN), allowing us to offer our programmes to students from 50 institutions around the world”.

But no mention of Uncle George!

I suggest you read the latest accounts to help you grasp the links between BMC and other institutions, such as the Centre for Alternative Technology. And the funding from the ‘Welsh Government’, through the Arwain programme and other sources.

One organisation linked to BMC – and don’t fall off your chair in surprise! – is Dŵr Cymru / Welsh Water, which is sponsoring the Ecological Futures Camp in late August – early September. (Take a look at the other sponsors!)

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The accounts also mention (page 4) an anonymous gift of £50,000. Bloody hell! Should a small educational establishment in receipt of public funding be allowed to receive large, anonymous donations?

But this generosity is dwarfed by the gift from Jenny Mathilde Daneels Watt of Switzerland. Jenny splashed out £960,000 last year to buy Troed-yr-Harn, a 120-acre grassland farm and then, so we are told, she lets Black Mountains College have use of it for a peppercorn rent.

Isn’t that nice of her, boys and girls!

Here’s the title document for the farm (no plan available), and here’s the title document for an extra little piece she bought (with plan).

So another Welsh farm is lost to the nation.

The question you’re all asking is, “Who the hell is Jenny Mathilde Daneels Watt of Switzerland and why would she be so generous to Black Mountains College?”

I’m asking the same question. Answers on a postcard, please!


Why would the self-styled ‘Welsh Government’ pay £4.25m for a farm it seems unsure what to do with, and then say it will be rented or leased to an organisation that has yet to make a comment, and has presented no business plan?

Part of the answer is, in a word, control.

Understand that we are dealing here with the socialist mindset that wants to control Wales and almost every aspect of Welsh life. If this can’t be done openly and directly, then it will be done surreptitiously, through proxies.

This is how the Labour Party has operated in Wales for a century. It explains the corruption, the cronyism and, regrettably, Wales’ poverty relative to other countries.

Why should farming, or the land, be treated any differently?

But before explaining what I think is behind the purchase of Gilestone Farm take a few minutes to enjoy Vaughan Gething, Minister for Economy (‘economy’!), flim-flam his way through questions in the Senedd on Wednesday.

Also understand that the Labour Party is ideologically and emotionally hostile to farmers and landowners. I could bore you with an explanation that takes us from the Inclosure Act (1773) via the Tolpuddle Martyrs (1834) to Kinder Scout (1932), but I’ll spare you.

Let’s now focus on the sale of Gilestone Farm.

I can’t be sure how and by whom the trans-Atlantic link was established, but at some point the idea that the mayor of New York City can influence farmers many miles away in the Catskills became seen as a good idea, to be replicated in Wales.

Which explains why the Beacons Water Group CIC was set up soon after the link was established between our own water supplier and the area supplying NYC.

Among the directors of BWG we found Richard Roderick, the local NFU branch chairman. Interestingly, Roderick farms directly across the Usk from Gilestone Farm.

Another BMC director is Alun Thomas, who farms within waving distance over Llangorse lake of Hugh Martineau.

Making the Beacons Water Group a cosy little gang. What’s more, there are plans to extend the idea, thanks to Cardiff University, which often seems to be joined at the hip with the ‘Welsh Government’.

The link in the previous paragraph takes you to a page headed: “Environmental resilience for water in rural Wales”. We read of, “Creative partner collaboration with Mrs Penelope Turnbull”.

Penelope Turnbull designs the interiors of cruise ships! She’s also been a window-dresser for Harrods!

How the fuck did she get this gig!

What does she know about farming? Or water quality? Come to that, why does a group set up to improve water quality on Welsh farms need a “Creative partner”?

Has the world gone mad, or is it just Wales? This could drive me to drink!

End of digression-rant.

Those belonging to the BWG are viewed as ‘good’ farmers, environmentally responsible and therefore to be favoured by politicians and their minions.

‘Good farmers’ will promote the globalist agenda that seeks to destroy livestock farming and have us eat gunge made in a factory owned by the increasingly weird, if not sinister, Bill Gates.

This couples with a change of tack from the ‘Welsh Government’.

For it has become clear, even to the blinkered and insensitive denizens of Corruption Bay, that hedge funds and City investors buying up Welsh farmland for various forms of greenwash does not go down well with the Welsh public.

Far better for the ‘Welsh Government’ to buy farmland and hand it over to favoured individuals and groups. Or it may be Dŵr Cymru doing the buying, or Natural Resources Wales. 

Here’s a recent example of such a purchase.

Without the trans-Atlantic link facilitated by Soros-backed institutions, we would not have seen the creation of the Beacons Water Group, and without the BWG the ‘Welsh Government’ would not have bought Gilestone Farm from Charles Weston.

The real story here may be the adoption and adaptation of a US arrangement that will be used by the ‘Welsh Government’ to reward those farmers who follow the globalist agenda while isolating those with principles.

Pour encourager les autres.

A bit crude, maybe incomplete, but this is how I see the general flow of influence or power in the subject you’ve reading about. Click to open enlarged in separate tab

The Green Man? Even if this outfit is taking over Gilestone, it’s just a distraction.

♦ end ♦


© Royston Jones 2022

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Jane Kelly


Credible Threat

Da Iawn Jac, have done a parody mocking this and Dripford on my YouTube channel ‘Credible Threat’.

Any acoustic guitarists/bass players/singers wish to do a version of it, feel free to do so!


Mailshot from Spectator into my Inbox earlier contained these snippets of “news”

Pfizer chief executive Albert Bourla told Davos that the world is getting complacent about Covid and that his company is watching monkeypox outbreaks ‘very closely’.

George Soros – who was also at Davos – claimed that the ‘third world war’ may have begun, ‘and our civilisation may not survive it’. Report here, speech text here.

2 of the world’s worst clique of manipulators are at it again at Davos. No doubt more will follow as the whole bunch is just incontinent. Where are those highly accurate North Korean inter-continental missiles when one or more is needed ?

Big Gee

You’re quite right Jac.

People like me, and a large number of others who have been keeping their ears to the ground for many years have been continually sounding the alarm about the Davos clique, but have been dismissed as ‘nutters’ and ‘conspiracy theorists’ (although the conspiracy theorists tag has waned over the last eighteen months – as the ‘theories have become a reality and a huge swathe of people have woken up).

If people still can’t see the relentless totalitarian tip-toe advance (especially the Covid scam, and now the Monkeypox scare) and how this is leading up to the finalisation of the agenda to usher in the ‘New World Order’ (the great reset and the fourth industrial revolution Klaus style), then they are simply in a deep hypnotic state, induced by governments and the mainstream media.

Here is the information that needs to be seen by the sleepy doubters regarding the World Economic Forum – or is this just the figment of the imagination of ‘nutters’?

The WEF of Klaus Schwab, guarded by their private police and 5,000 Swiss military with a no-fly zone overhead, do not want you to know the names of the public figures who betray the trust of those who they are meant to represent by their covert attendance . We may very well observe that were the activities of the WEF in any truth benign it would not be necessary to attempt to conceal attendance. The list, that has of course been circulating widely, states:

“It is the policy of the World Economic Forum to safeguard the privacy of its Members and participants by preventing any misuse of personal information provided to us for the purpose of facilitating contact and dialogue in furtherance of the Forum’s mission.

All participants in any World Economic Forum activity agree to treat any information related to the list of participants and participant contact information as strictly confidential and to use it solely to facilitate personal communication among participants of the World Economic Forum activities.

They agree that this information shall not be used for any other purpose, including solicitation for commercial endeavours.

In case of violation of this rule, the World Economic Forum reserves the right to take any action it deems appropriate and necessary to protect the nature and the confidentiality of its activities.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) and the International Court of Justice Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.”

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 22 – 26 May 2022

As of 18 May 2022

List of confirmed Public Figures
Ministerial Portfolio / Category # of Registered PFs
Heads of State and Government 50
Foreign Affairs 30
Finance / Economy 43
Trade / Commerce / Industry 27
Central Bank 7
International Organizations 36
Digital / Information, Communication and Technology 11
Energy and Resources 11
Environment 17
Health 6
Labor / Social Affairs / Education 6
Transport and Infrastructure 5
Defence and Intelligence Chiefs 3
Others 58

Olta Xhaçka Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania Albania
Jose de Lima Massano Governor of the National Bank of Angola Angola
Martín Guzmán Minister of Economy of Argentina Argentina
Matías Kulfas Minister of Productive Development of Argentina Argentina
Vahagn Khachaturyan President of Armenia Armenia
Karl Nehammer Federal Chancellor of Austria Austria
Alexander Schallenberg Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of Austria Austria
Magnus Brunner Minister of Finance of Austria Austria
Mikayil Jabbarov Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
Khalid Bin Ahmed Al Khalifa Adviser on Diplomatic Affairs to the King of Bahrain Bahrain
Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa Minister of Finance and National Economy of Bahrain Bahrain
Zayed Rashid Al Zayani Minister of Industry and Commerce of Bahrain Bahrain
Dipu Moni Minister of Education of Bangladesh Bangladesh
Mohammed Shahriar Alam State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh Bangladesh
Salman F. Rahman Private Industry and Investment Adviser to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Bangladesh
Alexander De Croo Prime Minister of Belgium Belgium
Petra De Sutter Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Enterprises and Public Administration of Belgium Belgium
Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi President of Botswana Botswana
Karabo Gare Minister of Entrepreneurship of Botswana Botswana
Peggy Onkutlwile Serame Minister of Finance and Economic Development of Botswana Botswana
Marcelo Antonio Cartaxo Queiroga Lopes Minister of Health of Brazil of Brazil Brazil
Paulo Guedes Minister of Economy of Brazil Brazil
Gustavo Montezano Chief Executive Officer, Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), Brazil Brazil
Helder Barbalho Governor of the State of Para, Brazil Brazil
Kiril Petkov Prime Minister of Bulgaria Bulgaria
Hun Sen Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia Cambodia
Kao Kim Hourn Minister Attached to the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia Cambodia
Pan Sorasak Minister of Commerce of the Kingdom of Cambodia Cambodia
Sun Chanthol Senior Minister; Minister of Public Works and Transport of the Kingdom of Cambodia Cambodia
François-Philippe Champagne Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada Canada
Ivan Duque President of Colombia Colombia
Carlos Eduardo Correa Escaf Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia Colombia
Diego Mesa Puyo Minister of Mines and Energy of Colombia Colombia
Denis Christel Sassou Nguesso Minister of International Cooperation and Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships of Congo Congo
Rodrigo Chaves Robles President of Costa Rica Costa Rica
Arnoldo André Tinoco Minister of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica Costa Rica
Manuel Tovar Rivera Minister of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica Costa Rica
Patrick Achi Prime Minister of Côte d’Ivoire Côte d’Ivoire
Adama Coulibaly Minister of Economy and Finance of Côte d’Ivoire Côte d’Ivoire
Amadou Koné Minister of Transport of Côte d’Ivoire Côte d’Ivoire
Pierre Dimba Minister of Health and Public Hygiene of Côte d’Ivoire Côte d’Ivoire
Andrej Plenković Prime Minister of Croatia Croatia
Davor Filipović Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Croatia Croatia
Jozef Sikela Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Czech Republic
Lea Wermelin Minister for Environment of Denmark Denmark
Simon Kollerup Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs of Denmark Denmark
Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona President of the Dominican Republic Dominican Republic
Roberto Álvarez Gil Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic Dominican Republic
Gustavo Manrique Miranda Minister of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition of Ecuador Ecuador
Simón Cueva Minister of Economy and Finance of Ecuador Ecuador
Nevin Gamea Minister of Trade and Industry of Egypt Egypt
Rania A. Al-Mashat Minister of International Cooperation of Egypt Egypt
Sameh Shoukry Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt Egypt
Tarek El-Molla Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Egypt Egypt
Alar Karis President of Estonia Estonia
Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission EU
Roberta Metsola President of the European Parliament EU
Frans Timmermans Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, European Commission EU
Valdis Dombrovskis Executive Vice-President for an Economy that Works for People, European Commission EU
Johannes Hahn Commissioner for Budget and Administration, European Commission EU
Margaritis Schinas Vice-President for Promoting the European Way of Life, European Commission EU
Nicolas Schmit Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, European Commission EU
Paolo Gentiloni Commissioner for Economy, European Commission EU
Christine Lagarde President, European Central Bank EU
Miroslav Lajčák Special Representative of the European Union for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, European Commission EU
Pekka Haavisto Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland of Finland Finland
Timo Harakka Minister of Transport and Communications of Finland Finland
François Villeroy de Galhau Governor of the Central Bank of France France
Bernard Emié General Director for External Security, Ministry of the Armed Forces of France France
Rémy Rioux Chief Executive Officer, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), France France
Irakli Garibashvili Prime Minister of Georgia Georgia
Ilia Darchiashvili Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Georgia
Olaf Scholz Federal Chancellor of Germany Germany
Robert Habeck Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany Germany
Lars Klingbeil Co-Leader, Social Democratic Party (SPD), Germany Germany
Kwaku Afriyie Minister for Environment, Science and Technology of Ghana Ghana
Kyriakos Mitsotakis Prime Minister of Greece Greece
Hardeep Singh Puri Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs of India India
Mansukh Mandaviya Minister of Health and Family Welfare; and Minister of Chemicals and Fertilisers of India India
Piyush Goyal Minister of Commerce and Industry; Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution; Minister of Textiles; Prime Minister’s G20 Sherpa of India India
Aaditya Thackeray Cabinet Minister of Tourism, Environment and Climate Change and Protocol of Maharashtra, India India
K T Rama Rao Minister of Information Technology, Industries, Municipal Administration and Urban Development of Telangana, India India
N. K. Singh Chairman, Finance Commission of India India
Rajvardhan Singh Minister for Industrial Policy and Investment Promotion, Government of Madhya Pradesh, India India
Basavaraj S Bommai Chief Minister of Karnataka, Government of Karnataka, India India
Y S Jaganmohan Reddy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, India India
Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita Minister of Industry of Indonesia Indonesia
Airlangga Hartarto Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of Indonesia Indonesia
Arifin Tasrif Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia Indonesia
Bahlil Lahadalia Minister of Investment of Indonesia Indonesia
Budi Gunadi Sadikin Minister of Health of Indonesia Indonesia
Johnny Gerard Plate Minister of Communication and Information Technology of Indonesia Indonesia
Luhut B. Pandjaitan Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of Indonesia Indonesia
Muhammad Lutfi Minister of Trade of Indonesia Indonesia
Kristalina Georgieva Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC INT
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Director-General, World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva INT
Achim Steiner Administrator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York INT
Catherine Russell Executive Director, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), New York INT
Damilola Ogunbiyi Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General; Chief Executive Officer, United Nations Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), Vienna INT
David Beasley Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), Rome INT
Deemah Al Yahya Secretary-General, Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO), Saudi Arabia INT
Elizabeth Mrema Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal INT
Fatih Birol Executive Director, International Energy Agency, Paris INT
Ghada Waly Executive Director, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Vienna INT
Gita Gopinath First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC INT
Helga Schmid Secretary-General, Organization for Security and Co- operation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna INT
Ibrahim Thiaw Undersecretary-General of the United Nations; Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Bonn INT
Jens Stoltenberg Secretary-General, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Brussels INT
Jürgen Stock Secretary-General, International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), Lyon INT
Kunio Mikuriya Secretary-General, World Customs Organization (WCO), Brussels INT
Maimunah Mohd Sharif Undersecretary‐General of the United Nations; Executive Director, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), Nairobi INT
Marcos Troyjo President, New Development Bank INT
Mathias Cormann Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development (OECD), Paris INT
Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo Secretary-General, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Vienna INT
Natalia Kanem Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), New York INT
Nayef Al Hajraf Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council INT
Pamela Coke-Hamilton Executive Director, International Trade Centre (ITC), Geneva INT
Patricia Espinosa Cantellano Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Bonn INT
Peter Maurer President, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Geneva INT
Peter Thomson United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean, New York INT
Rafael Mariano Grossi Director-General, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria INT
Rebeca Grynspan Secretary-General, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva INT
Tatiana Valovaya Director-General, United Nations Geneva (UNOG), Geneva INT
Wamkele Mene Secretary-General, African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat, Accra INT
Winnie Byanyima Undersecretary-General of the United Nations; Executive Director, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Geneva INT
Zhao Houlin Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva INT
Axel van Trotsenburg Managing Director, Operations, World Bank, Washington DC INT
Noeleen Heyzer United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Myanmar, United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, New York INT
Mark Carney Head, Environmental, Social and Governance and Impact Fund Investing, United Nations, New York INT
John Nkengasong Director, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), Addis Ababa INT
Masrour Masoud Mustafa Barzani Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Iraq
Barham Salih President of Iraq Iraq
Nechirvan Barzani President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Iraq
Micheál Martin Taoiseach of Ireland Ireland
Leo Varadkar Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leader of Fine Gael Ireland
Hossein Amir- Abdollahian Minister of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran Islamic Republic of Iran
Isaac Herzog President of the State of Israel Israel
Daniele Franco Minister of Economy and Finance of Italy Italy
Enrico Giovannini Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility of Italy Italy
Roberto Cingolani Minister for the Ecological Transition of Italy Italy
Vittorio Colao Minister for Technological Innovation and the Digital Transition of Italy Italy
Akihiko Tanaka President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan Japan
Ayman Al Safadi Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Jordan
Amina C. Mohamed Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Culture and Heritage of Kenya Kenya
Ukur Yatani Kanacho Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury of Kenya Kenya
Albin Kurti Prime Minister of Kosovo * Kosovo
Abdulwahab Alrasheed Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Economic Affairs and Investments of Kuwait Kuwait
Ahmed Nasser Al- Mohammed Al-Ahmed Al- Jaber Al-Sabah Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait of Kuwait Kuwait
Egils Levits President of Latvia Latvia
Daniel Risch Prime Minister of Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Alois of Liechtenstein Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Gitanas Nausėda President of Lithuania Lithuania
Xavier Bettel Prime Minister of Luxembourg Luxembourg
Lazarus Chakwera President of Malawi Malawi
Khairy Jamaluddin Minister of Health of Malaysia Malaysia
Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz Minister of Finance of Malaysia Malaysia
Natalia Gavrilița Prime Minister of Moldova Moldova
Nicu Popescu Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova Moldova
Albert II of Monaco Prince of Monaco Monaco
Battsetseg Batmunkh Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia Mongolia
Dritan Abazovic Prime Minister of Montenegro Montenegro
Mohcine Jazouli Minister Delegate in charge of Investment to the Prime Minister of Morocco Morocco
Ryad Mezzour Minister of Industry and Trade of Morocco Morocco
Carlos Joaquim Zacarias Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy of Mozambique Mozambique
Hage G. Geingob President of the Republic of Namibia Namibia
Ipumbu Shiimi Minister of Finance of Namibia Namibia
Thomas Alweendo Minister of Mines and Energy of Namibia Namibia
Johannes Gawaxab Governor of the Bank of Namibia Namibia
Mark Rutte Prime Minister of the Netherlands Netherlands
Máxima of the Netherlands Queen of the Netherlands; United Nations Secretary- General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance Netherlands
Sigrid Kaag Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Netherlands Netherlands
Kajsa Ollongren Minister of Defence of Netherlands Netherlands
Karien van Gennip Minister of Social Affairs and Employment of the Netherlands Netherlands
Liesje Schreinemacher Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands Netherlands
Vivianne Heijnen Minister for the Environment of the Netherlands Netherlands
Klaas Knot President, Central Bank of the Netherlands (De Nederlandsche Bank), Netherlands Netherlands
Yemi Osinbajo Vice-President of Nigeria Nigeria
Isa Ali Ibrahim (Pantami) Minister for Communications and Digital Economy of Nigeria Nigeria
Timipre Marlin Sylva Minister of State for Petroleum Resources of Nigeria Nigeria
Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning of Nigeria Nigeria
Espen Barth Eide Minister of Climate and Environment of Norway Norway
Said Mohammed Ahmed Al-Saqri Minister of Economy of Oman Oman
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan Pakistan
Sherry Rehman Federal Minister for Climate Change of Pakistan Pakistan
Hina Rabbani Khar Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan Pakistan
Mohammad Ibrahim Shtayyeh Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority Palestinian Authority
Erika Alexandra Mouynes Brenes Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama Panama
Jose Alejandro Rojas Pardini Minister of Private Investments of Panama Panama
Xie Zhenhua Special Envoy for Climate Change of the People’s Republic of China People’s Republic of China
Dina Ercilia Boluarte Vice-President and Minister of Development and Social Inclusion of Peru Peru
Cesar Rodrigo Landa Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru Peru
Oscar Miguel Graham Yamahuchi Minister of Economy and Finance of Peru Peru
Roberto Helbert Sánchez Palomino Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru Peru
Mateusz Morawiecki Prime Minister of Poland Poland
Andrzej Duda President of Poland Poland
Anna Moskwa Minister of Climate and Environment of Poland Poland
Waldemar Buda Minister of Economic Development and Technology of Poland Poland
Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani Amir of the State of Qatar Qatar
Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman Al Thani Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar Qatar
Ali Ahmed Al Kuwari Minister of Finance of Qatar Qatar
Mohammed bin Hamad bin Qassim Al Abdulla Al Thani Minister of Commerce and Industry of Qatar Qatar
Saad bin Sherida Al Kaabi Minister of Energy of Qatar Qatar
Lolwah AlKhater Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar Qatar
Kyung-Won Na Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of Korea Republic of Korea
Stevo Pendarovski President of North Macedonia Republic of North Macedonia
Bogdan Aurescu Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania Romania
Paul Kagame President of Rwanda Rwanda
Clare Akamanzi Chief Executive Officer, Rwanda Development Board (RDB) Rwanda
Paula Ingabire Minister of Information Communication Technology and Innovation of Rwanda Rwanda
Vincent Biruta Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Rwanda Rwanda
John Rwangombwa Governor of the National Bank of Rwanda Rwanda
Abdulaziz Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Minister of Energy of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Abdullah AlSwaha Minister of Communications and Information Technology of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Faisal Alibrahim Minister of Economy and Planning of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Khalid Al-Falih Minister of Investment of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Al-Jadaan Minister of Finance of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Haifa Bint Mohammed Al Saud Assistant Minister for Strategy and Executive Affairs, Ministry of Tourism of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr Minister of Health and Social Action of Senegal Senegal
Aleksandar Vučić President of Serbia Serbia
Tharman Shanmugaratnam Senior Minister, Government of Singapore Singapore
Josephine Teo Minister for Communications and Information of Singapore Singapore
S Iswaran Minister for Transport; Minister-in-Charge of Trade Relations of Singapore Singapore
Eduard Heger Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Slovakia
Enoch Godongwana Minister of Finance of South Africa South Africa
Grace Naledi Mandisa Pandor Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa South Africa
Mmamoloko Kubayi- Ngubane Minister of Human Settlements of South Africa South Africa
Pedro Sánchez Prime Minister of Spain Spain
Teresa Ribera Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Ecological Transition of Spain Spain
José Manuel Albares Bueno Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain Spain
Reyes Maroto Illera Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of Spain Spain
Khashayar Farmanbar Minister for Energy and Digital Development of Sweden Sweden
Mikael Damberg Minister for Finance of Sweden Sweden
Anna König Jerlmyr Mayor of Stockholm, Sweden Sweden
Ignazio Cassis President of the Swiss Confederation and Federal Councillor for Foreign Affairs of Switzerland Switzerland
Alain Berset Vice-President of the Swiss Confederation and Federal Councillor of Home Affairs Switzerland
Guy Parmelin Federal Councillor for Economic Affairs, Education and Research of Switzerland Switzerland
Simonetta Sommaruga Federal Councillor for the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications of Switzerland Switzerland
Ueli Maurer Federal Councillor of Finance of Switzerland Switzerland
Viola Amherd Federal Councillor of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports of Switzerland Switzerland
Thomas Hefti President of the Council of States of Switzerland, 2021-2022 Switzerland
Walter Thurnherr Federal Chancellor of the Swiss Confederation Switzerland
Philip Isdor Mpango Vice-President of the United Republic of Tanzania Tanzania
Hussein Mohamed Bashe Minister of Agriculture of Tanzania Tanzania
Mwigulu Nchemba Madelu Minister of Finance of Tanzania Tanzania
Saada Mkuya Salum Minister of State, Finance and Planning of Tanzania Tanzania
Sethaput Suthiwartnarueput Governor of Bank of Thailand, Bank of Thailand, Thailand Thailand
Najla Bouden Prime Minister of Tunisia Tunisia
Sihem Boughdiri Nemsia Minister of Finance of Tunisia Tunisia
Marouane El Abassi Governor of the Central Bank of Tunisia, Central Bank of Tunisia, Tunisia Tunisia
Mykhailo Fedorov Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Ukraine
Yuliia Svyrydenko First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy of Ukraine Ukraine
Dmytro Kuleba Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Ukraine
Kyrylo Shevchenko Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Ukraine
Alona Shkrum Member of Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) of Ukraine Ukraine
Anastasia Radina Member of Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) of Ukraine Ukraine
Ivanna Klympush- Tsintsadze Member of Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) of Ukraine Ukraine
Yevheniia Kravchuk Member of Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) of Ukraine Ukraine
Yulia Klymenko Member of Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) of Ukraine Ukraine
Vitaliy Klitschko Mayor of Kyiv, Ukraine Ukraine
Volodymyr Zelenskyy (virtual participation) President of Ukraine Ukraine
Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance United Arab Emirates
Abdulla Bin Touq Al Marri Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Mariam Mohammed Saeed Al Mheiri Minister of Climate Change and the Environment of United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Mohammad Abdullah Al Gergawi Minister of Cabinet Affairs of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Ohood Bint Khalfan Al Roumi Minister of State for Government Development and the Future of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Shamma bint Suhail Faris Al Mazrui Minister of State for Youth Affairs of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Thani Ahmed Al Zeyoudi Minister of State for Foreign Trade of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Mohamed bin Hadi Al Hussaini Minister of State for Financial Affairs, Ministry of Finance of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Omar Sultan Al Olama Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy and Remote Work Applications of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Sarah Al Amiri Minister of State for Advanced Technology, Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Shakhboot bin Nahyan AlNahyan Minister of State of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Alok Sharma President, 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change United Kingdom
Gerry Grimstone of Boscobel Minister for Investment of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Vincent Keaveny Lord Mayor, City of London Corporation, United Kingdom United Kingdom

Gina Raimondo Secretary of Commerce of USA USA
John F. Kerry Special Presidential Envoy for Climate of the United States of America USA
Bill Keating Congressman from Massachusetts (D), 9th District, U.S. House of Representatives, USA USA
Daniel Meuser Congressman from Pennsylvania (R), 9th District, U.S. House of Representatives, USA USA
Madeleine Dean Congresswoman from Pennsylvania (D), 4th District, U.S. House of Representatives, USA USA
Ted Lieu Congressman from California (D), 33rd District, U.S. House of Representatives, USA USA
Ann Wagner Congresswoman from Missouri (R), 2nd District, USA USA
Christopher A. Coons Senator from Delaware (D), USA USA
Darrell Issa Congressman from California (R), 50th District, USA USA
Dean Phillips Congressman from Minnesota (D), 3rd District, USA USA
Debra Fischer Senator from Nebraska (R), USA USA
Eric Holcomb Governor of Indiana, USA USA
Gregory W. Meeks Congressman from New York (D), 6th District, USA USA
John W. Hickenlooper Senator from Colorado (D), USA USA
Larry Hogan Governor of Maryland, USA USA
Michael McCaul Congressman from Texas (R), 10th District, USA USA
Pat Toomey Senator from Pennsylvania (R), USA USA
Patrick J. Leahy Senator from Vermont (D), USA USA
Robert Menendez Senator from New Jersey (D), USA USA
Roger F. Wicker Senator from Mississippi (R), USA USA
Seth Moulton Congressman from Massachusetts (D), 6th District, USA USA
Sheldon Whitehouse Senator from Rhode Island (D), USA USA
Ted Deutch Congressman from Florida (D), 22nd District, USA USA
Francis Suarez Mayor of Miami, USA USA
Al Gore Vice-President of the United States (1993-2001); Chairman and Co-Founder, Generation Investment Management, USA USA
Peter Kodwo Turkson Chancellor, Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences of the Holy See Vatican City State
Le Minh Khai Deputy Prime Minister of Viet Nam Viet Nam
Thanh Nghi Nguyen Minister of Construction of Viet Nam Viet Nam
Hakainde Hichilema President of Zambia Zambia
Situmbeko Musokotwane Minister of Finance and National Planning of Zambia Zambia
Emmerson Mnangagwa President of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Frederick Shava Minister of Foreign Affairs of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Mthuli Ncube Minister of Finance and Economic Development of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe


More information at:
with updates on the WEF, the WHO, the UN. Also up to date information about Monkeypox.

Follow this LINK to see an example of the true news that is put out from BGB.


Copy below of my recent letter requesting information under FOI Act. Awaiting reply.

Information Rights Team
UK Health Security Agency
Wellington House
133-155 Waterloo Road

My Ref: NICJ 39
Your Ref:
Date: 24 May 2022

Dear Information Rights Team

Subject: Monkeypox

I refer to the above subject and attach copy of UKHSA press release updated 23 May 2022. I have noted the content and would be grateful if you could arrange to provide me with the following information from UKHSA records.

1. A copy of – or hyperlink to – the peer-reviewed scientific paper confirming that the “monkeypox virus” has been identified, isolated and its viral genome sequenced.
2. Details of the approved diagnostic test for monkeypox infection.
3. Details – with list of ingredients – of the “Imvanex vaccine” authorised for use in high-risk contacts.

If your require further clarification you are welcome to contact me at any time. I look forward to receiving the information at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

Yours sincerely


The Westminster government have just awarded £750million “Nature for Climate Fund”, which can be used to buy land anywhere in the UK and additionally, through the Barnet formula, a proportionate additional sum will be available to Natural Recourses Wales.

Specifically, individual grants of up to £175k for growing saplings in nurseries in England under the Tree Production Capital Grant. These saplings don’t have to be planted out in England, although the nursery does, to qualify for the grant.

Any NGO (charity) who has a ‘footprint’, that covers England will qualify. But the resulting ‘free tree’ can be planted anywhere in England or Wales. The jobs will be in the nursery stage. A few fleece jackets and home counties accents will only be needed for ‘tours’ of the resulting forests.


The public purse is fair game these days. Tories and their little helpers in the Bay and Holyrood are quite happy to let corporate bandits raid the coffers as it fits in with their plan to shift assets, wealth, ownership of any fuckin’ thing that moves into the hands of a relative few elite cliques who will dictate to the rest of us how we are to live our lives.

“Nay” say those who can’t tell shit from chocolate. Labour, Plaid here in Wales and SNP in Scotland are aiding and abetting the grand hijack because they think it’s Socialism and thus must be good. Real Socialists, and there are a few survivors, recognise that this programme of mass transfer of ownership does nothing, not a fuckin’ scratch, for ordinary people. Indeed it impoverishes them further just like the extortion via energy and fuel prices is doing right now.

And talking of energy, that mealy mouthed Sunak announced that he would levy a windfall tax but there would be rebates available for those companies that invest in renewables. As if those crooks don’t get enough incentives already to suck out funds when such “support” is unnecessary ! He should have removed the iniquitous green levy at least until the crisis is over i.e prices revert to status quo ante, and imposed a short term windfall tax which in all probability will only be a “one off” anyway. Instead we get a lecture from Itchy Nutsack and his media disciples about how much his packet of goodies will cost the tax payer and odd Tories bawling about how this would disincetivize further investment in energy technology. If bullshit could be used for power generation we could have used recent output to keep us going for years.


You ask about Jenny Mathilde Daneels Watt of Switzerland.

One of the issues that people of extreme wealth have is not as would be assumed, tax avoidance, and they will have a global footprint of tax avoidance operating as a well-oiled machine. The issue for then is to how to invest the cash once un-domiciled. Typically, this will be items of high worth, like Van Gogh paintings, art of national significance or diamond trinkets. Russian oligarchs or Arab royalty prefer property and yachts but the catch to that is it needs a revenue stream to maintain. Art does not. It has it’s own currency.

Rich States.
Unlike banana republics in Africa where a dictator can run off with the dollars to Switzerland, there is another type of state equity investment, usually from developed, yet stagnant economies. A sovereign wealth fund when the interest rate of the currency becomes negative but overseas investment in other currencies or fixed assets in other countries is not in the national interest. This happened to Japan in the 1990s and in Malaysia in the 2000s. The managers of such funds seek investments beyond currency fluctuations or corporate risk.

Jenny Mathilde Daneels Watt (Linkedin) has a footprint of a person who brokers such deals. However, I cannot see how she would be connected to a farm in Powys other than examples of “Trinket Land” acquisition in third world countries, common in Africa, like buying the title over a national park or game reserve, where the state is responsible for the costs but the ‘frangible asset’ is held by the billionaire or overseas sovereign wealth fund.

A kind of Van Gogh made of soil.


She’s a ‘curator of fine art’. Although a French citizen, currently living in Switzerland (C-permit required for residency status in owned real estate) which involves considerable wealth. You don’t get paid this kind of money putting up statue sculptures in Herefordshire, her previous venture into the UK. Perhaps she’s the daughter of considerable wealth or working for one. Certainly not your average arty plant some eco-trees type, although she may project that guise.

Carey Roberts

What a fine piece of work Sir Jac! I don’t know where to start but I would like to raise a few points (in no particular order):
1. The treatment of Geraint and Chris Thomas at the hand of the planning inspectorate/Brecon Beacons national park authority beggars belief! To have been given planning permission as a result of which they embarked on a major course of investment only to have the “permission” rescinded (thereby destroying their finances) was criminal and stomach churning. They should have been fully compensated for their losses by those responsible for they acted in good faith within the law. I almost bought my lunch up when I had a look at the current Gilestone website to see it full of “glamping” tents and “luxury lodges”! I smell a conspiracy. The whole matter stinks to high heaven and, in a righteous world, somebody somewhere (I would imagine several/ a fair few people) would be prosecuted and punished accordingly for what has happened here previously…… I have the greatest admiration for Geraint and Christine Thomas in the way they have bounced back. I hope they go from strength to strength. They deserve it after all they have been put through……
2. We should all be gravely concerned at the undue influence exerted/enjoyed by globalists such as Soros and his shills (e.g. Jenny Mathilde Daneels) on Welsh institutions. They buy into everything/everyone. Consequently they get to exert undue influence everywhere to the detriment of the heritage, traditional way of life, well being and future prospects of us the common people…….
3. Hearing Welsh water talk of The Brecon Beacons “mega catchment” area and Soros’ “indirect” involvement/influence in it is rather disconcerting. In America people are being jailed for collecting rainwater from the roofs of their own property. In California people go thirsty and crops are ruined because of droughts yet Nestle take millions and millions of gallons from reservoirs to sell in plastic bottles. The objects of “Beacons Water Group” (as stated in item 7 of their articles of association) are: “to carry on activities and in particular (without limitation) to: develop, deliver, implement and disseminate best practice in managing the means of improving economic, environmental and social well being of visitors and residents”. How very noble of them. We can be assured that somewhere down the line public money will flow into it just like the rivers flow from the Beacons and you can bet your bottom dollar they will be pandering to/preaching the globalists’ “green” agenda……
4. I was very surprised to hear that the Welsh “government” have bought this farm for the “Green Man Festival”. Will they buy land/building/assets for all and any private individual/ private corporation? What gives them the right to buy assets for anybody? Where is our constitution? To whom exactly (be they a person or other legal entity) do they plan to lease this farm to? Can anybody else apply for the lease of this farm? These gangsters that “govern” us are a law unto themselves. I was aghast to hear Getting state that they are waiting for a business plan from the “green man”. Unbelievable! What if it doesn’t stack up? There are endless questions that need to be asked about this and many other issues too…….

I could go on and on. Sir Jac’s piece raises so many questions but the bottom line is Wales and it’s people are in deep trouble folks. Arian cyhoeddus yn mynd i bawb a bopeth arwahan i bobol cyffredin Cymru. Pawb a’i gi o pob cwr o’r byd (arwahan i fobol cyffredin Cymru) yn cael dylanwadu ar faterion yng Nghymru…… Ond be di bwys……Fedra ni gysuro ein hunain hefo’r ffaith fod ganddo ni ganoedd o dai Air B&B yn ein cymunedau ni ac o leia bydd plantos ifanc Cymru yn cael dysgu am masturbation yn yr ysgol gynradd o fis Medi ymlaen…….Mae’n amser i ni gyd ddeffro pobol bach FFS!!!! #GovernedByTraitors #SiopSiafins


Peculiar mix of perverse attitudes and beliefs co-exist after a fashion in the area north of the Beacons. Some of it may be attributable to ex- Service types who liked the area when they served or trained in Brecon or elsewhere along the valley. Curious blend of white officers and rougher loyalist other ranks.

Mix with that the types that come to work in local government education, health – various public sector types, and an influx of executives whose jobs are mostly on the Heads of the Valleys or down a valley but whose tastes prompt them to live to the north rather than settle for the blandness of Cardiff or the M4 corridor, and heaven forbid seldom choose to live in one of those valleys. One thing they have in common few if any of them come to regard themselves as Welsh and have a habit of distancing themselves from anything that might lead to a mistaken identity.

David Smith

All in all a cavalcade of tossers, then.


Within recent weeks I have read somewhere coverage of an innovative crop diversification that’s been underway for a few years. It involves growing daffodils for conversion into a drug that is making inroads in the treatment of alzheimersand related dementia conditions. These 2 items were easily retrieved from Google. I’m sure there are plenty more.

Given that there exist opportunities like this to diversify land use I am left rather mystified that our Welsh gov with its much trumpeted urge to make Wales a smarter and richer economy have missed the open goal. If they were so bustin’ a gut to spend big bucks buying a farm why on earth couldn’t they buy a large tract of land upon which they could help Roger Jones’ supply chain produce the volumes of daffodils that would ensure this innovation could secure the critical mass that will enable it to deliver a real positive outcome ? Instead we see them buying what is no doubt a good spread but with no clue how that land will be used. Will they grow all that faddish food that is currently grown on some remote Andean slope – I doubt that. Most likely it will grow not a lot, and a few pompous trogs from the mixed bag of institutions, foundations and other “clever” sources of meaningless noise will spend time there meditating on the fluff in each others’ belly buttons while inhaling all sorts of feel good vapours so favoured by that type of parasite. Nothing worse than a bunch of well paid intellectual poseurs playing out their little good lifer dramas at public expense.


To sort of flip this notion of its head, one of the tenets of conservatism is to allow and trust people to tend to their own affairs, without the ‘conspicuous hand’ of the nannying state, is it not? Now the C+UP fails miserably in this regard with their clumsy centrally-planned Britification bollocks, “Our United Kingdom” soundbites and other such ham-fisted thought control efforts.

I challenge any laissez-faire minded person to convince me that the people of these islands will not continue to do business, travel, maintain ties of family and friendship, and otherwise intermingle in a post-UK setup. It seems on this matter, unionist conservatives of both upper- and lower-case varieties have lost their faith in people acting in their respective interests, to the aggregate good.

David Smith

Indeed, level playing fields and that. I’ve said that the breakup of the UK will be tough but good medicine for the English national consciousness. Although I bet it’s galling for certain sorts of people that the 26 counties won’t simply kowtow or acquiesce to Westminster demands, and it has the other 26 member states behind it. Beautiful to observe.


In my youth living in in the valleys I used to cherish a trip up the A470 with mates, park free at Story Arms. Quick ramble up Pen y Fan and tea and burger at the layby van. Now it’s a prohibitive parking charge, signs for elegant restaurants and apps for bars selling prosecco. The Welsh Government are systematically removing the open spaces from the Welsh working class and feathering a next for a metropolitan affluent elite from England. Who’d have thought this was socialism?


The farm in question borders the Brecon and Monmouthshire canal.


Just nice for urban wokey types to spend long weekends chattering about the upcoming revolution and how we’ll all be fed a diet off a list approved by Soros et alia,although they the elite will have special dishes prepared for them. The other plan to force people to trade down their homes to make room for families with “greater need for space” will be given an airing by these turds. Of course they will be exempt as the elite adherents to the new faith will be given ample space to facilitate clarity of thought. I’m just waiting for them to come round here and show how some home made stuff works !

Big Gee

Be sure to call in for a cuppa when you’re passing Jac – the Moody Cow is only a stone’s throw from my doorstep.

David Smith

Why on earth were they so vehemently attacked by locals over a caravan park in which people from the Valleys were guests? I’ve never even heard of caravan park owners being attacked over their English residents, and my ex’s family owned one. Also I’m guessing Labour’s ideological antipathy to landowners is a continuance of that lineage of disdain for feudalism, robber barons, rent-seekers and the like?

David Smith

So what’s the ‘beef’ then? (Pardon the pun!)


Labour vs the farmers and landowners. What do they have against them? Their wealth? Rurality?


Well I guess in its purest form, socialism eschews private property in favour of the ‘common good’. A nice and probably workable idea for small communes of a handful of families say. Try to run a country like that… wel de! That’s when the heavy hand comes into play, and we end up with Mao, Stalin, the Jong-Uns, et al.


I gathered, Jac. Lol. Incidentally I’ve done the old PayPal subscription bit, as you may have noticed, and in doing so it gives me a bit of licence for some virtue signalling, and also keeps the steam pumping on your old Babbage machine that delivers these juicy blog treats!