This piece has been off / on for a while, due to other matters cropping up to grab my attention. But in the end, it worked out, because new information is emerging all the time.
To avoid going over too much old ground I shall devote most of this piece to what’s new. Those wanting more information on what’s gone before can type ‘Bute Energy’ in the search box atop the sidebar.
The whole article, including quoted passages, is roughly 3,000 words, so rather than gulp it down in one you can take it a piece at a time. You know it makes sense!
In recent years I’ve written a lot about Bute Energy and the various companies under that umbrella. This ever-expanding empire began life in London, at 20 Primrose Street, otherwise known as the Broadgate Tower in the City.
Then it used an address in Edinburgh’s New Town (above Gant), probably because the principals, Oliver James Millican, Stuart Allan George and Lawson Douglas Steele, seem to be Scottish, or resident in Scotland.
But over the past year we’ve seen use made of an address at Hodge House in Cardiff. This being a desperate but unconvincing attempt to suggest that Bute is a Welsh company.
“Pass the bara brith, Blodwen, indeed to goodness, look you!”
This change of address simply means that the invitations to meet ‘Russian brides’, the 50p off! at Tesco vouchers, and the Vote for Dai Scroggins election leaflets get delivered to Sir Julian’s old gaff.
And let’s not forget the overseas investment, for Bute is in partnership with Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners. The name says ‘Copenhagen’, but the money could be coming from anywhere.
Bute Energy, through a host of companies, many carrying the name of a specific project – such as Bryn Glas Energy Park Ltd – wants to build ‘Energy Parks’ the length of Wales; twenty-three at the latest count. These locations may also include solar arrays, and even hydrogen whatsits.
The map below is my best guess of where these wind farms are. I may have mis-located one or two.

Opposition has been mounting for some time to Bute’s grand designs, but resistance has tended to be localised, confined to areas immediately affected by one of the few projects for which Bute has revealed its plans.
But most of the sites remain little more than Companies House entries offering the bare minimum of information.
Resistance increased a while ago when news broke that Bute wanted to bring power from its ‘Nant Mithil’ (Radnor Forest) site along 60 miles of pylons to link up with the grid running east from Pembroke power station.
If we accept the route map produced by Bute, then the connection with the grid is to be made somewhere south of Carmarthen town.

Though when asked exactly where the connection is to be made, at a ‘Have Your Say’ meeting in the RWS showground, Llanelwedd, Bute head honcho, Millican, was unable to answer.
So let’s see if I can fill in any gaps.
What follows will be in some kind of chronological order; which means I’ve tried to present the fresh evidence in the order it became known to me.
This first item takes us back a couple of years, but it seems to have been overlooked. It cropped up in this tweet from April 2021. (The link is broken.)

Land Use Consultants was formed by Edward Max Nicholson in 1966. Five years earlier, with Sir Peter Scott and others, he set up the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). I guess LUC has been recruited in another attempt to burnish Bute’s environmental credentials.
Bute and LUC were together at the ‘inception meeting’ last December with ‘Welsh Government’s Planning & Environmental Decisions outfit to discuss the ‘Nant Mithil Grid Connection Project‘ (page 6).

Intriguingly, LUC has been involved with the so-called ‘Welsh Government’ since at least 2010. As shown by this report, Research: Planning Implications of Renewable and Low Carbon Energy.
Though for other projects Bute seems to employ different planning consultants. For the Nant Mithil site itself it’s David Bell Planning, of Edinburgh; for Llyn Lort it seems to be Carney Sweeney, of Birmingham; and for Rhiwlas it’s RSK, of Cheshire.
LUC also seems to be picking up other work in Wales. I know it’s working with Natural Resources Wales on the Dark Skies project.
Which makes perfect sense. Because with the Corruption Bay Clown Show determined to switch to Unreliables it won’t be long before we shan’t need to travel to darkest Powys to escape ‘light pollution’.
Orddu is one of the new sites. As you can see on the map above, the nearest town is Bala. To be more precise, Orddu is north east of Bala and sits above the smallholding of Cwm-cywen in Cwm Main, where my father-in-law was born and raised.
A company has been formed with the usual three directors. Here’s the Companies House entry.

The other new energy park, Moel Chwa, is across the A5 and just to the east of another Bute site at Mwdwl-eithin. At the time of writing there is no company bearing the Moel Chwa name, but there is a website mention.
Moel Chwa seems to be very close to an earlier project by Clean Earth Energy Ltd called Nant Bach. Are they related?
The Companies House entry for Nant Bach Turbine Ltd suggests Clean Earth erected just a single turbine. Which the filed accounts value at £2,273,106, giving some idea of the kind of money we’re talking about.
As I mentioned, opposition to Bute’s ambitions got a boost with news of the plan for 60 miles of pylons from Nant Mithill (Radnor Forest) to the west-east grid connection near Carmarthen.
This has been linked with Bute’s Green Generation Energy Networks Cymru Ltd.
It’s also being suggested that, in a belated attempt to make up for the past two decades in which they encouraged foreign companies – many government owned – to exploit Wales with no local returns, ‘Welsh’ Labour is now pretending it can create something like a Welsh national grid.
The announcement I just linked to came a few days after the Commons’ Welsh Affairs Committee produced ‘Grid capacity in Wales’.
And while neither document mentioned Bute Energy, many observers believe that Bute Energy is heavily involved. Some believe Bute will build Julie James’ ‘Welsh grid’.
For naked corruption would be the only other interpretation for the very close, and financially lucrative, links between Bute and a number of ‘Welsh’ Labour insiders.

But then, confusion abounds on the subject of networks, with Julie James, Minister for Climate Change, as confused as anyone, according to a knowledgeable contact. For this source suggests she doesn’t understand there are two different types of grid.
My source explains the difference here.
We know that Bute wants new pylons from the Radnor Forest to somewhere in the vicinity of Carmarthen, and to then take that power to Usk and over the border. This it calls “Phase 1“.
It’s suggested Phase 2 (and another line of pylons?) will start somewhere near Eisteddfa Gurig, close to the A44, inland of Aberystwyth, and run to (and here I quote my source) “Chirk Grid Supply Point’ (as yet unbuilt)“.
Although Phase 2 is still a bit hazy, there would appear to be confirmation out there. According to the documents reproduced below, Bute projects in west central and northern Wales will run to the as yet unbuilt Chirk GSP.

References to ‘Chirk’ obviously cause confusion because Chirk GSP doesn’t exist. But what does exist is not far away at Lower Frankton. The problem here being that Lower Frankton is in Shropshire.
On this OS map the border is in purple, it shows Chirk as just about the nearest point, in Wales, to Lower Frankton. So is Lower Frankton being called Chirk to pretend it’s in Wales, and therefore boost Wales’ Net Zero credentials?

Further evidence of grid ambitions came a few weeks back with the Infrastructure (Wales) Bill. You’ll see it talks of making it easier for the James Gang to give consent for “overhead electric lines”.
There are also links with Ireland. One comes up near Bodelwyddan, inland of Abergele. Then there’s the Greenlink Interconnector, ensuring that “Excess power can be shared between Ireland and the UK”.
Finally, let’s look at a link from Scotland. Nation.Cymru reported this last November, and parroted the National Grid’s press handout about it being to “upgrade Wales’ electricity network and take advantage of offshore power“.
In fact, and to get technical, I hear work has started on the Bangor (Pentir) to Swansea (North) 400kv double-circuit pylon line.
Let Uncle Jac explain this one . . .
England needs more electricity . . . but not the turbines and the pylons. So the turbines are in Scotland, the cables carrying the electricity run under the Irish Sea, come ashore near Bangor, go overland to Swansea, where they join the west-east line from Pembroke, and then on to England.
As my well-informed source put it, “The two grid connections out of south Wales into England currently have no constraints so it appears as if Wales is being used as a ‘transmission corridor’ from Scotland to England”.
A couple of weeks ago I had an e-mail from Glasgow. As you know, I get lots of e-mails, but this is worth mentioning because it suggests that this source is keeping an eye on Bute’s operations in Scotland.
Before I tell you what it says, I’d better identify some of those mentioned.
Erik Bonino was an oil executive who joined Bute in July 2020 but left early this year due to alleged naughtiness by Bute in Senghenydd. Or that’s how I heard it.
The story made it into Llais y Sais, where Shippo covered it.

David James Taylor was spad to Rhodri Morgan, Peter Hain and Carwyn Jones. He has profited greatly from being Bute’s entry to ‘Welsh Government’.
You’ll see that the source suggests Taylor has been replaced by the fragrant Sophie Howe, the former Future Generations Commissioner. This would fit well with her new job with Lynn. (Until May last year, ‘Lynn PR Ltd’.)
Sophie Howe has landed on her feet, again, due to her manifest and dazzling talents. Her raking it in, again, is completely unconnected with knowing everybody worth knowing in ‘Welsh Government’, ‘Welsh’ Labour, and civil service.
Happy to clear that up.
By “Reece Emmett” I think my source means Reece Emmitt. (Here in pdf format.) Though I can’t see any obvious connection with the Labour party. But after 5 years in Cardiff University that can be almost guaranteed.
There have been big divisions in Bute management. Chairman Erik Bonino lost a power struggle with Oliver Millican, the majority shareholder, now Bonino and his allies have been cleared out.
Team Millican: Stuart George, Lawson Steele, Gareth Williams.
Team Bonino: Mark Vyvyan Robinson, Gemma Hamilton, David Taylor.
Bonino was known to be nervous and raised concerns about unethical practices regarding securing land and some of the heavy legal agreements and gagging orders Bute were trying to impose on landowners and residents. He was concerned only about his own image and reputation though not about the welfare of the landowners and communities. He was also nervous about all the bad publicity Bute were getting generally and how it was impacting on him.
Bonino recruited Mark Vyvyan Robinson from EDF (where he had been for 20 years) as CEO but he left shortly after a few months. Gemma Hamilton (development director) David Taylor (comms director) were both in same camp and left soon after along with Bonino. and some junior staff.
Millican made himself chairman and installed his sidekick Stuart George as Managing Director. Both are woefully inexperienced and the whole operation is now considered a joke in the industry.
They brought in Derek Hastings from SSE to replace Gemma Hamilton. They basically are paying people 3x what they get elsewhere which is how they recruit people.
They are throwing money around and recently brought in two people to replace DT: Sophie Howe as an “adviser” to help with Welsh govt / Labour link. And Aled Rowlands a former aide to Nick Bourne to try and sort the Tories. Obviously that is failing badly cos the Welsh Tories hate Bourne.
Also Reece Emmett ex Welsh Labour apparatchik is in the comms team.
I suppose we’d better start this section with the ANTZ Cymru website’s announcement of the link-up with Bute Energy. Which prompts a few comments.
First, there is no entity called ANTZ Cymru, it’s a flag of convenience for ANTZ UK Ltd of Manchester. Realising there’s money to be made in Wales ANTZ is another company that has adopted a faux Welsh identity.
A good source in Powys, sees parallels between ANTZ and something called the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT). Which says of itself, “We are the original Nudge Unit”. BIT is an international outfit with its UK office in Manchester.
Here’s a BIT website page to which I was directed called ‘How to build a Net Zero society’. I was also nudged (geddit!) in the direction of, ‘A Manifesto for Applying Behavioral (sic) Science’.
And then, from 2010, we have ‘Mindspace‘, focusing on “influencing behaviour“.
This all begins to sound like getting people to think the way you want them to think. To accept that black is white. Dare we say – brainwashing?
Will we see people stumbling out of village halls repeating, “Wind turbines are nice . . . I love pylons . . . Mark Drakeford is the most gifted and accomplished politician of his era”.
An exaggeration, I confess, but we are talking of mind games here. Getting people to think a certain way, and then there’s the careful use of language. Here’s a couple of gems from the page announcing the partnership.

We read: “ANTZ Cymru is developing a bespoke person-centred, Social Value monitoring system on behalf of Bute Energy that tracks the individual.”
Tracks the individual! What the hell does that mean?
Then there’s this, “The renewable energy team at Bute Energy is planning to deliver a family of wind and solar farms across Wales”. A family!
“Oh look, children – there’s Daddy wind turbine, and there’s Mammy wind turbine, and all the little – 820ft! – baby wind turbines”.
Did you ever read such bollocks?
How much is Bute paying ANTZ? To judge by what my Scottish contact told us, it’s probably well over the odds.
As I’ve explained, Bute goes to great lengths in attempts to prove it’s a Welsh company serving Wales. As I hope I’ve made clear, what Bute and others are actually doing is exploiting the complicity of the Corruption Bay buffoons to turn Wales into a vast open-air power station for England.
If the wind farms planned and mooted ever get built, then Wales, apart from national parks and built-up areas, will be covered in turbines and pylons. All happening in a country that already produces more electricity than she needs!
I was encouraged therefore to read that the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales (CPRW) has reported Bute to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) for making misleading claims.
Point 1 of the complaint (below) sums it up. Electricity produced in Wales goes into the UK national grid and thence to wherever it’s needed. Bute therefore cannot promise to supply Welsh homes with green energy.

Well done, Ross Evans and CPRW. And the very best of luck.
What you’ve read might make you despair, but that’s because you’ve been reading about Wales. Elsewhere, things seem to be looking up.
But perhaps not in Germany. Or not yet.
Though Siemens has taken a hit recently due to component problems in Siemens Gamesa wind turbines. But many believe the problems are more widespread. Not least because the components used by Gamesa are used by other manufacturers.
More on Siemens, linking with Bute Energy. And on ‘Creaky Wind Turbines’.
In fact, the German economy is in trouble. Over-reliance on Russian gas – which NATO sabotaged – closing its last three nuclear power plants, and going hell-for-leather on ‘Renewables’ hasn’t helped.
But the Germans aren’t stupid. They’ll soon realise their mistake.
Which is what appears to have happened in Sweden, where the news is much more encouraging. The government there has turned its back on the unattainable goal of 100% renewable energy. What will Greta say!
While next door, in Norway, we read . . .

The fact is that Western governments, under pressure from the public and the dictates of common sense, are starting to reject the Globalists’ degrowth agenda and their stooges’ insistence on Net Zero.
Yet as some countries wake up to the cost of Net Zero others continue to sleepwalk towards disaster. Unfortunately, we live in one. And it has consequences.
Just before last Christmas Tata put out a press release saying it would ‘pause’ operations at its Port Talbot steel plant, the largest in Europe, and its tinplate operation at Trostre, in Llanelli, “to reduce strain on grid”.

As we are forced to depend more and more on Unreliables the electricity supply will become more erratic; and that means jobs paying good wages, like the thousands at Margam and Trostre, will be lost.
An absurd price to pay for the unattainable goal of 100% of electricity from ‘renewables’ – in order to fight a ‘climate crisis’ that’s not happening! The only beneficiaries are the governments, corporations, and investors owning the wind turbines on our soil.
And so every wind farm and pylon run should be treated as another Tryweryn. For they mean Cymru being exploited to satisfy the greed of strangers. And to keep the lights on in England.
♦ end ♦
Dear Jac A very delayed, grown-up, reading of this informative piece for me – thank you for all that you do Jack – because people locally mid Wales – are asking me “who Bute Energy are”? “A very good question” I reply. So am circulating links to your articles. I can’t see it on your site but have seen a family tree diagram of the “structure” of Bute somewhere and wondering (cheekily) is it yours or do you happen to have a link to it – it was one of those pictures are a 1,000 words moment – should have copied it when I saw it.
Once again thank you for all that you do in exposing the patronising, totalitarian regime that we laughingly call the “Welsh Government”.
I don’t think I drew up a ‘family tree’, but I see what I can find.
Jac – Thank you for taking the time and trouble to write all this. It’s really illuminating! May the Welsh Govt be shredded by a rogue turbine …
Thank you, I’m glad that what I wrote was of help.
Opinion Polling for June
I’ve probably said it before but Nuclear Fusion is the holy grail for cheap, clean and reliable energy generation. But I guarantee a LOT of vested interests all over the globe do not want it to happen for these very reasons; cheap, clean and reliable means there’s much less scope for a racket to be spun up, or jobs to be dished out to the Boys.
Tesla said he could supply free electricity everywhere in the world, and look what happened to him.
David is probably right, hypothetically. Truth is that the technology, if harnessed by the private sector, will be commercialised in the same way as all previous innovations. Private sector will cream profits, all cleaning up will be dome by the public purse ! In the event of the technology being in the custody of Statist Agency it will be licensed or flogged off so that big corporates can make a meal of it. Whatever way the fruits come to market the ordinary consumer will only taste the bitter juice of rip-off pricing.
Quite correct David Smith. Can you re-write your comment and send it direct to Minister Mrs Rhino Hide at Wales Labour Government.
Off topic completely I got this interesting D.T article retrieved via Google News :
Instead of praising the hated Taliban for “getting something right” the focus gets switched to the alternative sources like Mexico and Myanmar. Odd that poppy production in Afghanistan surged after the US and its allies invaded in 2001. Odd also that US tolerates the huge narco industry that flourishes south of its border with Mexico and further south in Central America. Seems like it’s O.K as long as the host country is an ally of the US and its client states. Most of the concern about Afghans centred on the likelihood of more of them migrating ( to U.K ?) to seek new opportunities whatever they might be.
‘The War on Drugs’ was always bullshit. Too much politics involved. Political leverage and influence, even on the global scale. Also, too much money. Money that gets spent in the legitimate economy on big houses, holidays, flash motors, expensive jewellery.
Jac, you refer to the publicly-owned renewable energy developer. I previously requested from Welsh Government a copy of the “business case”. I received a note – copied below – dated 18 April 2023 confirming the business case has not to date been published. I am currently awaiting a link to the document when published.
“Good afternoon,
Thank you for your inquiry and your patience in waiting for the publication of the business case.
I am very sorry that we have not published the document in the timescale envisaged when this letter was issued. We are however very close to publication.
I would be happy to provide you with a link to the document as soon as it is published, if you are content for us to retain your contact email for that purpose.
Best wishes,
Jennifer Pride”
They’ll keep you waiting as long as possible and then write saying that they have elected not to publish due to insufficient demand or some similar bollox. If you pursue the matter further they’ll tell you that it costs too much and that you are irresponsible in enforcing the deployment of scarce resources that could otherwise have been used for buy cushions for Barreness Eluned chair!
I suspect that as with most such announcements this was little more than a publicity-grabbing soundbite. Nobody’d given it much serious thought.
It may have been prompted by the growing anger as the Welsh public realises that for all the promises these wind turbines are all foreign owned, create very few jobs, and are being built because in England communities can – and do! – object to wind farms. Which means that the grandiose talk of a “Welsh renewables industry” is just hot air.
I have today sent a polite reminder to WG. Copy below Jac. Will forward a copy of the “business case” if and when received..
Energy Policy Division
Welsh Government
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ
My Ref: NCC/WJ/22
Your Ref: ATISN 16816
Date: 2 July 2023
Dear Jennifer Pride
Subject: Publicly Owned Renewable Energy Developer Wales
Thank you for your letter dated 18 April 2023.
I would appreciate a progress update on planned publication date for the business case. Thank you.
Yours sincerely
This interesting letter (below) appeared in the Welsh Press below today. It deserves wider circulation here – especially as it was written by a CREENPEACE activist :-
Green energy just an excuse for exploitation
Western Mail1 Jul 2023 Ian Seaton Mumbles Swansea
HAVING been a member of Greenpeace for many years, I am keenly aware of the critical and urgent need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. However, I remain unconvinced by onshore wind. In countries like China, Canada or the USA there may well be space to erect enough turbines to significantly reduce fossil fuel consumption. In a small country like Wales there is not. Wind turbines rarely, as far as I’m aware, reach their installed capacity. But it is this installed capacity that is used to convince politicians and the public that X amount of green energy can be produced.
We are often told Wales produces more energy than it consumes. So, the question must be asked, exactly who does this benefit? The boards and shareholders of the various energy companies (Scandinavian, German, Irish, Spanish, etc) who own these installations and English consumers who are reluctant to have wind farms erected in their own country. Likewise the credentials of Westminster politicians who can claim to be battling climate change without causing political friction in their own constituencies.
The Welsh Government’s aim of reducing dependence on fossil fuel is laudable but I do wonder how well-informed some of its policies are and how much control it has over its environmental decisions. The selling-off of prime agricultural land for afforestation as carbon offset to corporations based in England is beyond belief in a time of world food shortage. The proposal to erect wind turbines at Bryn near Port Talbot the height of the Eiffel Tower and the despoliation of areas of mid-Wales and the Twyi Valley with the erection of scores of pylons is unthinkable. This is environmental vandalism. How much carbon will be released during the construction of these projects? The enormous amount of concrete alone needed to create the plinths anchoring the monsters at Bryn, let alone the 60 miles of proposed pylons from the Nant Mithil “energy park” to Pont Abram is mind-boggling. The turbines themselves have a limited life-span and the blades are made of a composite material that is currently unrecyclable.
A local farmer on an episode of S4C’s Ffermio asked why, given the billions of pounds involved, the cables for the Nant Mithil scheme could not be put underground. Another said that “pylons are old technology and are being replaced in England”.
What concerns me is that the Welsh Government seems either utterly naive and obsessed with virtue signalling or is in reality powerless to intervene. On top of this, there is serious talk about Welsh water being transferred to south-east England, where privatised water companies are among the most incompetent and profligate in the whole UK, though of course their boards are very efficient at awarding themselves bonuses and rewarding their shareholders.
Once again, Wales and its natural resources are being ripped off while the Welsh Government does a Pontius Pilate. It has been said with justification that “Wales is the only country in the world that doesn’t
profit from the export of its natural resources”. All this underlines the importance of political independence for Wales. Huge decisions are being made by people we have no control over and from which we gain nothing. Our country is being wrecked while others profit. This is Tryweryn writ large.
********************************************* .
The same letter as above appeared in Cardiff’s ECHO today.
********************************************************************** .
It’s a bit of a first to see Greenpeace members saying this
The WGs own reports clearly show that Wales cannot reach net zero with only onshore wind but can easily reach net zero with only offshore wind.
BEIS surveys show the general public find offshore wind more acceptable than onshore.
Julie James needs to start listening and thinking
“Julie James needs to start listening and thinking” – now that’s a big ask ! Her rhino skin has now grown over her ears, her eyes and nose, so she has complete sensory deprivation.
Onshore wind: Welsh government.
Offshore wind: Crown Estate (not devolved, unlike in Scotland).
For some reason, the politicians seem to agree this arrangement is “working well”.
Heard some joker claim that wind turbines are ” a low cost option” in terms of capital outlay and time to commission. I hate to think what an expensive option looks like!
An expensive option would be something like Hinckley C. But just in the world of wind onshore is cheaper to build than offshore, but less efficient
When you tot up the total costs across the entire project lifecycle – foundations through to de-commission- none of the alternatives are impressive. I note that some greedy pig is about try digging out lithium in Cornwall. That might alert people to the pollution associated with sourcing a key component for batteries. The era of Clean Energy will have many unintended consequences.
EXCELLENT PIECE on Bute Energy , Jac !!! This should be sent to ALL Press, TV , Radio[aka Media] in Wales, plus to ALL Welsh politicians !
It should also go to papers like the Daily Mail, Sunday Times and Daily Telegraph.
SOME may be glad that English wind turbines [serving England…100 per cent] ,are being dumped in Wales……..because there will be most certainly a furore if Starmer tries to dump ENGLAND’S SHARE ON ENGLAND!!
How can wind energy be ANY answer? Look at, the National Grid site. . See the 2022 wind energy graph. It resembles STALAGMITES! Therefore, it is obvious that wind energy has to be backed 100 per cent of the time by RELIABLE fossil fuel energy…like gas-fired power stations. That is common sense!!
Furthermore, 30 million SMALL electric cars [EVs] after 2030 will obviously need 150,000MW to BE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES ! [Work it out! It’s 11-plus arithmetic….not higher maths!]
Well, in 2022 UK wind energy……..FROM LAND AND SEA……only averaged 7031MW and fell as low as 141MW[ ZILCH!]. We need 40000MW most of the time without ANY EVs !!
So add 30 million EVs and we have NO CHANCE of powering their batteries…..never mind how many charging points! …..DO THE SUMS!!!
Now……WHEN……NOT IF….. the next hard winter arrives[ it is overdue!] all it takes is a HIGH PRESSURE OVER SWEDEN IN MID-WINTER!! Then the bitter easterlies will blow in from Siberia…….the temperatures could hid minus 10 Celsius….there will be heavy snow all over UK…….WIND TURBINES WILL BE STATIC AND FREEZE UP…….AND SOLAR PANEL FIELDS WILL BE BURIED IN SNOW!!
WHAT THEN??? Coal in the cellar saved the UK from hypothermia in 1962/63.
That coal is long gone !! Renewable energy will NOT save us !! Plus all UK vehicles will be at a stand-still ! THE UK ECONOMY WILL COLLAPSE !!
We are at 52 degrees North here…….in SOUTHERN WALES! That is the latitude of Nova Scotia !!
Bute Energy are destroying Wales…….BUT WIND ENERGY WILL ACHIEVE NOTHING ANYWAY!!
If English politicians want wind energy……then put the useless 820 ft monsters in England , not Wales !!!
Well done on this article, Jac!! Please follow it up with a few Press letters, if you can.
Thank you for those kind words, Lyn.
A great, but LONG article. Some thoughts …
Sweden – it looks as though Sweden are following the U.K. model, but will be slightly more extreme
The U.K. has always planned on using nuclear, the question is how much. Boris wanted 25%, the CCC about 20% but the ESO think any more than 15% will be uneconomic and unmanageable. It’ll be interesting to see what the ESO think once nationalised. The Swedes will no doubt do what the U.K. has always failed to do – use the waste heat for district heating. Roughly 60% of the energy from U.K. nuclear plants is currently thrown away into the sea. Site a nuclear plant in Port Talbot to make electricity and hydrogen (for arc furnaces and coke free reduction) and the Valleys get their central heating for virtually nothing. Site a nuclear plant at Wylfa or Traws and we are committed to hundreds of miles of pylons to get the power to Port Talbot (but the sea around Cemaes should be nice and warm)
The article says they will ditch fossil fuels, while the U.K. plans to continue using them with carbon capture. That’s what Pembroke power station seems to be going for
It also says they will rely on hydro and biomass, which are both … er … renewable
Norway – I don’t recall anyone saying oil and gas can’t be used, but abating the emissions will be required. Consequently there will always be a market for oil and gas, especially as it’s the feedstock for almost all plastics and things like pharmaceuticals. Depleated gas reservoirs will also be most likely the favoured storage place for the CO2
Demand management – I joined in the same scheme as Tata Steel did and participated in the ESO demand management pilot over last winter. At certain times I was paid significantly more to shift demand than the amount I shifted cost. I didn’t use any less electricity, I just used it at different times – eg if the peak to avoid was 16:00-17:00 I used more in the half hour before and half hour afterwards. The aim is to manage when power is used, not how much is used. Industry has been doing this for decades but now the public can join in. I suspect Tata just saw the opportunity for some publicity
Wales – we have staggering offshore wind potential, enough for the the whole of Wales to reach net zero and export the same again across the border. Latest data from Ofgem and BEIS is that fixed base offshore (like the Irish Sea) is the cheapest electricity on earth (while nuclear is the most expensive, hence the need to “ration” it and make the most of it). We certainly don’t need any onshore wind which is both less efficient and more expensive. Unfortunately that’s what the Welsh Government is focussing on (go figure!). The ESO believe that the most economic way of moving the power around the country is via an offshore grid, and their 2020 report included an Irish Sea to south Wales subsea cable. Unfortunately this has become an onshore route now, and not for the Irish Sea but for Scotland (there is a story here, but I don’t know what it is!). Both Scotland and Wales are “offshore rich” while England is “offshore poor”. If Wales has nuclear in Port Talbot and gas CCS in Pembroke then we are “offshore ultra rich”. Milford Haven and Holyhead should (in theory) become boom towns
Keep up the digging and exposing!
A LONG comment. Much of which may be true, but . . .
You write: ” . . . we have staggering offshore wind potential, enough for the the whole of Wales to reach net zero and export the same again across the border“. But wind is intermittent and therefore unreliable. What do we do when the wind don’t blow? We presumably rely on back-up? But doesn’t 100% renewable require 100% back-up, thereby making it more expensive than any other option.
The USA is going big on offshore wind off its east coast, and people are noticing more whales and other mammals dying. Thus far, it looks as if this is being treated the same as onshore bird and bat kills by the cosy consensus of the renewables industry and the ‘environmental’ lobby. Problem is, dead birds on remote hillsides go unnoticed, but you can’t hide a dead whale washing up on a beach full of tourists.
And what do you say about the environmental credentials of wind turbines, onshore or offshore? What about the extraction of the raw materials to build the damn things? The disposal of ‘dead’ turbines? (And they seem to ‘die’ much quicker than the manufactures would have us believe.)
The populations of advanced and prosperous democracies have every right to expect cheap and reliable electricity. Wind turbines may have a role to play in a range of generating options, but the bigger the role for wind the further we move away from cheap and reliable.
You are right, wind is intermittent, or highly variable, but very reliable (it does what you would expect) and we can forecast supply with great accuracy, so we know exactly what we will get. Obs the forecast gets better the closer you get actual generation
When the wind isn’t blowing in the Irish Sea, it probably is in the Celtic Sea and almost certainly is in the southern North Sea and failing that the northern North Sea. It’s almost always windy somewhere. East coast and west coast GB wind tend not to correlate. GB wind and Danish wind tend not to correlate, so it is possible to have a system based mainly on offshore wind
But we do need certain things in place. We need interconnectors with other countries (we already have some capacity with Ireland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Norway), we need to move the power
from where it’s made (out at sea) to where it’s needed, and we need “balancing” (some call back up) which are all possible from biomass, hydrogen, nuclear etc
The ESO have a statutory duty to plan all this in the most economic way and have never said it isn’t possible
When I say can reach net zero from “offshore wind alone” we are talking annual averages, as part of a GB grid, connected to multiple European grids. Nowhere is planning on reaching net zero “totally alone”. The WG target of 100% renewable by 2035 is easy, based on Westminsters’ (not Cardiffs’) plans for Wales’ sea. The WG could do absolutely nothing and still hit their target!
Marine mammals – I’m no expert but north Wales has had offshore a long time and sea life seems to be thriving
Minerals – again, no expert, but from years in the oil industry, fossil fuels really don’t have a great reputation
Nuclear is often suggested as being a better option, and I was brought up with it, but hugely expensive, extremely inflexible and we still don’t know what to do with the waste. At Wylfa they still can’t get all the fuel out, despite it being declared “fuel free” years ago, but that’s a separate story. We will have some though, just not that much
But there isn’t always wind ‘somewhere else’. We’re talking about a relatively small island. Yes there are connections – with French nuclear, Norwegian hydro, etc.
I’m not sure I agree that “fossil fuels really don’t have a great reputation“. Fossil fuels create jobs, and provide cheap, reliable energy. Those are big pluses. In addition, child labour was outlawed a long time ago. But kids are still used in Africa to extract the materials needed for solar panels and wind turbines. Political prisoners and ethnic minorities are abused in the same way in China.
The more I learn about ‘renewables’ the more I suspect there’s a ‘greater good’ justification at work. Expose the inefficacy of ‘renewables’ and the whole house of cards collapses.
Fossil fuels are wonderful if you don’t accept climate change (separate discussion) and don’t mind the exploitation of African nations, spillages, safety, air, ground and water pollution etc etc. Nothing is without impact and the only thing renewables promise is to not release CO2 at the point of generation. While we build capacity obs we use fossil fuels to make renewable infrastructure.
I don’t accept anthropogenic climate change. What exactly is the problem with CO2?
It causes anthropogenic climate change due to the greenhouse effect. If you don’t accept that (many don’t, many do) you have no issue with CO2
Seems like green fantasists are OK with globalist mineral extractors ripping up the earth to obtain lithium and other rare metals that meet the needs of “clean energy”. I appreciate that even basic science eludes some of these folks but it takes a big dose of delusion to buy into a “lithium is good” yarn.
Jonathan Dean quotes (not his words fair play) from somewhere the green fantasy statement — “The article says they will ditch fossil fuels, while the U.K. plans to continue using them with carbon capture. That’s what Pembroke power station seems to be going for.” —- I’ve heard that “CARBON CAPTURE” so often it really annoys me. Can anyone on this planet tell me, how and where, you can securely store many millions of tonnes of Carbon Dioxide forever? Explain in full details. Don’t just glibly say “in old oil wells” or in “old mine working” or “in caustic soda solutions” or “in scrubbers” or “in rock form” or “into the oceans”.
To put it bluntly all these suggestions are simply total utter bollocks and not feasible. We are talking here of many millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide every year forever. Yes, captured securely for eternity. Do you think it will all lie down quietly in old mine workings – that are by the way full of stinking old mine water. It will escape from everywhere except millions of tonnes of caustic solutions where it could become a carbonate – but then – where is all the many many millions of tonnes of caustic solvent going to continually come from forever and ever. Oh I just forgot a new option – “to fly it all by the million tonne payloads on super rockets to dump it all in the next galaxy”. Next time you hear ‘Carbon Capture’ ask these dumbos “Precisely where, and securely and for how long?”
Personally not a huge fan of CCS, but the logic goes, if methane has been stored for billions of years already in rock formations, the CO2 can be stored there once the methane has been removed
Natural Gas in the form of methane has accumulated over millions of years, presumably under domed natural strata, although some has escaped. Surely forcing carbon dioxide into the spaces that once held extracted methane, or oil or coal, once occupied must be done via numerous bore holes that are man made to pump in the huge masses of Carbon Dioxide. How can anyone assure us that the rock strata will then be sealed for eternity. That’s one option. What about all the other barmy things I listed earlier that the greeny politicians roll off so glibly, and a lot of the carbon dioxide they talk about, is intensely hot carbon dioxide from blast furnaces sited some far distance from the former gas and oil wells. Can you imagine rolling train loads of red hot blast furnace waste gas along our railways, or in pipelines, near residences which are along routes all our railways traditionally serve.
Remember those truck loads of diesel fuel that derailed and ruptured and caught fire, that were just east of Llanelli, a few years ago. It was a big hazard and the contents were only a few hundred tonnes. We are talking here of many millions of tonnes of Carbon Dioxide for eternity. Not only escaping, but if escaping in a valley, where most railways are, the carbon dioxide will sink into a denser than air layer to suffocate the people of the valleys. Next time anyone glibly says “CARBON CAPTURE” ask for full details safe for eternity.
Anyway – let’s get back to the real topic – BUTE ENERGY.
Yes let’s examine and discuss in detail – BUTE ENERGY – yes the topic is BUTE ENERGY. We need to have a national detailed discussion on BUTE ENERGY. Challenge your five Senedd Members to enter the debate and organise a full national discussion on BUTE ENERGY.
In our history we are “Yma o hyd” having withstood the Romans; the Saxons; the Vikings; the Normans; Napoleon and Hitler. Why lay back now and let BUTE ENERGY rape our land assisted by the Welsh Labour Government in Cardiff with its little butty bach Plaid Cymru?
As I say I’m no fan of CCS, but the bore holes are already there from drilling and fracking to get the methane out. Gas wells tap in to porous rock that is capped and release it in a controlled manner through the well. We can drill the well but not release the methane unless we need it. Once the rock is largely empty (not that it looks any different) it can be re-pressurised with a different gas or liquid. Oil wells are re-pressurised with sea water to keep the oil flowing. CO2 is already used as the acidic nature can help extend the life of a well. This is where the idea of using depleted wells for storage came from. We then shut in the well and the CO2 should stay there just as the methane used to
The other things you mention like caustic and scrubbers are just methods of getting the CO2 out of off gases. The collected, cooled gas would be loaded onto tankers at Port Talbot docks or Milford Haven gas terminal and taken to the North Sea to inject in reservoirs
It’s all a load of hassle though, so much better to not make the CO2 than have to go through all of the above.
However, the “dream solution” would be to convert CO2 into biomass/plants on farms, convert that to CH4 in AD plants, burn that in CCGT power stations, collect that and put it in gas reservoirs … bingo, we take carbon from the air and put it back underground.
I think some things get over-hyped in the UK press. The energy ‘crisis’ in Europe only lasted a few months and is now largely forgotten here.
Germany was probably hardest hit, but despite the problems GDP per capita in Germany (2022) was still about 6% higher than the UK.
Russian gas supplies to the EU were rapidly replaced by increased pipeline deliveries from Norway and Algeria and LNG imports by ship from places like the US, Qatar and Nigeria.
The EU has a vast gas network with lots of storage which, at the moment, is 95% full. Spot gas prices in the EU are currently only 10% higher than they were in 2019. Some predictions say that European short-term natural gas prices could dip below zero this summer because there’s a growing supply glut.
What you say about last winter’s false alarm, and the current situation, may well be true, but I reiterate what I said in answer to another comment: “Wind turbines may have a role to play in a range of generating options, but the bigger the role for wind the further we move away from cheap and reliable.”